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1st Roe deer!


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I was invited out onto a couple of mates' bit of land last weekend for a roe stalk. There are a fair few of them according to the farmer, causing damage to recently planted saplings, so we arranged to meet at the farm at 7am.


Cold, crisp, but a bit soggy underfoot!


Two of us were dropped off to make our way along a small wooded area, along the fringe of a stubble field. After having a look around, and seeing a few roe deer trotting about in the distance - 600 yards or so away, we decided to get comfortable and wait to see if our companion - who had parked up - Could flush anything out from the adjoining woods.


It didn't take long for things to start moving. A large dark fox appeared about 250 yards into the next stubble field. We weren't out for fox, though, so no point in calling him in. We sat amused at him ducking and diving trying to escape the 2 crows who were continually harrassing and dive-bombing him!


10 minutes or so passed.


Then from the same direction we saw the fox, a large roe doe appeared. Again at about 250 yards.


We kept low, nestled up against the fance line. Unbelievably, she kept trotting in towards us, at a slightly oblique angle. The rifle (.22-250) was already following her. Difficult to get a good shot as she was always moving, only slowing down every so often.


Then, at around 120 yards from us, she stopped to have a look. She looked right at us. BANG!!


My first roe deer managed to get 10 yards before slumping to the ground.


What a relief that i'd managed to get a good bullet placement. Later, we found the lungs had been shot through.


A bit of gralloching / field dressing later and we had enough meat to keep us fed for a good while! My mate got one too later on, but that's written-up elsewhere! Nice sized beast, and (Prior to the shot) very healthy looking.


We did get a look at 3 more roe in the passing, but they were too far out and didn't want to play.


All in all a great day, and I'lll always remember it!


Edited by humperdingle
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Nice work :good: What's the stats on the rifle ? Looks like a CZ ? What scope n mod ? :(

The rifle in the photo - although mine - wasn't the gun used to take the shot. It's a CZ550 in .22-250 with a P8 Mod. Currently for sale. I used my mate's gun to take the shot thanks to mine not being conditioned for deer (!)


Congratulations young man....That'll taste nice on Christmas day.... :( :(

Had some fillet tonight with a lovely red wine/redcurrant sauce - Quite delicious!

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