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Open cert


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Had my FAC for 12months now, Been shooting rimfire alot since then and owned my own for a good few months now. How long should i wait to try and get my rimfire calibers opend so i can use them anywhere where i have owners permission as apposed to sending off a new permission slip for every farm?



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i come under cheshire,and with all my military exp with firearms,i tried to get my FAC put to open,after my 1st 2 yrs,not a chance,no matter what i said,or explained,didnt matter,and had to wait till my renewal came up,at 5 yr point,only then did it go to open,that was 10 yrs ago now,time flys when your having fun eh.



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why would you presume it will be an open ticket?


Because I called my feo the other day to let him know that I had just got another bit of land to shoot :blink:


He told me that I only needed one of my permissions checked as I would be on an open ticket :blink:


Seemingly It Is the norm In scotland :blink:



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Devon and Cornwall use the following guidelines.

You can request an open ticket after 3 years from initial issue with supporting information explaining your requirements.


It will come back open automatically on renewal.


If you complete the DSC1 course they will open it on completion.

Spoke to Middlemoore recently and the above was the answer. Hope this helps



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I phoned up after I had my ticket for about 3 months and asked for more land to be checked as my ticket conditions were restricting me, was told send in copies of your permissions or phone numbers if not written, along with your cert, it came back 5 days later fully open this included .243 which I also asked for at the same time :good:



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I got mine opened after nine months, but I have always sent in copies of my permissions, and this came to 3500 acres, plus I was using ammo like it was going out of fashion, and had put 3000 rounds through the HMR in four months and another 2000 through the .22LR.

My variation for a centre fire. after twelve months, came in open as well, but I have got a lot more land now so I suppose it helps.


It does depend on your FEO, and mine have always been great.


My family in Scotland said that theirs are open from the start, lucky sod's.

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