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car radio decoding


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here is a little trick I use that seldom seems to fail.

1. Enter your local off license *** newsagent *** national lottery ticket retailer.

2. decide that tonight is lucky night and put quite an extrodinary amount of money on the national lottery and aslo buy at least five pounds worth of scratchcards as you cannot lose, oh no , you are doing the lambada with lady luck.

3. ask the whole family what hey would desire if you were going to buy them a present, then promise them the gift with oput telling them that you are chancing their dreams and expectations on the lucky advent of your balls coming up.

4. sit and watch Dale

5. wail to all the family and anyone with in 5 miles of your rhouse that is never me, will never be me, and that you hate the lottery and tell one another comforting tales that it is more likely that you will be kicked to death by a donkey than of winning the lottery

6. Here is the clever bit. get all of your tickets and look for the numbers that did not appear on any of the tickets. There will be relatively few as you were labouring under the misapprehension that you must win something as you had most of the numbers covered.NO. this is were you come unstuck. You see no matter how many numbers you cover, it WILL always be the ones which you did not back will come.

7. simply ascertain the numers you did not cover and stopped yourself from winning millions and put them in the radio. THEY MUST WORK surely. no ones luck can be that bad. Can it?

Jim(national bloody lottery my ****, national tax more like)dfish

P.S I will be in work Monday

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