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Everything posted by PPP

  1. I love Boker knives! Brill, thanks, on back order so something to look forward to! I love my laguiole... cheaper in uk than in France too somehow..
  2. Paragraph 3 When officers attended, they established that the men were shooting on land where they did not have permission, and in breach of current coronavirus guidance, as they were not shooting as part of their employment or at the request of the landowner.
  3. i only have 1multi tool, 10 folders and 6 fixed blades for shooting, must try harder! Still on the lookout for a nice damascus folder if anyone has any ideas?
  4. Crikey 'shooting on land where they did not have permission' ... Could also be looking at armed trespass then?
  5. PPP

    A cure

    Nuts, I was going to buy some Oranges tomorrow, no chance now ...
  6. PPP

    4g home hubs

    Great, thanks!
  7. Depends - Bringing the company into disrepute? Gross misconduct? In which case, out the door without a bean..
  8. PPP

    4g home hubs

    Excellent, I just want something separate to home broadband so when the kids are streaming and gaming I can work
  9. PPP

    4g home hubs

    Great, thanks
  10. PPP

    4g home hubs

    5g is a long way off in our part of the world, however with kids at home trying to work from home is difficult on our crappy 14 mb bt line (sadly the only option) Maybe a stupid question, but, would a home hub be any better than hot spotting via my iPhone? Thanks
  11. PPP

    Running ear buds

    I agree, Im lucky that I only run trails, I just have MBers to watch out for! I liked the idea if the bone ones but they are too pricey when I have shooting stiff to buy..
  12. Thanks, makes sense to me. All of this shooting stuff is a minefield and it’s expensive getting it wrong ...
  13. Same here, taking to going out early to beat the rush.. Sorry that’s its made it’s way up to your neck of the woods, just goes to show how contagious it is..
  14. Guys, this is brilliant! 8x wins!
  15. PPP

    Running ear buds

    Thanks fellas, I’ll check them out ... you are right they aren’t for hi fi, they are to drown out my panting and swearing running up hill...
  16. PPP

    Running ear buds

    Thanks, just for training
  17. PPP

    Scope Zoom

    Ah, a castor, good idea as the zoom rings aren’t easy with cold hands.. Brill, thanks! Guys, this is an enormous help, thank you, PW at its best!
  18. Thanks, this is great. I’m wondering whether the 8x image quality on my current binos is the limiting factor at 200m rather than magnification ..
  19. PPP

    Running ear buds

    Hi Guys I’m looking for suggestions for wireless ear buds that will stay in whilst running. I don’t want blow a ton of cash on something I’ll be prone to losing and breaking. I don’t want anything that comes from China, they won’t be getting another penny from me Any suggestions? Thanks
  20. Spurs, not helping the stereotype...
  21. Season cancelled here, I'm going to need to go clay shooting in tweeds otherwise I will be expected to do DIY..
  22. Another all things being equal question. The scope i am buying has the option of either 5-30 x 56 or 2.5 -15 x 56 mm. Most of the time i use 10x or maybe 12x on my current scopes (4-16x50 and 4-24x50 but of different standards) All other things being equal, if shooting at 10x is it better to be at the lower part of the zoom range (ie buy 5-30) or the higher part (ie buy 2.5-15)? The main use is stalking so my question hinges mostly around light transmission. Thanks..
  23. Hi Guys They will be identical models, sorry if not clear, that’s what I meant by ‘all other things....’ Thanks this is really helpful! I won’t be able to try them sadly but I may ask my optometrist to measure my pupil at next eye test (couple of weeks) if they can.. Brilliant thank you!
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