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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. my brother recently did this, went from car mechanic to fixing trains, lot of things to do with regard the interview, lots of training on different things but big increase in pay and much easier working day, wishes he'd done it ten years ago.

  2. I also like bisley pest control for short range up to 20 metres, the thing with rats is their never still for long so body shots when they pause, you want something they have to lick so they stop and can't just run away with pieces of bread, if you can get them to stop then head shots with whatever is accurate.

  3. i do understand the self serve, i work shifts so if its 5am or 9pm not much need for tills to be manned, very annoying when something doesn't scan though and its supposed to be quick.

    we shop at most places depending on where we are, buy the same things each time from each shop more or less.

    The misses got some bread from Sainsbury's might be taste the difference range? Honey and sunflower, it was fantastic, no doubt a bit dearer but well worth it.

  4. 8 hours ago, Stephen-H said:

    Agree look at the joshua vs povetkin fight thats happending this weekend . Povetkin has tested postive twice for a banned substance & yet he's fighting for

    Reading an article in the paper this week and looking at the photo, i see no way possible that AJ doesn't pound him silly.

  5. It does seem strange that the lad had no idea about what the bikes where worth, but the dealer has done him a favour taking the bikes away, its always difficult clearing things after a loved one has died.

    would you not have bought the bike Gordon if it had still been there? Guessing you would, but wouldn't have cleared the rest.

  6. Be careful this can back fire, someone a while ago got asked for ID in Tesco, out came his passport, i joked that its not fair that i never get asked, the lass said "have you got ID on you" no says me, "so shush , if you haven't got any i cant technically serve you" still made me giggle.

  7. 1 hour ago, ditchman said:

    ooohhh tempt me not satan...

    i have got access to my mates Harrison lathe up the road....cant really justify a lathe here........................its just that i want one....not NEED one.....want one........

    want is an awful thing you know..

    Want means you'll find a way to get it

    Need means you can openly get it without any sneaking about, "just storing it for a mate 😁"

  8. On ‎11‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 19:54, Pigeon Shredder. said:

    Have a look on the bay at the cost of adaptors and tell me again that l'm wrong.

    £20 is a rip off.

    Cant imagine your getting high quality if your expecting to pay less than £20, it wouldn't take long to make one so long as you have material gauges tooling, at twenty quid there probably pumping out two hundred a shift somewhere.

  9. 38 minutes ago, oowee said:

    You might try, if nothing else to put it in the freezer for a couple of days to restore it. 

    go on explain please??

    2 hours ago, moor man said:

    Just checking over my Ltl Acorn trail cam, new batteries, sd card etc.

    Hasn't been used for about 18mnths but worked fine with good results.

    Went through the settings and decided to use a password this time due to security issues the last time it was used.

    I seem to have now locked myself out!

    It won't accept the password I set? Anyone able to help?.....or have I just wasted a perfectly good trail cam?


    I thought I'd bust mine, i forgot you need it in test to set things up😣

  10. Another way of looking at it Lloyd is what does your misses drive? We have two cars, mine an estate which doesn't really like popping round town but is great on longer journeys, and the wifes a golf which is fine everywhere but smaller obviously.

    could you get something like a Jimmy and use the other halves car if going on a longer run?

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