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Everything posted by PPP

  1. I saw those Steve, are they any good?
  2. Thanks, hadn’t realised sizing, will give these a go Pricey though compared to pigeon shells and we’ll get through ,000’s this year
  3. Super! Thanks, I’m passing Clarke’s next week Mallard Barn is great, it’s just so far out of my way ...
  4. Good point, Fibre only please! Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out! Thanks but it would make them the most expensive cartridges ever!
  5. Hi Guys Any suggestion for 5 shot (2.8mm) pigeon cartridges please, happy with the price of all the 6 shot pigeon cartridges but 5’s kill better (not wishing to start a debate) on pigeon and other vermin Struggling to see why there is £100 price hike to game cartridges when load size is the same .. especially when I have so many crows to remove. 2.8mm extreme 6’s also ok.. its just marketing ********.
  6. Having spent a couple of hours and a few trees of cardboard I would now agree and was previously a huge Gamebore fan, Hull pattern better through all of my berettas in various gauges and chokes .. I’m starting to think I just need to order imperials in..
  7. I agree, I akways favour 5’s over 6, makes a big difference
  8. Hi Guys Im looking for the above for my son (12) I would usually opt for Imperial game but they are like rocking horse pooh. Id appreciate suggestions Thanks
  9. Is anyone else thoroughly underwhelmed by these? I’ve had birds hit (admittedly at good height) and fly on, the pattern through my beretta optima plus chokes is patchy at best and as a lower recoil cartridge they have quite a snap to them... am I missing something?
  10. Ah, this happened on my friends Abolt... good plan!
  11. The barrel is free floating and seems tight, I’ll be k the scope, thanks! I doubt that the barrel is burned out, it’s rarely had many rounds through it..
  12. I have a tbolt that I bought new about 3 years ago and up until last spring it was awesome then I started missing rabbits. Sadly I can’t remember if I changed ammo batch (Hornady vmax).. A few trips to our range on the shoot and grouping were awful, maybe as much as 3 inches at 100m but I was never sure if it was wind and in the end just left it and used my 10/22 22lr and my Howa 1500 243, both of which were inch groups at 50 M and 100m respectively. Yesterday I went to and underground range and the 243 and 10/22 were shooting touching groups at respective distances, the HMR was still all over the place. I cleaned the HMR before going and checked nothing was loose, I put about 50 rounds through and my friend put 10 through but still **** groups... at least it isn’t me! it always used to be sub inch easily at 100m with Winchester vmax and better with Hornady vmax but hated 20 gr CCi game point.. Now it’s terrible with the vmax... Any ideas on where to start in getting this back on track? Thanks
  13. Yes, I did it last year and opened at Christmas... Phenominal!
  14. PPP

    Beretta 695

    Good thanks, only had ⅔ outings, it needs a bit of cast I think as my 686 did and maybe comb rIsing a little but otherwise it’s great!
  15. Eley 2 inch, 25g no6, no recoil, my son uses them in his 686. Hull Triple Crown are excellent as are imperial game but much more recoil than the Eley.
  16. If not less... 30/40 goes to promoters (sometimes 50) 15 ish expenses including reinsurance ..
  17. Agreed, poor practice indeed! However 5% alluded to is a dream for most ...
  18. This is both a complicated and simple matter... First off, insurance works differently to how you expect, it’s a pool of money to fund everyone’s losses, not just yours, so if the pool behaves poorly, everyone pays a proportional contribution appropriate to their risk and the performance of the pool, most motor insurers expect to make a return including investment income of positive to negative 3%. If it were solely based on your risk and you submitted a £100k claim for damaging someone then you couldn’t afford to repay that, hence why the pool works, equally if someone else was in the position that they couldn’t afford insurance and hit you then you could be out of pocket which isn’t fair (hence mid levy) The true costs of insuring a male new driver, in a boring car, is over 10k when you look at low costs, it’s just subsidised by everyone else, same as people who are over 70, although not £10k initially When the market performs poorly (which now it always does as new entrants and buyers chase the cheapest premium) rates go up also the cost of cars, repairing cars, injuries also increases year on year which has an impact on the pool performance. Within this some insurers buy business in and then try to recover costs in subsequent years (like a loss leader model) Its unlikely overall that the insurance company is making 5% margin overall, so far from robbing people.
  19. Ouch, 7.50 box here for 5’s ... cheaper than usual game carts so if I can find the 3 at that price I’ll be happy to switch ( once I’ve used up the lead which will see me through 2020) still 32g so should be same price?..
  20. I’ve been playing around with these and they are SUPERB! The Eley vip bio wads dissolve in 24hrs in water ( normal fibre was and gamebore super steel cup still very intact after 72 hrs) in 32gr no5 steel and ½ beretta choke they knock over good pheasants and serious Partridge ( I’m trying to get 3 for high pheasant) The was material wouldn’t be strong enough for casing... maybe someone will develop ho steel proof paper cases. Very impressed so far, if only shops would stock them...
  21. Hi That’s a great idea, thanks!
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