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kill it cook it eat it

Yorkshire Pudding

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I actually had a real moment today at work... A woman I work with is a big fan of going beating. As a present, she very kindly brought a brace of duck in for me :good:


Anyway, half the office went mad and said it's wrong to bring dead animals inside. One girl who has a phobia of birds basically had a fit and 'suffered' loss of breath. ...Christ....


I walked outside, plucked and prepped the birds in 20 mins and brought them back in. Surprise surprise, the pathetic office girls then said they'd like some because 'it now looks like the one you get in Sainsburys'


I called them all ignorant meat eaters and gave one duck to someone who initially said they would love some when they first saw the dead bird. (Relating good things to positive thoughts: bit like teaching a dog :good: ) haha

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damn vegans ripping all those vegtables out of the ground what a monster

pow right in the kisser

on the subject of tv did anyone see the parcel tape on the gun that gordon ramsey was using lastnite to shot that reindeer

think hes goin a bit soft sayin he didnt want to eat it at all cos of rudolf just squeeze the trigger.

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When we talk about the rights and wrongs of shooting and hunting in work,I only take seriously the arguments against it if they are a vegetarian. For a meat eater to condemn shooting and eating a rabbit is a bit laughable.

The Catch it Kill it programmes were quite refreshing because the majority of participants were on the whole sensible and enjoyed tucking in at the end.

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Interestingly I read a report that pointed at the fact humans not only eat meat but eat ccoked meet is responsable for the development of the human brain over an evolutional period. This is because the body can absorb more protein from cooked meet than raw. The brain needs a good protein source to develop.





Hence the intelegence level or lack of it of some of the beings dragged up by mis guided parents as vegies!!!

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at the end,when she was questioned about the overall ethos,the vegan woman said she did really not care if the birds were being raised in a freerange envioroment or not. :good:

she seems to be so wrapped up in being a vegan she has forgotten why she is one.

i agree with the other lads here who have respect for vegaterians and there comitment, and not for people who condem any form of bloodsports and then eat factory reared meat.

anyway there wont be any mung beans in my xmas dinner :good: but it will have had a good life. :good:

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I couldn't believe it when the Vegan said that how an animal is produced really doesn't matter because it still dies. That made my blood boil! I have nothing against vegans, what they do is up to them but I don't like people preaching! I don't think she's wrong for not wanting to eat meat, I can relate to how she feels. Is it really right to kill something so we can eat it? We can survive without it with todays technology. I eat meat and that's unlikely to change, but I could survive without it.


I think the one belief these programmes have reinforced for me is that if people can't deal with this side of eating meat then they shouldn't be allowed to! The whole problem of meat eaters digging at people who kill animals comes from it being so well hidden by plastic wrappers! I'm sure some people forget that Burger King makes regular use of Cows!

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The only vegetarians i have come across are intelligent

and middle class.You don't see many chavs buying veggie

burgers at MacDonalds.


Depends what you mean by "intelligent".


Spouting pretentious **** and refusing to accept that there is another point of view has little to do with intelligence. :good:

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Hence the intelegence level or lack of it of some of the beings dragged up by mis guided parents as vegies!!!





hahahahahahahahahah lmao brilliant....im ashamed to admit it but my mum a veggie i just ignored her silly coments about the poor animals and as i can remember so did my dad when hanging birds in the kitchen ....there divorced now wonder why !!! thats it veggies are homewreckers hahah

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I hate to say it but I'm being a bit of a nasty person today. Yesterday I was given a brace of Pheasants by a lady on the estate I shoot over and they're now hanging in the porch "cooling" and waiting fot the (vegie) inlaws to come around later! I can't help it, I just feel the need to point out the ways of the household :)

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I hate to say it but I'm being a bit of a nasty person today. Yesterday I was given a brace of Pheasants by a lady on the estate I shoot over and they're now hanging in the porch "cooling" and waiting fot the (vegie) inlaws to come around later! I can't help it, I just feel the need to point out the ways of the household :)



We have all been there.


It seems that a sense of humour is one thing that not eating meat seems to take away from you.

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