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The best at a price??

Big Dog

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Honestly, I go away for 2 days and it all kicks off again!

This is a new twist on the "air rifle v Rimmy" debate!


Just to answer the original question ..............

If you are just going to use the rifle in the barns then a 12lb S200 (with optional multi-shot???) would be the best bet. If you fancey a tickle else where then a S410k. If you want the option of going FAC with it go for the S410 classic (the "full size" version, bigger bottle= more shots!) However this is a costlier but timeless approach.


Back to the "debate".............


I have NO FAC air rifle experience. I have VERY LITTLE rimmy experience. I have NOT ENOUGH 12lber experience. I have now laid my cards on the table :) Now for my opinion.


Given the choice I would have both!! If I had to choose between the the two it would be the air rifle. REASON?...... versatility. (In my LIMITED experience :lol: )

I could go anywhere (within reason, no barns!!) with the air rifle but would be "limited" with the rimmy.

As Nick said albeit jokingly it is down to being "power hungry" by some people some of the time.


At the end of the day is it not the right tool for the job?



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Personally i would have said that 100m (110 yd ish) would be in 17 hmr country if your going for head shots lets say but thats my opinion :lol: as i always go for head shots I very rarely take shots past 80m because either myself /gun or most likely the ammo i'm using is'nt up to consistant accurracy required. I don't doubt that through serious financial investment i would improve at greater range . ;)


Most people make the jump from 12 ft lb to Rimfire and never consider what the potential of a High Powered Air Rifle can do because most of the time they don't need to but both my guns are Zero'd at 50m and and both characteristics are observed up to 80m.In my original post i did say compete and not out perform. :lol:



By pure skill and experience i mean the margin for error is greater with a rimfire than it is an FAC Air gun and on that point i agree with Nick but that is true of all senarios where the more ft poundage you have (the greater the margin for error)the less skill you need as you are not always operating on the guns maximum potential.




In time when your shoots (through regular pest control)become Lampshy ,Skittish Etc and you spend more time observing the quarry because you now can't get near enough to shoot it and you hav'nt got the patience you once had to sit 30 yds from a warren then i guarentee you /ll start looking at other alternatives IE More power :)

The majority of this forum have been there themselves mate :lol:




Cheers Ive

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at the risk of taking this thread back onto the subject that was asked LOL


as all air rifles are FAC rated in NI and you want something that is ruged reliable easy to work on and accurate and not to mention cheap!


two rifles that should be at the top of your list


CAREER 707 can run from 12F/lbs up to 80F/lbs at a turn of a **** and given that its 8-10 shot in line magazine probably one of the better high power rifles out there.



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at the risk of taking this thread back onto the subject that was asked LOL


as all air rifles are FAC rated in NI and you want something that is ruged reliable easy to work on and accurate and not to mention cheap!


a few rifles that should be at the top of your list


CAREER 707 can run from 12F/lbs up to 80F/lbs at a turn of a **** and given that its 8-10 shot in line magazine probably one of the better high power rifles out there.


GUNPOWER STEALTH, one of the worst rifles at sub FAC levels but also one of the best when its running at high levels, one down side to it though very militaristic in its looks and there is no simple way of turning the rifle down to lower power settings though it might be worth havign a chat with gunpower about this as the american version does have a quick adjuster.


Theoben Rapid 7 (MK1) probably one of the most popul;ar high power air rifles runs nicley at 30F/Lbs with a huge number of shots, early models ahve the power adjuster that can be used, tough reliable and wont let you donwn, down side is the price :lol:


and of course what would a rifle selection be without the good old Air Arms S410 runs nicley at 24F/lbs aprox 30-40 decent shots quiet reliable and definatly worth a look.


the s200 i really wouldnt think twice about very nice at sub 12F/lbs but there are better rifles out there if your talking about FAC.


the hornet, nice rifle at 12F/lbs but not too sure what it would be like going about that.


hope this helps you out a little


ROB :)

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and of course what would a rifle selection be without the good old Air Arms S410 runs nicley at 24F/lbs aprox 30-40 decent shots quiet reliable and definatly worth a look.

