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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. Howard Leights for me also, absolute winners for the price!
  2. I'll only answer a couple of your points, the crime reference number which you'll need for any insurance claims should have already been generated. Regardless of what the outcome will be this needs to be put on the system the day it happened so any updates ect can be placed on it. I'd be amazed if one hadn't been created, if it hasn't been put on the system yet for any reason firstly I'd politely ask why. I'd then get the incident reference number which will have to have been created, if anyone phones the police about anything an incident or cad number will be created, this will have the basics about the job, who involved and what officers attended. That will be good enough for the time being in regards to the insurance company. Now I'm no Doctor but bipolar as far as I'm aware is an acute form of depression, I don't see this as a reason for cps not proceeding? Oh hi there, I suffer from depression so I can attack people with a sword and chain without fear of punishment!!!!! I truly hope you're not let down by the justice system but unfortunately it's all too common. Best of luck
  3. That depends on the level of threat faced, if your life or another's is in immediate danger then you can kill to protect it. It's then up to a court and jury to decide if that level of force was appropriate to the circumstances.
  4. I'd suggest if your being attacked with a chain and sword you'd be within your rights to use pretty much any level of force necessary to protect yourself. Thankfully common law and section 3 criminal law act allow for it.
  5. Cheers, I'm not sure what happened there? The link seems to be okay now I've pasted it again. I think I'm going to give them a go, like you say maybe not for chillies but certainly tomatoes maybe some other veg? Just planted some Dorset Naga seeds in the propagator, I had some nice Naga plants last year but they didn't fruit, fingers crossed for this year! Good luck with yours
  6. Hi guys I'm keen on growing fruit and veg and have an allotment. I'd like to try using a basic hydroponics set up to grow some tomatoes and chillies indoors. I appreciate how this may look but rest assured I'm not planning on trying to grow anything er,,,,wacky. Do any of you have any experience with this? I've been doing some poking around the web and I think for simplicity I'd like to get one of these two pot systems with a view to expanding to four if things work out well. The website is here http://www.autopot.co.uk/watering-systems/easy2grow-kits You can get these systems much cheaper on Amazon or the Bay. Thanks
  7. I got an email on the 14th asking where I was from and what days I might be able to do. In all honesty I didn't give much away purely because I'm not comfortable giving away any details about me to someone who has only posted on the forum 3 times.
  8. Awesome! I'm new to this so lots of experimenting needed. I've fired it up, I've got some cheese, sausages and believe it or not bananas chucked on (read about the banana in a book!) I'll try salmon next I think!
  9. Small BBQ grill I found lying around giving the ProQ something to sit on. Some wood from the off cuts bin at local homebase that cost pence to allow the normal BBQ grill I use to fit in the barrel. I do believe I'm ready to smoke some food!!! Gonna give it a go later this evening overnight Great thread again Jonty!!
  10. Definitely try S04 and Nottingham as both are great yeasts. I normally leave the fermentation around two weeks that way you can generally be sure it's finished, regardless of how much yeast you leave behind in the fermenter or how long the fermentation period has lasted as soon as you introduce sugar again the yeasty beasties will wake up and go to work. So whether you bottle or keg you'll have yeast slurry in the bottom again, the only way this can be eliminated as far as I'm aware is by force carbing as in a sodastream type principle, however using metal kegs and CO2 bottles, that's a whole other story though!!! Happy Brewing
  11. I was going to suggest using a yeast like S04, purely because in my experience it packs down really tight. Some yeasts are a real pain in the bottle and will erupt no matter how careful you are opening/pouring. The best ingredient in home brewing is patience though, leave the bottles to condition as long as you can and the yeast will eventually pack down and the beer will be clear
  12. No need to carry FAC as stated it's all on PNC. ID will be helpful though, with photo.
  13. Nice post above. Please don't forget about grey squirrels. For me this is the only species I'd like to see totally wiped out. Edit: Too slow ha, above x2, nice one Gimlet!
  14. Guys these things are built to last. Do you honestly think much damage can be caused dry firing considering what stress the gun is under when firing live?
  15. Nice one, I didn't realise it was an older thread. I would have said buy a much bigger cabinet than you think you will need, even if you don't fill it to capacity you'll have room without clattering your guns and scopes together every time you take them in and out :-)
  16. What about skin biting? I love getting just the right amount of layers and having a peel, not too deep mind or it hurts and bleeds. And yes the skin gets eaten, minging I know. Still It's not smoking is it,,,,,,,, Edit: I might add that this is my skin and fingers, no one elses lol!!!
  17. If you have an SGC or FAC you will have a pnc number created if you weren't previously known.
  18. So are you saying you would have preferred armed officers to make the enquiry? Or that every SGC holder is a threat to coppers?
  19. Muddy Funker


    I'm running Ubuntu as an operating system so don't need anti virus as such. What I do have though is an app called ghostery which runs with firefox, the default internet browser on Ubuntu. On this site it's blocking Facebook Connect Google + 1 Google analytics OpenX Viglink I don't like randoms knowing what I'm looking at, ghostery seems to block the programmes that are snooping on you when surfing the web :-)
  20. Out of curiosity why would you not prefer to ask the FEO? You generally get the correct answer fresh from the horses mouth, only he can say how long it might take.
  21. Unsure about the type of injector but they are readily available on the bay along with seals, defo will try the dishwasher tablets, any type lol. I take it they can mix with aluminium? Hmm, not exactly which is my own fault. Bearing in mind he was a fully qualified Pug mechanic and still keeps his hand in I assumed that if I was saying something totally idiotic he would have said. It's not like I said it's defo the head gasket, we both agreed that it was most likely. Thanks, I've got about three different ones, think I'll need them with the amount of oil in the coolant. It's a disaster zone. I did actually look at the gasket and to be honest it didn't look as though it had failed anywhere. I assumed that it was most likely the head warped a minute amount causing the failure. As soon as the head was lifted out, gunk just poured into the cylinders and over the gasket. But there certainly wasn't anything stand out obvious on the gasket no. Oil cooler first I think will be the way forward, flush system. Fill with oil and check. If it does it again, it'll be a re think. Prob engine swap.
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