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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    I find Corbyn, McDonell, Thornberry (Lady Nugee) and Abbott, together with their policies both offensive and intolerable.  Please could they be banned?  If that is done, I will give a ban on clapping my full support.

    I would applaud this, but I'm no longer sure if its acceptable??

  2. 9 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Second foray yesterday - got to wood only to find 7-8 Caravans parked up and the woods overrun by little feral kids. Shooting has been stopped until the local council remove their fingers and do something .

    O dear, wear wellies next time your out, then you can wash off anything you step in.

  3. 25 minutes ago, davewh100 said:

    would dred to think what the waiting time is on a daytona, my lad tryed to insure his watch today was told by two insurers he was too young and needed to be 26 how stupid is that he's 23 so will try put it on the house insurance

    Probably imagine he'll get up to no good and bust it? But i thought youngsters only got done on car insurance 

  4. 21 hours ago, Wb123 said:

    How does you annual shoe cost work out with resoling? I do get tempted by a nice pair of shoes but have never been able to make the numbers come out remotely favourable for them assuming they are made of anything but kryptonite. 


    On on a bad year I may go through four to six pairs of work shoes but tend to spend £10-15 per pair, which seems to match the price for one resole. 

    good mattress and good shoes, if your not in one your in the other,

    i wouldn't wear shoes all day that were that cheap, I'm working in boots which are probably £40 ish, some of the prices folk have mentioned make me cringe but that's just me, I'm sure if you spent £30-40 which isn't dear your feet would thank you.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Rob525 said:

    Not sure about the farmers but good to see another M55'er! 👍🏻

    ha ha, more than I like lately since a shift change ☹ the land around there looks nice though.

  6. I was at a game fair years ago, can't think if it was a horse or dog display maybe even falconry? The person on the microphone asked the crowd watching to wave not clap as the animals didn't like clapping 👏 that was fair enough 

  7. Driving home this morning in the dark there was a tractor on the north side of the M55 lights on looked like he was about to start ploughing, i just thought ok early start.

    Driving into work this evening about 2140 on the south side of M55 two tractors lights on ploughing gear? 

    is it likely to be contractors working in the area? I've seen farmers working till  silly o'clock before to get a crop in but not ploughing?

  8. 8 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Why, its the antis and the bbc, of course it would make it on there. Anything to get a bit of anti slur online. 

    Yes but natural England said they were happy everything was done as it should be, so nothing further to be done.

  9. its being shown on BBC at half 6 north west news.

    1 hour ago, oowee said:

    In what way has shooting in the cull been conducted that gives cause for concern? There are strenuous efforts made to protect non target species, minimise distress and to operate to the highest best practice standards. It's not shooting for sport, Its management , which includes trapping all for an obvious defined and measurable purpose.

    I think the scale of the work brings shooting and wildlife management into plain sight. It could as a result of making activities more evident, increase objections to shooting sports but it's currently mostly a distraction. Those objections are there with or without the activity but the work maybe provides a reason for them to surface. Perhaps if the work was not happening this energy  would already be focused on shooting sports. 

    There is however, a growing mountain of evidence of the benefit to other wildlife that the management plan brings that will be difficult for the anti's to ignore. There are not many countryside activities that can or will be able to demonstrate cause and effect so clearly and the evidence will be helpful for shooting sports.

    I know what you mean oowee but no one in the media is talking about any benefits to wildlife, just that a badger has been shot.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Booked two in yesterday from a new spot.  Got it all set up nicely adjacent to a pheasant feeding area.

    ha ha your going to have a thousand pictures of pheasant, and those two squirrels waiting for you.

  11. 3 hours ago, madmax666 said:

    Because of this as I mentioned trying to explain this to my friends and work colleagues they just think we are killing for the joy of it.

    your certainly not alone, i mentioned this a week or so ago, doesn't always go down well. But in my garden the song birds are plentiful and lots more species compared to how it used to be.

    point these people to songbirdsurvival, its a good website and not coming from shooters.


    ask them what this vegetarian squirrel is doing chomping on a blue tit?


  12. 1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

    We need to shoot tree rats to preserve a lot of other wildlife as well but I noticed Packaham never mentioned grey squirrel control or even badger

    Just watching the program now, Packham just said that badgers eat hedgehogs and are having an effect on their numbers, prof is from 2011

  13. I'm behind again, I certainly think the younger generation have got it harder, look at house prices theses days a three bed semi i bought twenty years ago for £43k is over a £100k now but wages in the area are pretty much the same?? Watching location location location last week maybe before, a couple had £700k and didn't think they would be able to afford a detached house 😯😯

    I like a lot of others grew up making do, not many folk now a days seem to want to make do so pile up the debt , this made me my brother and sister aim higher and want more, i simply don't understand the folk who are happy making do on benefits rather than working, but these are the people who will happily vote for Comrad Corbyn.

  14. 32 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Well the call to Arms came out of the blue today - Feeders up just a few days in one particular wood and already attracting squizzers  - Tally Ho :yahoo:.

    With which projectile 😁 i had two on the lawn this week while the mother in law and niece were here!! Not a thing I could do, they'll be back.

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