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  1. the insurance form would be interesting for that one...
  2. X2 Saturday, Vixen and a Dog with the .223 around a free range layer operation. x5 Total
  3. RyanMc


    Rough enough here from 4am this morning. Calming down now, fair bit of damage around the country from I can see, been sent pictures and chatting to lads I work with there have had serious damage nearby. But yes, Don't go looking for trouble and generally it won't find you.
  4. Hit here during the night and heavy from 4am, bit of damage, trees down and the like. Worst I've saw/heard for a while. Some pics sent to me of damage, few tiles off and trees down near me but nothing I know of as major as the below. The tree down on the road is not far from me.
  5. I have a Hikmicro FQ35L that was around the £1600 mark, maybe the 25mm version is in the bracket you want, I can say its is a brilliant piece of kit for the £1600, game changer on all the ground I shoot on.
  6. RyanMc


    That's been my thinking all along.
  7. Similar experience here, but of late they don't group well or are consistent anyhow. Hornady and Winchester were desperate for splitting necks now I find the Federals do similar. All are made by CCI with exception of the Winchester ammo I believe. Great little rifle/round, can hit plenty with it, rabbits & fox etc. and even set the odd clay out at 200+ yards and accurate enough to hit them on sticks.
  8. X1 dog chasing a vixen Saturday night with the .223. 2" hole in the boiler room and it still ran 50 yards!! The horny *** had the adrenaline pumping to run that far! Total 3 (inc above post)
  9. x5 on Saturday around a farm. Total = 5
  10. Have one of the nighthawks, only gets used when bored and have some time to hit a few clays over a stubble or whatever's available. But it definitely works well solo and with a mate taking turn about.
  11. Hi, I purchased the HikMicro Condor CQ35L a few weeks ago and got my first proper outing with it this Saturday past. Brilliant piece of kit, a game changer over NV or lamping (which both still have their places). Recording and using LRF seems to kill the battery quickly, but there are x3 in the pack, I carried x1 spare and didn't use it, 4 hours nearly continuous use and a quick 10 min plug in via the cars USB port between one set of land and the other and didn't change batteries, suits me and my needs from the unit! Found Deer on land I've been shooting over for the past year, quick and easy to cover the ground for pest control, easy to see rats and other vermin where it was a task previously. Ampsplus batteries are pretty good if you want a few spares, I have a few of them and they last a long time on my opticsfire LED lamp, multiple trips with it and never ran out of juice.
  12. If not sold can you PM me please.
  13. RyanMc

    Storm ashley

    All good, spent the morning arranging things that could blow/break away or tucked in to the fence on the ground. Got the concrete and pavers treated with hypochlorite in anticipation of heavy rain, got a few showers and that was it. Not much in the way of trees or damage, got the odd strong gust of wind, outside wasn't too bad either 😛.
  14. I won (via David at Predator Protection UK YouTube) a Hittak (Later Arken and now DNT) Non LRF 5-20. Brilliant little scope, very clear, out shines a Pard all day long, comparable to the Alpex or close enough makes no real odds. I would be inclined to put the 20MOA mount on the 22-250give some wiggle room for zeroing at longer distances perhaps.
  15. He's had more lives than a cat at this point. He was dead in 2022, 23 & 24....
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