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Everything posted by Minky

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://community.netweather.tv/topic/42842-january-1959/&ved=2ahUKEwjJvKeK0N6KAxVFWEEAHbdzEEMQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2J4GIMjh8FNOeHYSbxHIsG
  2. Well... down here in the tropical south. Last night I did see something on the cctv monitors that was slowly floating down but when it hit the ground it just melted in. I didn't bother to go out and inspect. It's out there and I was in here. There's been a fair bit of wind and a lot of rain. I went out to move one of the cars into shelter of a garden shed and a tall hedge to avoid any wind blown stuff. I've got no intention of going out anywhere. We are well Horded up with stuff and I went out shooting clays the other day with one of the son in laws. so everything sorted. The Mrs took all of the Christmas decorations down this morning so I got instructed to put them up in the attic. job done. We don't get snow much if at all down here. if there is a dusting of snow it's usually gone by lunch time if not mid morning. Roll on global warming.
  3. You Horder you. But you forgot to add the toilet rolls. NO... I've got considerably more snow than yow....
  4. Yes. I forgot the noro virus. Goodness. That is the worst thing that I have ever had. One of the daughters asked the wife if she could go and help because the granddaughter had picked up at playschool and brought home. We had never heard of Norrovirus and were unprepared for it's onslaught. The wife came back home and gave it to all of us. I was rolling around on the kitchen floor between 3&4am with my whole body wracked in pain and drenched in a cold sweat. The other two daughters were in the bathroom. One on the pan and the other throwing up into the bath. Totally horific. I can quite see noro virus getting on top of a frail elderly person.
  5. One of the daughters is a lead nurse in a large main hospital and I was speak with her at the weekend and she said.... DO NOT FALL ILL or have an ACCIDENT over the CHRISTMAS PERIOD. She said that A&E was like a war zone and that they were minus 83.ΔΊ! This meaning that 83 patients were parked on trollies in the corridors. That's not a bed on a ward. She said that there had been an influx of covid cases and pneumonia. The oldies were taking a beating and going down like flies.
  6. Something else comes in to play. Yes the PO do send you letter informing you that the goods Have arrived BUT THERE IS A STING. There is an admin fee to write to you telling you the item has ARRIVED AND that there's VAT to pay on the admin fee.... until you pay the fee... which in my case was Β£17 they won't deliver the item..AND ...there is a time limit to pay.!!! Rip off UK.
  7. Minky

    Happy New Year

    Another year passed by and I can't really remember much about it. Much a muchness with previous years. initially I sort of shrug the shoulders but when I have a look at the calendar there was a lot going on. We went to Tenerife for a couple of weeks, we went down to the New forrest for a couple of weeks. Wandered about a lot doing Geocaching with the Mrs. I did a lot of shooting, There were all of the usual things. Shopping etc. I had both of my eyes operated on to remove lenses and had new lenses fitted. Got rid of one gun and replaced it with another. made Wills and other legal stuff BUT all of the rest is just a blur. No different to any other year, and that's where it becomes frightening because what was I doing last year or any of the past X years. Certain things stick like being out on new years eve 1999 into 2000. waiting for the world to collapse and airplanes to fall from the sky when all of the world computers were supposed to crash. all of the rest disappeared into a blur mush.
  8. Can anyone tell me what chokes are suitable/compatible for a Mossberg pump.
  9. Learn how to make springs. I know it only an old cosmos but it's the quality of the job. You surely wouldn't do a job like that on something better
  10. That is true.. BUT ... How Much would that farmer loose in crop damage /Loss. And I've been told that it is nice to have a friendly pair of eyes keeping a lookout over machinery parked up or left out on the fields and yards overnight. Over the years I've sent kids playing on machinery off. Nicely advising them of the serious harm that could come to them and the damage that they could do to the machinery. And the phone calls to the farmer about members of the caravan club floating about. It generally doesn't need to get into a brawl. Just a lamp across the fields to show that someones on patrol does the trick. How much is one day of downtime or not getting the crop off of the field worth to the farmer/ ot the farm business? How many farmers issue out a slab or two of cartridges.? They'd be put through the business account. The cost of banger strings and gas cylinders nicked off of fields get run through the accounts. On the other hand i have known of scrooge land owners who have volunteered to get cartridges then charged the shooters for them and then run the receipt through the books and claimed the vat back. Scrooge.
