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Have any scary moments with your dogs


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Once my dog got took of the his leash by someone else and ran in front of a car luckily the car wasnt going fast and only nudged into his ribs a bit no injuries.


Another one was next to a fast flowing river again somebody else chucked in a stick and my dog went in to fetch it soon as he jumped in he was struggling to get back as he couldnt get up the a high bank, I had to jump through thick bramble and grabbed the scruff of his neck and pulled him out a second later and he'd of gone.


This happened some time ago and he's fine still, I still wonder if he has got as many lives as a cat.



Have you got any scary moments involving your dog?

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My lab got hit by a car after he chased a bitch on heat. By the time I reached him he was twitching away like a dead rabbit. I jumped on him to stop him falling back into the road and I looked at his face and he was staring straight at me. Tail started wagging and he seemed fine...!


Mind you, I think I came out worse as I rushed him to the local vets and fainted for a few seconds when they were checking him over!

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Out beating aces times an my Lab pup nearly fell off a cliff that the keeper didn't mention was there my terrier just avoided a kick from a shire horse the air resistance moved here hair inwas very scared an once when I nearly fell with the dog bounding behind me off a dam an this one time when he was walking across a beem that was covering a 50ft concrete compost pit. Heart was beating Is all I'll say

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My german sheperd,max was atacked when he was a pup by another sheperd and lab,lab biting his back,boot in soon disapeard the sheperd was having a full on fight and kicked it in the ribs NOTHING not even a flintch,and i did full contact knock down karate till i was 38 ??? ,he now dont like many dogs and is ready for a fight so we keep on top of him.

He had gastric torsion the other year(turned his stomach)wife got him to vets within minutes,they were waiting as she pulled up and took him straight to theatre,anyway to cut a long story short he fine now,the best £1400.00 i ever spent

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Roxy got hit by a car in London. Some friends came over and opened the front gate. She went out the front window, through the gate and between two parked cars into the street. I head a thunk and my wife scream. The dog was more scared than hurt. She was fine, but the guy in the car never stopped to check on her.


Then another time in London Roxy was off lead and playing in the park. A woman came through with a border terried and a border collie. Roxy went to play and as she trotted by the terrier grabbed her rear flank and tore the skin 3" in each direction. It didn't bleed much, but you could see down into the muscle. That was a £450 Sunday, emergency surgery, in London vet bill.


She also ran over a cliff on my permission up here while chasing a pheasant. Fortunately it isn't a sheer cliff and there is some dirt on the way down. She had a heck of a time getting back up though.




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We were working some extensive rock holes in Ayrshire that run into an old mine slip Meg my old russell bitch shes 11 in May, bolted a fox which we shot but I looked down and Meg was in the swollen burn that runs below the holes for a russell she's exceptional in water but this was a raging torrent I got on the radio and sent two of the guns downstream

to assist her but while they were out of position she got out and went back below and bolted the vixen which escaped because the guns were away a lucky escape but she's an exceptional terrier she bolted a fox on Saturday and as I've said she's eleven in May and she will not let you leave her in once she hears the keys in the gun cabinet door. ???

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one of my previous springers had a very nasty accident whilst on a phessie shoot. I was working Eider in a wood when I heard an awful scream. Thought a dog had been shot. Looked at Eider and she had run onto a spear of wood, where a tree had fallen and splintered at the cracking point. She was speared through the chest. Sprinted with her to the nearest 4x4 and thrashed it to the vets.....luckily the spear of wood missed her heart. After a fairly serious bit of surgery she recovered well and lived to 11yrs, which wasnt bad for a very hard working gun dog.

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My grandmother who is 70 has a jack russle which is probably older in dog years, cloudy eyes, deaf as a post etc...


Got a call from her (my nan not the jack) saying she coulnd't find the dog and thinks she must have got out the front door when some relatives came in, she lives in Notting Hill and reckoned the dog must have been missing for 3 hours!! Drove down there stiggy-style (about 7 miles in less miniutes) . Running round the London Borough of Kensington&Chealsea shouting "Gypsy!" was maybe not the brightest thing I have ever done. Anyways a nice top-geeze-Danny-Dyer-type-fella stoped me and asked if I was looking for a white Jack, which he claimed to have seen by the Elgin pub which is a good 3 miles from my Grandmothers!


Thanked him but he insisted he show me exacly where the dog was so off we ran :lol: . He then hailed down a VW with blacked out windows and a very scary looking driver and told him he needed to drop us off near Portabella road, which he did! A nice couple had shut the bitch in their front garden which turned out to be about two and a half miles from where she got out, this dog is 14/15, and avoids going up the stairs! The fella then told me to get back in the car and put the dog on my lap, and 'Dave' would drop us back the my grandmothers house!


Gave the bloke a score and took the dog back in, needless to say, after 4 hours out on the town she slept for quite a while, and now gets shut in the living room when the front door is open!

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