Air Arms S410k xtra FAC

The 30-35ftlb version runs as sweet as a nut .i have been using this gun for the last 4 yrs :lol:



For some reason i can now get 50 shots per charge now as opposed to 35 :):lol:



Cheers Ive

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Theoben Mk2

nearly right? this is what you lot need mk1/2 hybrid running at 40ft/lbs (scope lets it down) awt silencer which makes it quieter than a 12lb job, this thing is leathal at extended airgun range accurate as they come Oh my other rapid is the same but different ie same mods but set at 30 to fire lighter 16g pellets shotts FLAT as

now some facts on costs this gun cost me £380 as a standard mk1 60 quid for the silencer 45 quid for the bsa barrel (wanted better accuracy) and 120 for the conversion work (extensive) total £605 a new fac mk2 costs what £800 and more?

needs 500cc bottle and a 24" barrel to achieve 40lb and a usable number of shots? mine have a less space shuttle like cylinder stick on the front and 19.75" barrels and I get 55 and 72 shots respective (now you know you want one?)Ive put a pic on the phot's section.

cheers Keith

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Interesting debate. Back to the subject of the post, if you can find a Theoben Mk1 in .22 and have it set at 28ft lb this could be the answer. Be aware that the price of the charging kit (bottle/pump hoses etc.etc.) can add a huge amount to the overall cost. I would think about how often you are going to use the gun and and weigh up the costs associated with Rimfire and PCP use. I you go with a modern airgun, i'd be suprised if you were disappointed, as long as you keep things within 50 yards, and be a bit selective about shots that could damage roofs,etc.


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My FAC Air Gun  CONSISTANTLY groups better than my Rimfire at 75m and by that i MEAN shooting from straight out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: ie not practicing first to get your 3 shot 10mm groups at 75m. :rolleyes:

Id get the rimmy checked out then mate cus there is obviously somethng wrong with it. Ive had 4 air rifles in the fac category and none of them was as consistant and as accurate as my old ruger.



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At a risk of taking this topic off track :rolleyes:


Guns fine Mike its the ammo that is'nt consistant at long range :o eley std which after trying everything around the £3.00 per box of 50 mark was the most consistant .

Never shot a German match grade barrel etc ! Mines a Ruger 10/22 and is'nt allowed on the golf course where i shoot hence the FAC Air Rifle which is unbelievably consistantly accurate since it's service by air arms.


Both guns zero'd on a harris lying prone posistion, both are varmint tools and not Target Rifles.


Thanks for the advice though Mike :rolleyes:




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ive found eley to be very consistant up to 75, and for it then to go all over the place.


my rimmy will group mashed holes at 75, but will have trouble to keep 5 shots inside just over 1 inch @ 100


my best 100 yard group was 4 shots inside a 2cm ring 1 just outside


im getting some match ammo to see what you can realy do with it, i am also going to do a test on check weighing eley stds to see if it is possible to increase accuracy through this, or if its a lost cause.


i only have one rifle of my own so i have the time to do these kind of silly things

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, i am also going to do a test on check weighing eley stds to see if it is possible to increase accuracy through this, or if its a lost cause.


i only have one rifle of my own so i have the time to do these kind of silly things

Would'nt bother Nick



Just go for the Eley tenex UPS Ultra thingies where eley will have done all this for you :rolleyes:



Cheers Ive




I can sense Air gunners getting annoyed now so i,m coming out of this thread :*)

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WOW! you guys have been busy over the weekend. Its all great stuff.


I like the one about the smell of the rommy shell/ Nick its true. It is the child memory of the smell that draws you to the sport, among others. I have always lived the smell of spent shells. My uncle have a rimmy when I was very young and my Granfather shot a 12g with paper cases in those days. If you are into sniffing, oh-men you must smell them old Eley 12g cases :rolleyes: :o , I still have about 8 of them.


Roblade - can you give me more detail on the CAREER 707??


Can someone tell me what LOL mean on the forum??? :*) In N.Ireland it means something eles :rolleyes:


Grouping: Here in N. Ireland I have alway been told by those that claim to know that a good PCP will hold tighter groups than the rimmy. But this would be up to about 50yrs.


Springies: I will most likely get shot for this but when I was younger and able to crawal on my belly better, now it falls into every hold it fines :) , here in NI as rimmies were hard to get, we would shot rabbits all day with springy air rifles. Head shot and to be truthful I don't remember many, if any getting away. We would shoot out to 35yrs. We never thought they we under powered in those days.


Today I just would trust myself never mind the rifle. I think Im use to the .22 lr, smoother and quiter and scope. I still have the same springy but out of practice with it.


You guys have given me a lot to think about. For all the air riffle shooting I want to do the 12 f/lbs should do. I will still have to put it on my FAC but thats OK.


Have a great week guys ;)

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well what can i say about it, its probably one of the more different loking air rifles and can run at very high power levels but with the addition of being able to turn the pwoer down quickly and easily.


bit more info on them .....




have got one of these at tjhe moment and if you check out the sales section on here you should come across it from a week or so back.

they run about £250-350 second hand depending on condition and need a few simple mods to make them an excellent rifle.


there are a couple of downsides about them though 1. cant keep a loaded mag in pocket, they are springloded inline, and have a tendancy of shooting the pellets all over the place if your not carful (out of the mag that is nothing to do with incaurate rifle) and 2. takes the skin off you knuckles when cocking and shooting fast LOL


hope this helps you out a bit


ROB :rolleyes:

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