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Hello from Hampshire

daft dog

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Just thought i'd better introduce myself.....


I've been shooting since i was 14 using rifles with the army cadets, started using shotguns game shooting when i was 18. Joined the TA at uni, 5 and a bit years in a rifle company, three using the SA80 and the last two and a half using the GPMG.


I have my FAC now (had SGC for years now) and have been cleared for vermin and deer.


Enjoy all forms of shooting, did a bit of lamping with air rifles before uni, managed a few days as a guest game shooting while at uni and i enjoy two or three days on a walk one stand one each year. I have a crack at the clays when i can, and use my .22lr weekly at the range.


New to pigeon shooting as such, although i have the deeks and camo nets etc, not been decoying yet but hoping to get more involved (esp as game shooting is so damn expensive and pigeon are good sport!).


hope to be in touch with people as and when.


All the best.



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