  11. I think that any of the above combinations will work but not fitting a thick card over the shot. I did get a thinnish black hard card for putting on top of the fibres so that the shot is on a hard layer and doesn't get embedded into the fibre wadding on take off. But it would be better to have a 3mm overpower card and get thicker fibre wads with the thin black hard card on top of the wad to stop the shot embedding and a thin, thin over shot card (like the ones with the shot size printed on them. Sort of 1 mm for a good crimp. Basically it reduces the amount of individual components which makes it easier to load and costs less. easier to load, cheaper and less objects to load. Sometimes I get the.... Did I load that card.? Edit. I'll have to have a look at what components are on the reloader and that I used. I'll have a look and add a picture or two of the bits albeit that I'm using 70 mm cases.
  12. and yet there are loads of people who emigrate all over and generally the vast majority come back to the UK. the Americans mostly speak some sort of English but they ain't English. which ever country you go to you are always an immigrant. It doesn't matter whether it is Spain, France, South Africa or anywhere. This country of ours is really great. why do you think that all of these illegal imigrants are trying to get here and don't stop in all of the other European countries on route. If you cant make it here what makes you think that you are going to make it in a country that you have no affinity with. it's great to go to other countries on a fortnight holiday but mostly it really isn't much fun for the native people who live there. Edit. If you go to the school shooting thread and read through the comments on there, It might be great to go to a place where gun ownership is free and easy... But.. it's great until yourself or a loved one in the family is shot by some loon. being armed yourself might not stop you getting shot.. Killed or seriously wounded by some loon who is going to do what they will because they can.
  13. Yes but generally if the column hight isn't enough any additional cards to adjust the hight need to put under the fibre wads. A thick card over the top of the shot can affect the pattern. Using a thin over shot card on top of the shot helps to get a better crimp but not a thick rigid one. or get thicker main driving wads to adjust. I use Green dot but in 70 mm cases
  14. I've been reading through the posts in this thread and although everyone is shocked, appaled, angry and abusive towards the parents one thing appears to be absent in all of this and that no one seems to look for a systematic reason as to WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS. I've had four children and I've never abused them in any way. They've all grown up to be happy and successful people in education and employment. So what's the difference between me, the Mrs and these people. If someone could find the answer something could be done about it. But there's no money available for anything. The puzzle has more layers than can be handled. There are too many humans on this planet. We don't have any predators apart from ourselves and general stupidity. Another pandemic might trim a few but our science takled and pretty well tamed the last one. Who am I to suggest something like this. This is down to God.
  15. I would think that a lot of Feo's would say that if you've only used the gun twice in 8 years then you don't have a need for it.?
  16. "Can you post a picture of what he did?" sorry I didn't take any pictures but it was a relatively simple process. It just takes care and time + a lot of elbow grease. The person doing the job has to take care in regard to removing the woodwork off of the gun by using the correct size and shape of screwdriver bits so as to not damage the screw slots. Taking notice of which screw goes in which hole and to not over tighten screws on reassembly so as to not strip out wood. take care in regard to safety of eyes and skin. Nitro moors and caustic soda are powerful and potentially dangerous chemicals. and contact with flesh is a no no. No kids or animals anywhere near. To do this SAFELY it needs thought and care. THE WOOD PARTS NEED TO BE REMOVED COMPLETELY FROM THE GUN. Both nitro moors and caustic soda will damage any metal that they come into contact with. you can ask me more specific questions and I will try to help as much as I can.
  17. I have a nice sle and a friend who restores and renovates Very expensive furniture. He did the stock wood work for me. There are lots of tricks to his trade such as using suitable coloured wax crayons worked into the grain to enhance the colour and character of the wood. To get the best finish the oil rubbing takes many sessions over a long time.
