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Righto chaps, my lad is now 10 and is very keen to come out shooting with me again this year... Question is, does he apply for his SGC or do I just put another gun on my licence for him to use ? I'm presuming there isnt a legal age as such for a SGC ?


Pro's & Con's if any please ?

Edited by Stamford
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There is a legal issue here. Unless you are the land owner or the land is ( I think ) section 12 approved, your son can not shoot on the land supervised by you unless he has his own certificate. ( or he is supervised by the land owner ) you might want to wait until one of the legal minds on the site checks in, but I think this is right.


you are right though there is no lower age limit on SGC's

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And when he is 14, he can only been given a gun as a gift, which I presume you would anyway :yes:

The choice is really up to you, it will mean he can legally use a shotgun if your out on land that isnt section 11(6) cleared as stated in page 10 of <this link>, or wait until he is 15, can own his own gun and can use it on his own permission without supervision. Personally, I say go for it. It will give a sense of pride and maturity :P

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Aside from the legalities of any sort of gun ownership air rifle, shotgun etc and youngsters,has any one else noticed how responsible courteous and well mannered and behaved the vast majority of young shooters are?

Coincidence ?i think not.

Edited by Jega
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In my case my 11 year old shoots without a licence and is a member of a club that has section 11 as mentioned before. I am tempted to get him his own licence so we can shoot on land but maybe thats one for the future.

What is surprising to me is how few youngsters this age actually shoot, I haven't seen another at our club which probably has several hundred members.

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There is a legal issue here. Unless you are the land owner or the land is ( I think ) section 12 approved, your son can not shoot on the land supervised by you unless he has his own certificate. ( or he is supervised by the land owner ) you might want to wait until one of the legal minds on the site checks in, but I think this is right.


you are right though there is no lower age limit on SGC's





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Does that mean every time you buy a gun the vendor has to enter it on all certs? seems mad, It hought you could share storage with a cert holder of the same address but didnt realise it would mean everybody having everybodies guns on their certs, i which case such as divorce etc how do you prove the matched pair of 20b holland and holland are yours and the rusty crappy one is hers?

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