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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. looks nice, perhaps the fella thought you would appreciate the workmanship, there was something of a similar age on an antiques program a few weeks back, bigger dinning table and I'm sure it only made a few £100 shocking really when you consider the quality and age.

  2. 5 hours ago, dorianbuilders said:

    Spoke with garage who refused a refund initially as they said they had to have the opportunity to put it right, offered me a fiat 500 for the week as a courtesy car!

    fiat 500, were they laughing when they said it, glad you got your money back.

  3. Hey Walker, have you using nut oil or aniseed? Few folk saying it really brings them in on their maize, and yes I've seen a few squirrels about in the rain.

    Another couple seen near me but nothing going in the trap or up the garden, new position and bait time.

  4. 10 hours ago, Longbower said:

    have been out this evening for three hours with a night vision camera/range finder , and seen 1 rabbit. (Daresbury).

    That's worrying Daresbury used to be crawling with rabbits, plus Helsby and Frodsham.

  5. 2 hours ago, oowee said:

    I am with you all the way on this Lloyd if you have the money you should pay. I presume if i have no money I get the cheapest deal. If i have a few £100k in the bank (or house value) can I choose a better standard of home and will the council contribute towards the cost? If I can and the money runs out what happens then? 

    Then you will most likely get shipped out down the road.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Whatmuff said:

    I get this however, how is it that Amazon only paid 15m tax on 19.8bn on european revenues? Once again the rich and powerful coming out on top.

    Because governments are scared to death of treating them the same as other companies, and as walker says good accountants and loop holes.

    Plus if you give ordinary folk lots of money they can't cope, look at some of the lottery winners. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Why is that unfortunate?  Why should those who can afford it not be expected to pay for their own care in their decline?

    Acute care is still covered free of charge as it is for everyone else.

    But why shouldn’t you pay for it if you can afford it?

    What good is a £250k house sitting empty and left untouched so kids can inherit the lot when joe taxpayer is fronting up the residential care for the owner of that house?

    so everyone might as well sell up, gift the money to family and move into rented property.


  8. what do folk think about mileage on cars? Realised I've missed out a complete class of Mondeo, they changed in 2007 then again in 2014/15 

    looking at a couple of cars 2013/14 plates,  full service stamps but in the 70k region with mileage, lots of extras in the titanium X business edition class.

    Also a lot less money than looking at 16 plate motors.



  9. Been a few things written on the rapid forum about HW barrels, the way their manufactured causing tight spots in the barrels, finding the spots and giving them a light polish can apparently vastly improve the accuracy.

  10. 1 hour ago, Dirty Harry said:

    Anyone having an issue viewing the site from their mobiles?

    I've just tried and it says I'm banned and don't have permission to view the site.

    probably something to do with your cookies? I only really use my mobile 

  11. 21 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    Going to be mental. 

    My mums house has gone up £250k in 25 years. 

    My house has gone up £20k in 12 but after the work it’s gone up £80k .

    my van in 5 years went up £4K on new prices

    well £20k seems reasonable just for growth, plus the work you've done.

    £250k seems potty, unless your mum down sizes the only people who benefit is her family hopefully in many many years.

    How your van has gone up in price I've no idea.

    I'm another about to plan an extension so a slow down might help us, but as someone else above said most builders are still busy, if there any good.

  12. The biggest con for me is house prices, my first house was £43k on the same street my folks had bought 22years before at about £5k (1975) now i sold my house think it was £53k and thought I'd done well, the same house two years later went for just over £100k (around 2001 ish)

    wages certainly haven't gone up that much, the only "people" that win in this situation is the banks, even if you sell and move your buying at inflated prices, so then everyone is buying and selling at double what they were so double the debt, just watch an old episode of location.

    This has driven everything else up in price.

    another example, in 2008 i bought a 1 year old Mondeo for about 11k a one year old Mondeo now is about £19k.

    If the bubble bursts its going to be loud.

  13. 2 hours ago, Duckandswing said:

    Either way, nothing we can do about it. Might as well just plod on and keep our own houses in order best we can.

    I would say the above is bang on, seems everyone wants the newest shiniest (spelt right?) thing right now.

    Interesting thing in the paper about the fact Ford might stop production of Mondeos, this was blamed on the fact folk can now get credit and pay the same amount( per month) for a BMW or Merc. So when people are all driving new cars nice house holidays abroad £40 a month per mobile, is it any wonder the brown hits the fan when things change.

  14. I'll start, what calibres are they and what does he want it for? The ultra is going to be lighter for a start.

    you've listed three good rifles so i cant imagine any problems not being fixable.

  15. 6 hours ago, yates said:

    Done. Ironic post as I spent and hour in the squirrel hide at Brodick Castle photographing them yesterday 

    Sounds great stick some pics up.


    5 hours ago, The gouse said:

    Done that mate. What is stopping you voting as many times as you.

    Probably something clever that's beyond me?

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