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open FAC Wording.


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i read somewhere on here about the wording on an FAC meaning it is classed as open. mine says the following (ive only just had a GOOD read) :hmm:


And this is word for word................



the (insert rifle lists) and ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and for zeroing on ranges, or land deemed suitable by the Chief Officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawfull authority to shoot.




I cannot find any section that should list of name certain land. Does this mean it has been granted as open? Cheers for the help. :hmm:

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It's closed if it contains this


or land deemed suitable by the Chief Officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over


Some may refer to it as "semi-open" as it dosent specifically list the names of the farms like some.



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i have just got my fac also and has the same wording. so does this mean i am allowed to shoot on a friends piece of land who has the same calibres as me without having to inform my FEO.


cheers james



Providing the land has previously been cleared with the police.


Phone your firearms dept with the name of the farm / land - they should be able to look it up and tell you over the phone.

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Open ticket

On an open ticket the following wording is used ,,, land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot



Non Open Ticket

On an Non open ticket the following wording is used ,,,Land deemed suitable by the Chief officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the Holder has Lawful Authority to Shoot.




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i have just got my fac also and has the same wording. so does this mean i am allowed to shoot on a friends piece of land who has the same calibres as me without having to inform my FEO.


cheers james



If he has the same wording then definitely, but if his is open then worth checking though realistically the landowner or he should know

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Open ticket

On an open ticket the following wording is used ,,, land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot



Non Open Ticket

On an Non open ticket the following wording is used ,,,Land deemed suitable by the Chief officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the Holder has Lawful Authority to Shoot.





The above is 100% correct. I had a closed ticket and it said what's written above under the 'closed' statement. Now it's open and it says something very similar to what's written above for the 'open' statement.


Let me get my ticket....

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Mine is quite a mouthful, but basically I managed to get an open ticket to include accompanied deer stalking, as I have not completed my DSC1, which is a strict requirement in my county.


"The Firearms and the ammunition to which this certificate relates shall be used for pest control and when accompanied for deer stalking and for zeroing on ranges or land over which the holder has permission to shoot with that class of firearm from the person by whom the shooting rights are owned or from they may be leased or otherwise obtained"


That's quite a mouthful without a full stop!


Edit: Plus I think an oxford comma would come in handy here "...and when accompanied for deer stalking, and for zeroing on..."

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