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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. it’s more likely under secretary nuland admitting there are us funded bio labs in Ukraine is the real deal but a open mind is better than lapping up all the propaganda rubbish
  2. there’s billions in property and cash to pay for refugee assistance no shortage of Russian funds to pay the bill so any lack of help is ALL down to gumps lack of guts to take it
  3. indeed when we have the public hate hunting with dogs and WE are supporting it talk about cut your own throat!
  4. this is nothing but whining from fox hunting AGAIN!
  5. more than alert as over 20mph is a major crime to police here in a town where they watch criminals destroy our statues and children can buy crack cocaine on every street in the place
  6. matched by the mind readers who know boyo is insane and his intentions yet not one of them blew the whistle before kick of hmmm
  7. clangerman

    Shale Gas

    cost of living now is so expensive gump and co couldn’t win a raffle let alone an election
  8. here’s the answer quote I have not housed one person who was born here today unquote now tell me our own needy are not being ignored and that includes our ex service men
  9. but can you afford to pay her of after she comes up with the photo lol
  10. you should all know by now any problem in the world is used to rob us blind the reality of war mongering
  11. we would have neither if we kept our nose out time to interfere is when our OWN homeless and hungry have been helped this very morning child is assisting a girl stuck in hospital with a sick child who’s homeless where is HER help?
  12. as the girl struggles on a daily basis to house our OWN people needing assistance where is all this room? I see no condemnation from you WE are pouring arms on the fire to cause even MORE refugees so where is that
  13. another good effort life expectancy for your local birds must be very low pc
  14. must be why we are busy trying to turn the fire into a inferno by supplying arms to cause even more deaths
  15. we are not letting them in because the public will rightly demand gump seize all the Russian money and property here to pay for refugees so any delay or lack of will is all down to gumps lack of action to avoid upsetting rich Russians
  16. about time fault was seen on both sides it was starting to look like the bbc on here
  17. they have been acting like this for years all down to two words that should never be used together police intelligence lol
  18. I’m disappointed scully your smart enough to see a real bite lol
  19. snap never vote he had the right idea all this popcorn talk I’m hungry time for dinner
  20. if you voted or support the garbage in charge of our so called democracy it makes you responsible because you put them in a position to commit such deeds
  21. of coarse they do how do you think WE justify all the people WE killed and maimed abroad? democracy!
  22. statistics are about as reliable as the tooth fairy I wouldn’t insult the intelligence of anyone on here by using them they live in the real world and know the real story that’s enough for me
  23. but perfectly ok for people to live under THEIR dictatorship let’s have the truth they are victims of their OWN acts of oppression
  24. repeating garbage is going to lead to some very red faces at the end especially when the so called victims treatment of others comes to light fully
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