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Everything posted by PPP

  1. I have a 7+1 on my FAC and have done for a few years .. unless you are doing PSG I wouldn’t bother
  2. Some 243, and certainly my Howa, struggles with rounds heavier than 90 or 95gr
  3. Will be a few more weeks of snivelling and as kissing yet, can’t stand the slime ***
  4. I’d start with Game head in 90 gr, mid priced and good performance. 80gr Federal or Winchester cloverleaf but also create a fair amount of meat loss..
  5. I remember being at a boat show about 30 years ago when Oakley were just making it to U.k and their demonstration for durability was 12 bore at short range on a polystyrene head, nothing got through..
  6. Can I respectfully suggest that unless you are 100% sure on what grounds you are shooting something, don’t shoot it.
  7. Hi Guys, any suggestions for an adjustable torque wrench for scopes etc without being crazy money?
  8. I’ll be there, wonder how many others will be?
  9. Insurance market is a mess and has been for years, poor corporate governance, lack of understanding by insurers of aggregators, people trying to underprice business to pile it in assuming it will stick at renewal, poor loss performance, changes on liability modelling due to Ogden report, however this is all coming home to roost. Most insurers are re-writing their books based on data finally being managed hence weird changes, however volatility will gradually reduce and swashbuckling if old won’t come back, through regulatory oversight and better management. The failure of many poorly capitalised off shore insurers and rise in uninsured drivers who are bailed out by MID is resulting in levy increasing which will cost everyone more money.
  10. Would it be possible to take a full team? Don’t want to shoot duck though...
  11. They should be offering you best terms at the outset, poor business practice!
  12. I’ve lost two friends to drugs, one to Heron who had a truly terrible upbringing and one to a concoction who was a complete hedonist thrill seeker who would have probably OD on something. Very sad, awful that they had no other outlet. I tried most stuff in my youth but packed it all in when my friend OD so haven’t touched anything in 21 years. Weirdly, I don’t know anyone who touches drugs
  13. I can’t bring myself to eat intensively reared meat, especially mammal meat and so Lidl/Aldi/booker/Poundland steaks don’t make it to the table regardless of financial cost..
  14. Bavette for me, just wipe its *** and flash with a searing griddle
  15. I’m still sure that the reason for the change was the commercialisation of pigeon shooting in defiance of old GL
  16. Hi Bandit A couple of questions that im sure will help others too a’) Roughly where b) Alternate walk and stand days or switch on the day c) Weekdays or weekends? Thanks
  17. PPP

    Using Fox skin

    I understand we can’t legally sell the skins but is there any reason why I can’t tan the pelt and use them myself? Seems a waste otherwise and a fox pelt rug might be quite nice..
  18. PPP

    best rifle

    I suggest you spend some time understanding the general licence before heading out
  19. They are just the cheapest basic electronic Deben but they seal really well
  20. My son (12) is really enjoying his shooting and I can’t get replacement hygiene kit for his Deben ear defenders (which seal much better on him than Howard Leight). Any suggestions for ear defenders for smaller ears/heads? Thanks
  21. In all reality guided Pigeon was outside of the old GL and a possible catalyst for Packham getting the rescind, can’t see it being available in the new world
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