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oops a grave


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sunday 06-40 arrived at my shoot had a quick cuppa while i got kitted out, took a steady walk usual route keeping close to the hedges, not signs of rabbits about but its beggining to look like its going to be a sunny day. approached where there is a badger set the ground had been disturbed about 6 meteres from the set not only disturbed it was a 6ft long by 2ft wide hole which had been filled back in and it was fresh, ok i thought we have badger baiters about, phoned farmer he came and had a look. he did not like it one bit as it did look like a grave ?,

he phone local police which they told him not to touch it, 20 mins later police arrived with a spade started digging (they got kinda muddy) when radio went off and they was told to leave it alone till seargent could come out and have a look

seargent arrived inspected the hole then got on radio for for advice of the inspector who then had to get advice of advisors.

radio went again police were told to carry on digging. just then farmer arrived with jcb. using it he dug all the loose soil out of hole. and guess what all what was found was 3 empty fresh shotgun cartriges these they took away as there is no one uses shotguns on this permission,


so was it badger baiters or was someone digging something up your views please.


ps i know my grammer aint good.

Edited by sapper063
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Caught some badger baiters some time back inside a small wood beside my shoot, they heared me fire a shot some ways away and they fired a shot in the air to put me off, as i knew no one shot the wood i carried on walking curiously.

I saw 3 of them and a jack russel, 2 guys digging and one standing with a shotgun he was giving me the look, we made eye contact and i just stood for a while watching to let them know i knew what they were doing. no words were exchanged or shots.

I moved on and returned a short while later, they must have felt put out as they had left their digging virtualy as it was when i first saw them. Never saw any further baiters over the years.

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Baiting !


Even though it was some way from the mouth of the sett, it is likely they entered a dog with a finder on it, to get one at bay, then dug down to it. The reason it was 6x2 was they would need to "step" the dig so as not to collapse in on the sett and make it easier on the person digging.

Same goes for fox BTW.

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Caught some badger baiters some time back inside a small wood beside my shoot, they heared me fire a shot some ways away and they fired a shot in the air to put me off, as i knew no one shot the wood i carried on walking curiously.

I saw 3 of them and a jack russel, 2 guys digging and one standing with a shotgun he was giving me the look, we made eye contact and i just stood for a while watching to let them know i knew what they were doing. no words were exchanged or shots.

I moved on and returned a short while later, they must have felt put out as they had left their digging virtualy as it was when i first saw them. Never saw any further baiters over the years.


Why would they have a shotgun? Maybe to dispatch a fox they dug too?

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It's possible that they had dug the pit so that they could put any Badger they'd dug out into the pit with a Terrier and then bet on the outcome :good: Shotgun could have been used to finish off Badger and body removed to lose evidence.


Link removed in order not to cause offence :rolleyes:

Edited by KFC
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It's possible that they had dug the pit so that they could put any Badger they'd dug out into the pit with a Terrier and then bet on the outcome :good: Shotgun could have been used to finish off Badger and body removed to lose evidence.





What a load of tosh ! complete with a link to an anti/hunt sabs website.


For starters no-one would be stupid enough to enter dogs to a set and then go about digging a 6x2 hole for the purpose of having a badger baiting contest in the middle of farm land they dont have permission to be on.The whole episode is very strange and is beginning to sound more like fiction by the minute.If it happened as posted,it would have been someone digging down to their dog or dogs in a set and that is all.No mass baiting meeting with hundreds of pounds changing hands,just some nuggets illegaly digging a badger set.


Terrier work and badger baiting are two very different things, a bit like game shooting and bank robbing.

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It's possible that they had dug the pit so that they could put any Badger they'd dug out into the pit with a Terrier and then bet on the outcome :good: Shotgun could have been used to finish off Badger and body removed to lose evidence.




I can't believe yous posted that link. Why were you accessing that site? You've shown your true colours.

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As one off the guys seen by the police as a badger baiter, whilst in the real world I control foxes with working terriers its not the first time I 've been told by a farmer to go and work a set of holes for fox only to find out that its on a neighbours land. Remember badger baiting has got nothing to do with legitimate terrierwork. Leave the speculation to the antis, oh and by the way was out yesterday for first time this season and got a dog and vixen on a new farm the farmer was delighted and we didnt leave the empty cartridge cases. :good:

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I can't believe yous posted that link. Why were you accessing that site? You've shown your true colours.



I simply posted that link as a reference to the fact that Badger Baiters do dig pits in which to drop terriers and Bagders to fight.


Somebody did dig a 6 x 2 hole on somebody else's land for whatever reason and rather than just saying that it's weird I did stick my kneck out with a possible explanation.


I'm not an anti, I simply did a Google search to back up my assertion that Baiters do sometimes dig a pit. It doesn't take long for 2 or 3 fit blokes to dig a pit big enough.


I realise that the Government is used to telling us what we can and can't do, shame some members think they they have the same right.

I will visit whatever websites I choose.


I shoot and murder fluffy things quite happily thanks.


I remember now why I stopped using this site a while back, because some don't have the decency to say "I disagree with that post" but instead chose to be downright bloody rude.

Edited by KFC
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Ok you want Facts badgerbaiting consist of confining a badger in a barrel or box on its side with a tethered badger and a terrier (staff or kerry blue etc) is used to draw the badger

thats what badger biting is. To put a terrier small enough to be dug to into a six foot deep pit with a badger you will be left with one very badly injured terrier if it survives. Please do not repeat the **** you see on anti site here and I see so called evidence offered by the police and the ss pca in badger cases that I am involved in. How would you like five cops two ss pca inspectors coming into your house at 7oclock in the morning and seizing two copies of the countrymans weekly and a spade from your garden shed. :good:

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I simply posted that link as a reference to the fact that Badger Baiters do dig pits in which to drop terriers and Bagders to fight.


Somebody did dig a 6 x 2 hole on somebody else's land for whatever reason and rather than just saying that it's weird I did stick my kneck out with a possible explanation.


I'm not an anti, I simply did a Google search to back up my assertion that Baiters do sometimes dig a pit. It doesn't take long for 2 or 3 fit blokes to dig a pit big enough.


I realise that the Government is used to telling us what we can and can't do, shame some members think they they have the same right.

I will visit whatever websites I choose.


I shoot and murder fluffy things quite happily thanks.


I remember now why I stopped using this site a while back, because some don't have the decency to say "I disagree with that post" but instead chose to be downright bloody rude.


A 'bloody rude' reply is all you will get from me when you put up links to **** like that written by anti scum. Shame on you for even using their material to defend your post. So I take it you believe that **** on diggingout?



'I shoot and murder fluffy things quite happily thanks' Not the way I see my sport. Murder fluffy things?

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