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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 7 hours ago, WelshMike said:

    Wish I could find some more of the wasp nests at home..managed to kill 3 so far but there are a couple left.. Im a beekeeper so have a wasp prejudice (a well deserved one though)..horrible little blighters. 

    Interesting pic though 

    I noticed another in a conifer next door, same thing looks like a hole has been chewed to make an entrance, possibly used to be a hole from a blackbird, I'm not putting my face in to find out.

    3 hours ago, tonker said:

    Did the same to one a few years ago in a log pile. Left it to long between pouring and lighting (half gallon) I lit it from a peak, still to close the whole wood pile went up. chumps going everywhere, burnt eyebrows looked like the pond was on fire with the vapour seeping across it as well as the ground all around. won't be doing that again.

    Not far from next doors garage!! If i have to think I'll flood it not burn it.

  2. Not buzzards but herons, had three fly over today making a right noise, I've never seen a pair with young before, they did a few circuits of the area along the river before landing in the trees at the back of the gardens.

    straight away the magpies were on them making a proper racket, I'm now upstairs watching and telling my neighbour where to look when the youngster changes trees and flaps onto one of his butchered cherry trees, five or six magpies straight in all around it, it took the hassle for maybe a minute before one of the parents flew off and the youngster followed, very different.

    had a pair of yellow wagtails in the garden which was a first for me this week, and spotted the kingfisher this morning while talking about squirrels so been a good bird week for me.

  3. On ‎01‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 17:17, madmax666 said:

    Went out again this morning with the hide, like last time exploded in seconds this time nearly taking my front teeth out..must remember to let it go the next time.  Time again to take it down and get it in the bag #'##@@@'' thing wouldn't close unlike last time, so I got it in half and jammed it in the back of the Astra estate and drove home like that. 

    When I got home I dragged it out of the car and left it in the garden for me and the misses to have a bash at it later.  I had a big whisky coz my back was killing me but I was ready to do battle again,  misses came home and laughed here we go again.. I put my trainers on for floor grip.. she picked it up and I kid you not she had it folded and ready for the bag in under 15 secs I couldn't believe what I saw her do, it made me look a right div. ... I give up.  If it can be broken, hit, smashed or torn she's your man, the 2 man pop up hide is as easy as braking an egg to her.

    A  really confused MM




    Did it make you Mad Max ??? its the same with the stuff the kids have that pop up, think its more technique needed than aggression, which is why i leave it to the wife.

    As for your Turkish delight, maybe get the stock stripped and re done, i would imagine purdey spend a bit more time and care than most, 

  4. 4 hours ago, figgy said:

    That is not an affliction its a countryman, your always looking at likely spots be it for shooting fishing ferreting.

    Ha ha your right, haven't ferreted in twenty odd years but still look, don't think I've ever shot a pigeon with a shotgun but I've had loads with a stick or finger.

    its hedges and woods that get me looking, quite often see a roe driving home, I'm sure no one else will see it.

  5. 5 hours ago, crow said:

    i wanted to get rid of my fac air a while back and find a way for my 22lr to replace it. 

    sadly i found i needed fac air and could not get rid of it. 

    the main point is shooting into trees. simply put: fac air does it better.

    best buy a gun already converted to get the best deal. for some reason lots of people end up selling their fac air /many on the shelves.  




    your not wrong, i don't know this seller but what a deal this is, I'll be surprised if it hangs around long.


  6. The joys of good service, seems a lot of companies have forgotten that people talk, most folk can't wait to tell their mates or PW just how bad the service they had was.

    An example of good service, a fella on another forum broke a cross hair on his Bushnell scope, send it back sur we'll take a look, new scope sent two weeks later i think it was, quality product quality service.

  7. Actually drove a car today!! Volvo V70 D2, I've been looking at D4, but this was on the doorstep.

    Could only plod around at 30mph but the view out the windscreen seemed really restricted so i wanted all the gumpf out the window, seemed so very quiet compared to what I'm used to, but only a 1.6 engine automatic.

    Also had a look at a Merc E220, very nice but the amount of scuffs and scratches on it was shocking, but the boot was good on both, not quite as wide as my old Mondeo but big enough.

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