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Gun Fit cost????


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where are you? Update your profile with your location - it will help those replying to you.


I do a dynamic gun fit lesson for £100-00 plus clays.


Based nr Gatwick, this fee is for a 1/2 day and deals with the guns stock dimensions, balance, and your mount and technique.


There is absolutely no point in having the gun sorted if your mount and stance are not correct to accept a correctly fitting gun.


And remember who the people in the trade are:


A gunsmith fixes guns.


A dealer sells you one - sometimes whether it fits or not.


An instructor teaches technical aspects for shooting


A coach deals with the psychological aspects of improving a shooter who can already shoot ( most people who call themselves coaches are in fact instructors)


A gun fitter takes off stock measurements


A stockist alters your gun stock.


These are all specialist fields, and while some may overlap with expertise in more than one area, don't assume an instructor can fit a gun, or that a stockist can show you shooting technique with your fitted gun! In particular, be wary of static gun fits. This is where a fitter sets you up dry with correct stance and mount and takes off the measures or does some tweeking to the guns pull length and comb height. The result is a perfectly fitting gun ASSUMING you stand and use it the way the expert placed it into your mount. If you then go out and stand differently, mount high or low or canted, all the money you have spent on the fit is wasted.











CPSA Senior Coach

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Not sure exactly what you mean by gun fit costs, including any alterations to the stock etc, etc?


One good way to reasonably fit the gun is free.


Stick a small piece of paper, sticker what ever, on to a large mirror, stand 10 foot or so away from the mirror, keep looking at the sticker and all in one movement bring the gun up to the shoulder mounted as if you were going to shoot, does it go straight onto target looking down the rib? if you are having to move it, fine for the minute, as that could be your mount. Do this a few times to get relaxed, oh forgot to mention wear your usual shooting jacket or whatever


Do the same thing a few times with your eyes shut, and only open them once mounted, check where and if you have to move it again to get it right, you can then get a rough idea, as to what needs to be adjusted, you could then try a comb riser recoil pad what ever it needs. Chances are the comb might need rising or lowering, or a bit of cast put into the stock.


I am assuming you have already checked for eye dominance, because if not you will need to do that 1st.



Hope this helps

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The fitting I referred to and I guess the others did as well, was checking the gun itself, stock alteration (if required) would be on top of that.

I had mine done years ago at West London and they gave me a card with the dimensions of the right stock for me.

When I bought my Beretta I just took it and the card to a stocker - he did the rest.

I had the fit re-checked at Churchill's a couple of years ago and it was confirmed as perfect, that just meant I had to find another excuse for missing :good:

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Had my B25 and EELL fitted by lazer at the game fair few years ago and he had a very nice man who set my stock,s with heat ect took a long time most of the day, £100 for both, shoot so much better now,

showed me how far i was out on aim and after fitting spot on every time, so gave him £20 for a drink on top,best money i ever spent, I did not shoot the B25 for 2years because I was s---t with it but now great. get it fitted.

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