  18. Yep. Its not jΓΉst a case of applying a bit of something because you will be wasting your time and money. There is a sort of satin polyurethane coating that you've got to remove. First you've got to get eye and skin protection to protect eyes and hands. First you've to get the wood off of the metalwork then apply a coat of nitro moors paint stripper use an old tooth brush to work into the chequering. DON'T use a wire brush. The existing varnish will bubble up and can be scapped and brushed off. Wash with hot water and apply a second coat and GENTLY remove anything left. IF the stock has absorbed any gun oil from the action and is black or darkened you could get some hot water mixed with caustic soda and rinse the wash over the wood. Both of these operations are DANGEROUS and serious care should be taken ( NO KIDS OR DOGS ANYWHERE NEAR THIS OPERATION. AND OUTSIDE FOR VENTILATION ). The result might leave the wood a pinkish colour. For an indication as to what the finished result might look like you can give the wood a wipe over with white spirit. Then the work can start to get a finish. Use BOILED linseed oil. Plain linseed oil just leaves a STICKY FINISH that doesn't EVER DRY. Wear a rubber type glove and apply a small amount by hand Vigourously. Its a case of elbow grease, when you've feel the heat in your had you're getting the oil into the wood. Do this until your fed up with it. Leave it until tomorrow. And then work it with a very fine wet and dry 1200 grade on a block with oil. This will produce an oil sludge which will fill the grain. Keep doing this until it looks like a London Best even though it might be a Floor board piece of wood. It's a very long and boring job.
  19. Well. Its gone past and away but what a miserable day today. It's wet. Drizzle and raw cold. Roll on global warming. BUT you've got to go a long way south to find any substantial change in temperature. Somewhere like Egypt or the canaries or the Caribbean. The kids keep telling us that we should go away to find the sun but when you're there you're not here to look after things. A short break is OK but months,?
  20. Today it was a bit blowy and a bit rainy but I went out and had a good look round for anything that might have been moved or damaged. We look to have got away without any damage or loss. Been lucky. When's the next one due to come through,?
  21. πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ expand the above post to see the context of m post. I remember the hurricane of 87. A bloke a couple of doors away had a garden shed which disappeared without trace leaving the contents scattered around his garden but another shed from somewhere else was planted on the concrete base pad. He asked around to find the place/person where the shed had come from. No one knew. It was as if a helicopter lifted his shed away and another helicopter had lowered another directly in place. Another neighbour always wore a flat cap. He opened the door at about 4am and his cap was gone. !!! He was lost without his cap. It was found up in an apple tree about a month later about 6 doors away.
  22. A friend of mine has a Boss 12 sbs that was made for a Gentleman back before the first world war. The Gentleman went off to do his bit but got killed.! The family kept the gun and used to send it in to Boss to have it checked out and serviced even though it was never used. He always wanted a Boss and when this one came available he got it. I'm not sure what it took to get it. There was talk of 32K but there was also talk that he traded a Holland Royal made in 1880 something for Ralph Payne Galwey and a Charles Lancaster 12 sle which was made on a 16 action. All guns were exceptional in all ways mechanical perfection and beauty in wood and engraving. All I can say about the Boss is WOW, stunning in every way a pleasure to look at and handle. Not exactly in the same class is the Parker Hale .270 which I have as you have. Although i really love and appreciate the quality of Purdey, Holland and the like, to me they are a tool. I don't think that the deer know the difference between my PH .270 and my Mamlicher Luxus stutzen 243 Win.
  23. Today has been so darker in tropical Kent. We've had to have lights on all day and at 2pm the Mrs said "2pm,,, Goodness it looks like gone 5. I just went out with Spaniel and the wind has dropped significantly and the rains stopped. its not cold it's cool and the wind has veered from the South round to the West.
  24. I wonder what maker of gun he uses.? Holland, Purdy, Boss or Baikal. ? πŸ™‚ AND I wonder where Harry's guns went to and who got his peg in the drive. absolute shame spaniel left on peg. Still I expect that Kate went to get the spaniel ,give it a kind word and a stroke. What a clown that boy was.
  25. Well; we're still in one pieced life goes on in the tropical south... Kent.. The hardy are still taking the dogs out for the morning patrol. I put the spaniel out in the back garden and there was an almighty gust of wind that had been reversed by the house and garage and nearly laid the lawn grass flat. The spaniel was nearly blown over, the ears flattened on the back of her head. The poor dog was really stoked by the blast almost being blown over. The parish magazines have just been delivered and the Mrs says that she's off round the cut de sac delivering them. that's if they don't get blown away. I'd leave them until tomorrow. nothing seems to have been blown away so I think that I'll be doing not a lot today. There's the decorations to put up and I'm on the computer transferring thousands of files from one ssd to another. at least the power hasn't gone off,,, yet. when we had the last storm the power dimmed a few times but we're still here. Last night it was monsoon horizontal rain in a tropical storm. This morning it was bright sunshine and the road was dry but the wind! I prey that no one gets hurt.
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