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All my family live at Keswick. Sister and her husband and family are all on flood alert and the river is slowly creeping across the field infront.

Parents have a shop there and are luckily unnafected at present. Other sister are completely cut off on the farm, no one can get in or out!


Absolutely horrendous, so unfair for these people who have just got in after the last flood





Edited by robmiller
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I have a mate who lives near Penrith and he posted that link earlier on another forum. He said they are roughly 70 yards from the waters edge and it is rising fast.


As you say, it is a major pain in the backend for those people who have only recently got their homes back from the insurance company after the last floods. I bet they struggle to get home insurance against flood with all what has happened in the last few years.

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Very tragic situation in Cumbria with a police officer missing following the collapse of a bridge, many homes flooded and reports of people breaking through their roofs to be rescued. Here in the eastern Borders we seem to have missed the worst effects but Tweed is running at over 16ft at Norham this morning and rising.



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Cockermouth really got it last night. I come from just down the road and to see the local shops devastated is terrible. Hope the Policeman is found ok. Despite the typical West Cumbrian humour of those interviewed on the radio there are going to be alot of people under alot of hardship this winter.Hilary Benn said this was a "One in a 1000 year event" ; my Dad recalls exactly the same level of floodwater in his lifetime in Cockermouth. Its a great little town with some cracking boozers. Unfortunately it lies where the rivers Cocker and Derwent meet and these are not small rivers even when levels are normal. The Emergency Services seem to be doing sterling work. All the Best you lads up there.

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All my family live at Keswick. Sister and her husband and family are all on flood alert and the river is slowly creeping across the field infront.

Parents have a shop there and are luckily unnafected at present. Other sister are completely cut off on the farm, no one can get in or out!


Absolutely horrendous, so unfair for these people who have just got in after the last flood






hope all are ok

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Not good up here i am near penrith and loads of flooding , main rd into penrith is closed at eamount bridge on A6 , all houses are flooded , fields that are now lakes , managed to get to make sure an old lady i know was ok as she was flooded in 2005 and thankfully she is ok but it was a battle to drive to hers, where there was fields outside her house it now looks like a lake - and am making regular phone calls to check up on her . My thoughts go out to the people of cockermouth , workington and other areas that have been affected and also to the family of Pc Baker .

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  • 3 months later...

i live in cockermouth which was on the news for several days! the place is coming together now and some shops are starting to reopen however many bridges are still closed and are causing 8 mile journeys to take up to 2 hours with traffic being bad.


but we are on the up

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see his really annoys me! our own country is still suffering yet we're more bothered about bloody haiti and there earthquake, don't get me wrong i feel sorry for them but most of them lived in tin huts and there now gonna end up better off than before the earthquake! yet we've got so may issues with natural disaster in our own country and nothing is done about it. i for one would rather the goverment gave millions to cumbria instead of haiti thats americas problem let them sort it, there not rushing to help any of our people who are still suffering and living in caravans from flooding 2 years ago


i hope everything works out for everyone up there and will be up that way later in the year for my annual week of realising how unhealthy i am with the wife and getting dragged on boats even though fekking scared of water!

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