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Good day on the woodies


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Met the forum member denny essex today at one of his club grounds where he'd had a couple of reports of some decent sport.


For those who don't know me, I've been shooting for a year and a half, am totally hooked and spend way too much time on this bloody forum :lol: I share a friends permision, it's 350 acres and not too exciting. Our best day has been 27 between three of us and I was still waiting for that "big bag" day and that damn "left and right".


Met Denny at around 9.30 and headed off with a load of gear through wet and heavy tracks.


We set out 2 sets of a dozen shells, 12 wearing my "no shine covers" and denny's, a mixture of flocked and plastics, in two slightly L shaped curves with the furthest deeks being 40 yards out and 25 yards apart, tapering to about 10 yards apart and the same distance from the hide.


We built our hide under an oak using three nets to give us good cover.


Started shooting at around 10 and the birds came in a slow but reasonably steady rate. Denny put me straight under presure prodding me to take the first shot which was a left to right crosser and about 25 yards out,; Dropped him with my first cart and sat down pleased with myself. Both had a few shots, Denny with some real crackers (makes 'em look easy) and for just over an hour and a bit we'd dropped around 7 birds for about 10 carts between us. We thought the day wouldn't be great and hoped for double figures at on point, then we hoped for 20, then just after lunch we had a decent spell when they came in more frequently with some couldn't load quick enough moments. We added one of Denny's home made flappers (very nice) and my whirly out with a couple of real pigeons.


Then that magic (sorry but I'm sure you know how I felt) moment happened; Two birds came in toward us and heading straight over our heads, I took the first over my left side and high and then hit the second flying away in front and to the right!!! I got my first "left and right". Now I did go a bit blank for a moment but I may have done a jig in the hide :D , Denny will have to confirm that one.


We shot until just gone 3 I think, we had some great sport, some very challenging shots especially when the wind got a bit frisky, missed some embarrassing ones, not only got my first "left and right" but actually ended up with 3 "left and rights" :D , yes, I did it 3 times!! and we ended the day with 5 or 6 lost, 2 miscelaneous, and 72 woodies.


Boy did I have a good day!!


Just wanted to to say a MASSIVE thanks to Den for a great day out, by far the best day I have had to date, you're an absolute gent and fountain of knowledge.




I will load some pictures when I work out how!!

Edited by Cosd
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Top day. well done.


I have "done a denny" a few times and the beaming smiles from the shooting partner who has achieved his best day, best shot etc is what it is all about.


Keep in his good books and I am sure you will have many more.




Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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I'm pleased you had a good day Cos i enjoyed it as much as you.

Although i do think we might have had a few more birds if your grinning white teeth didnt disturb the birds so much after your 1st left and right :D

Seeing how much you enjoyed the day and willing to learn whatever bits of useful twaddled i pratted on about added to my enjoyment.

After 30 years shooting it took me back to my early days of excitement for the sport trying to gain some experience and learn on my ownsome, I could have quite easily have sat back and let you shoot all the time and still have enjoyed it as much.

It was great for me when you went up on a small flock of 10/12 birds which were very closely followed by another by another flock of 15 or so, i knew indecision would pop in and you would be spoilt for choice which bird to let lose at and your barrels would bounce from one to another ;) and no doubt as many have experienced on here missed with both barrels :lol:

the excitement and amazement takes over from the ability to focus :sly:

I think the hook of pigeon shooting well and truely went in yesterday with you :sly:

We will do it again mate and i look forward to seeing your flapper the next time out (that dont sound right) :D

Artificial electric flapper before anyone gets excited :lol:


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I'm pleased you had a good day Cos i enjoyed it as much as you.

Although i do think we might have had a few more birds if your grinning white teeth didnt disturb the birds so much after your 1st left and right ;)

Seeing how much you enjoyed the day and willing to learn whatever bits of useful twaddled i pratted on about added to my enjoyment.

After 30 years shooting it took me back to my early days of excitement for the sport trying to gain some experience and learn on my ownsome, I could have quite easily have sat back and let you shoot all the time and still have enjoyed it as much.

It was great for me when you went up on a small flock of 10/12 birds which were very closely followed by another by another flock of 15 or so, i knew indecision would pop in and you would be spoilt for choice which bird to let lose at and your barrels would bounce from one to another :lol: and no doubt as many have experienced on here missed with both barrels :sly:

the excitement and amazement takes over from the ability to focus :sly:

I think the hook of pigeon shooting well and truely went in yesterday with you :lol:

We will do it again mate and i look forward to seeing your flapper the next time out (that dont sound right) :D

Artificial electric flapper before anyone gets excited B)



When they poured in it was a bit like standing at the sweet counter and can't decide which to have. I think in a matter of 5 seconds I changed my mind 25 times and in the end didn't focus on any so missed with both barrels :lol:


Thanks again for a great day, and we will definitely do it again so long as you stop asking to see my 'flapper'...............!

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When they poured in it was a bit like standing at the sweet counter and can't decide which to have. I think in a matter of 5 seconds I changed my mind 25 times and in the end didn't focus on any so missed with both barrels :rolleyes:


Thanks again for a great day, and we will definitely do it again so long as you stop asking to see my 'flapper'...............!


As the old saying goes ," a bird in the hand is worth two flying away into the next county " well done both of you . Thats an excellent days sport .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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