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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 24 minutes ago, Paul1440 said:

    Despite all the bleatings of all other groupes claiming discrimination and how hard done to they say they are,  suicide rates suggest this is correct. 



    Isn't that the truth, a lad my age ish, rugby player family and kids committed suicide at the weekend, tragic really.

    8 hours ago, Westward said:

    And like me, presumably a member of the most discriminated against group in this land which is:  White, male, taxpayer, married with children, not in receipt of any benefits and owning your own home. No group, medium or organisation of any kind gives a hoot about us or our sensitivities but we are the ones paying the housekeeping bills for the entire country and watch helplessly as the money is redistributed to an ever increasing % of the population, too many of whom have arrived from overseas.

    That's a lot of us i imagine, but we don't know what brexit means!!!

    It's a chance for something different for a start.

  2. 33 minutes ago, oowee said:

    I have hazel nut and sweet chesnut trees in the garden and thought that I had cleared all of the squirrels. Looks like they have had the hazel nuts will they also take the sweet chesnuts?

    They take the sweet chestnuts in the park near me, and normal conkers.

    cheers Walker, got lucky with a few shots, most were moving or too far for the phone really.

  3. 6 hours ago, mel b3 said:

    We've had a trail cam running since we got the woodland we've only caught one clip of a fox ,and one clip that we think was a badger , we do have a couple of squirrels that pop up now and again , and lots of woodland birds , the main footage though ,is the farmers sheep from next door , and loads of pheasants from the local shoot.

    So free pheasant, and get a feeder up and sort those squirrels.

  4. I was always told snooker cues get layed flat, same with fishing rods, if no Muppets about to stand on them, i do lean my rifle but only if its in a V and nicely stuck, otherwise down she goes.

    3 minutes ago, Hamster said:

    😂 😁 

    I'm actually quite careful with things like that, you can't see it from the picture but the gun was past centre line in the "correct" direction. 


  5. https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness-days-calendar/red-squirrel-awareness-week-2018/

    Red squirrels awareness week is coming up, I realise that a lot of people aren't lucky enough to have reds nearby, so try and make an extra effort on the grey squirrels instead .

    Me and my family enjoyed the afternoon yesterday at Formby, while there were loads more rabbits about than squirrels, counted 40-50 healthy looking bunnies out in the open without a care they must be so used to people being about, the reds were there to be seen, I'm quite sure you could hand feed them they were so used to people being about.

    Some were up in the pines as they should be stripping the cones, and you could see they had been busy by the debris on the ground, others were hoping about on the ground where someone had thrown some monkey nuts, the squirrels happily came within a few feet, my pictures aren't great but I'm sure you'll get the idea.WP_20180909_17_42_44_Pro.jpg.045557e51b3da658fec1d380d53687f2.jpg

    This picture you will have to hunt a little the good thing was my daughter found it with the binoculars which is a first


    So we had a great afternoon saw some red squirrels, rabbits, fungi played in the woods and on the beach, had an ice cream and there is a fantastic chippy near the train station, what more could you want.



  6. On ‎09‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 20:42, 30-6 said:

    Any advice on my dillema ?

    I wouldn't worry, if a squirrel goes in your trap will do the job, I'm also feeding mice and birds at the moment in my live catch trap, but if a squirrel pops by its good night.

    The one I caught last was an empty trap, no bait but it was obviously having a snif.

  7. 1 hour ago, Longbower said:

    In our woods (Archery Club) we were setting out the course for this weekends competition, and it was literally 'raining' beech nut kernels .

    When all my fellow members had gone home , I checked the zero on my Ruger 10/22,, and waited underneath the trees until they came to the 

    floor. One actually fell to the floor in front of me.  

    Bagged 5 in an hour.:good:😎

    nice shooting 👏👏 

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