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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Hello Trevor what dates do you need somebody? Cheers john
  2. As said when iam picking up I only pick runners while drive is on then once the drive is done, have a sweep up to the peg with dogs. When iam shooting I don't like birds being picked around me as you don't know what's been picked or not. Also nothing worse than a dog running round picking up then dropping one bird as another is shot.
  3. Trouble is chargers have got mixed up and some have packed up. Looking on the bay apple ones are said to charge all models iPad and ipjone
  4. Thanks for the replies think the leads must be muddled up. I thought as they all look the same they would be. Cheers
  5. As per title my iPad mini has become very slow to charge. Anyone got any ideas. Cheers john
  6. These right iam off post crack me up. Who cares iam sure 99% of people on here don't know you why not just pm yours friends giving your details then just don't log in anymore. Who was the last one to go never to return, fisherman mike and how long was he away for. Bye
  7. £75 posted and I will have? Let me know
  8. Hello lost the the dummy from my turner Richards launcher. Has anyone got a spare one they want to sell? Cheers john
  9. Looking forward to a report and photos of this day. Hope everyone has a nice day
  10. Picture doesn't look very clear is that the recording. My photon looks clearer than that
  11. Thanks for the replies no insulation but painted black. It's loads of black pipe mounted on 19mm ply board with a patio door on the front but it has a tint on the glass. Was wondering about polycarbonate stuff you see on some roofs and greenhouses or would it be better with plain glass.
  12. Built a solar water heater but think I must of use the wrong type of glass as it seems to be reflecting the heat. I used an old double glazed patio door. Should I be use a single pane of glass and of a particular type or polycarbonate sheet. Many thanks John
  13. What laser do you us? Cheers john
  14. What camera and voltage is it?
  15. Iam after one to if you here of anything Cheers john
  16. Looks tidy does it run off 12v and have you got a lense on the camera as I can't see? Cheers john
  17. Took my boy to quy game fair and he had a go on the air rifles and loved it. I got a crappy old air gun but the trigger is to hard for him. Anyone recommend one with a light trigger. Iam not looking to spend rapid or super ten money. Cheers john
  18. Blimey was that one night or a number of trips?
  19. Please can I have them. Have pm'd you asking for payment details. Many thanks John
  20. Can I have them please? Send let me know payment details. Thanks John
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