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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 7 hours ago, Westley said:

    IF this person deliberately set the dogs on you both, then it is an assault and it needs reporting. It would seem that it was only good fortune that prevented shot dogs or personal injury, although I doubt I would want my young son to witness dogs being shot. Speak with the Farmer, get his opinion of the incident, if you then feel that he is on your side, report the incident to the Police. If this person has entered onto private land with the intention of assaulting you, either personally or through the dogs, it needs sorting. Of course if the Farmer does not want to 'rock the boat' you may be better leaving things or 'Let sleeping dogs lay' so to speak  !

    Until next time this idiot let's his dogs off again. I'll bet the dogs normally run free in the field in question, probably don't like gun shots and bark like mad whenever someone's shooting nearby.

    so what does it matter what the farmer thinks if it isn't reported and next time, because it wasn't reported the dogs get a grip, two German shepherd's are going to cause some damage, its not their fault i know, its the idiot holding the leads.

  2. 3 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Update - after countless hours of scanning the Ads I finally decided on a 70's Original 35 in .22 flavour. I have history regarding this gun that I have written about before so will not bore anyone further but it's a gun that I have always admired. It's in the post as I write so , fingers crossed, it is as good as the pictures suggest and once I have found a period scope I will write further regarding my findings - so far the gun / one piece mount and scope are looking like coming in under £200 so it will be interesting (I hope) to see if such a budget combo (hate that expression) can still "cut the Mustard" where Nutty bashing is concerned. Fingers crossed I will be in heaven (or tears) by the weekend - anyone know where I can find a 70's scope in reasonable nick?

    Rather than a 70's scope why not just keep it simple get a fixed mag so no messing about, a nice simmons maybe?

  3. 8 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    In other news. Billy Vunipola told the ref not to award his side a try because he'd dropped the ball on grounding. It makes Khabib and McGregor look rather pathetic.

    Good on Billy, but he'll probably get a rollocking for being honest.

    One of the lads at work is Conor McGregor mad so i saw a press conference last week thinking it was the fight, some of the stuff Conor said, I'm surprised he wasn't killed before the fight. I know they say no such thing as bad publicity but that wasn't good, worse than when Paul daily? Semtex, smacked what's his name after the bell.

  4. Did anyone watch ufc on Saturday /Sunday, i haven't watched much of late, too many shows on with the fights not what they once were.

    the co main event as they like to call it was a belter so set up khabib and Conor, that fight went as expected i thought but what happened afterwards was nuts, there has been nothing off limits in the build up during press conferences but i need to go on YouTube now and see what happens, absolutely crazy.

  5. I've just been out in the woods for a few hours with my kids, topping up feeders and having a mooch around. Didn't see anything in the area we shoot, saw two squirrels on the boundary area, but the floor was full of acorn and beech mast, this hopefully means were on top of the squirrels.

    kids certainly enjoyed themselves, daughter is a natural at spotting fungi, and i nearly lost them at hide and seek 😅😅 WP_20181007_15_06_19_Pro.jpg.5cab11350cc67a0f35cc043284396bdf.jpg



  6. 1 hour ago, Sciurus said:

    Hi Kev, yes I agree with you (as usual), however this time of year is generally shotgun time, the greys stop coming to the feeders and traps around July and so in the larger woods, when the leaves are falling we spot them with the thermal and pop them off with the shotgun, this way we can cover a lot of acres in a morning- so if the walkers/mountain bikers don’t see us walking about with guns, they will certainly hear us!

    That made me laugh, i thought you would be sneaking about like a ninja, then BOOM shotgun 😂😂 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sciurus said:

    Thanks, the RSNE have been very supportive on this site, in fact it was their ranger that spotted it first - his eyes (& ears) are nearly 40 yrs younger than mine. He is also a lot better with a thermal!

    The NT have just licenced me to shoot at one of their houses that hasn’t had grey control for years, so looking forward to tomorrow. - unfortunately I can’t go too early or I will annoy the tenants and I have to leave before staff and public arrive. The grounds are open to the dog walking public 24 hrs a day so it will be a flying visit!

    Thats fantastic news, i find once your in place and still the dog walkers don't notice you, the dogs are on leads where i go, also folk are out later at the weekends when they don't have to walk the pooch before work.

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