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jamie bulger


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MPT1... I cant belive you put that **** on here. Your basically sticking up for them by that statement.......... They should be put in a cell and never be let to see the light of day again.


Even you are entitled to an opinion !


As am I, they may have taken him for whatever reason, but something had given them the idea, perhaps a video ? With weak or little parenting this may have happened and it isn`t right just to bang on about what to do with them now, the correct attitude is how do we stop it.


Do you monitor what your children watch on TV/Video/Internet ?

Do you stop young adults/children when you see them doing wrong ?


IMHO if you aren`t then you are just adding to the problem.

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also for them they would when released have spent nearly as much time behind bars as out so in effect pretty much a lifetime for them. They were children and badly brought up children, had they grown up in a normal home would they have done it? I'm guessing the judge thought no hence he sentenced them to the term he did.

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MPT1... I cant belive you put that **** on here. Your basically sticking up for them by that statement. I understand the statistics you said about 1 in 6 people suffer from mental health during their lives. But i really cant see 2 boys around about the same age of 10yrs suffering together such a disturbed state of mental health at the same time, that it compelled them to kidnap and do those horrific things to that toddler James Bulger. And if it was proven that they were that disturbed. whether it being a bad up bringing, being abused themselves or other situations. I'm sure they would have been held in a secure wing catered for the mentaly and violently disturbed. The fact is they just took the boy and for what ever reason ( MAY BE FOR KICKS/ FUN ) and put him through hell and then killed him. To me my friend they are scum and very sick and no matter what, no body and i reapet no body like that should be let back out after a such a short time in prison for such an horrific crime. Far as i'm concerned. They should be put in a cell and never be let to see the light of day again.


You have just proved why you'll only be the deputy and not the Marshal.


I am not sticking up for them, merely stating they are either sick or bad not both.


Do you not believe that leopards can change their spots, or that people see the errors of their ways and turn over a completely new leaf?


By the same token are people never cured of an illness.


It was incomprehensible to me that they were released, they were, so that's it.

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Do we string up the hangman who hangs someone later proven innocent?



yup and the Judge who sentenced them and the police who got the wrong person :blush:


and might as well go for the people who stood round the gallows spectating enjoying the spectacle

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Death penalty for people that murder others end of!!!!!! :oops: free up some space for other crimes :blush:


I was going to stay out of this as it is a very imotive subject, horrifying, compelling and thought provoking but imotive. The whole episode will bring to the surface emotions which would normally stay dormant in most people, the problem then is that those emotions cloud ones thought processes to such a degree that it is impossible to see any logical or realistic solution. It is also emotions such as the ones stirred up in this case that cause lynch mobs to go on the rampage.


I have my own views and feelings about this crime, the perpetrators, the way it was reported in the media and the way it was tried, views and feelings I have no intention of sharing as, all that happens in these cases, is a flame war starts! What I will say is that the culprits should never have been tried in an adult court and should not have been tried in the full glare of the media spotlight, they were pre-pubescant children and should have been treated as such. That in itself, irrespective of guilt, innocence, nature of crime et all, was a monumental error on the part of the British legal system and came about because of the public mood which was in itself driven and magnified by the media.


I do however, have no problem sharing my views on the death penalty.


I am a staunch supporter of the death penalty and feel it should be re-introduced where it can be proved unequivocaly that the culprit is guilty of the crime and there were no extenuating circumstances. 'Beyond reasonable doubt' is not good enough as, the very nature of the term implies that there is some element of doubt, no matter how small. Whilst a jury can quite often be 99.9% certain of guilt, they can never be 100% sure unless the defendant confesses and pleads guilty to the crime, the problem here is that on doing so, history tells us that the death sentence will usually be commuted to a custodial sentence. Therein lies the paradox, those whose guilt we are sure of with absolute certainty escape the death penalty and those where there is an element of doubt, small or not, are executed!


We are all emotional beings and it's impossible as a juror not to be moved by what one hears and sees in court, the jurors are also subject to public pressure driven by the media nowadays. Pretty much all high profile cases are decided by the press fuelling public opinion and therefore influencing the jury and the outcome, bear in mind that the press are under no obligation to give a fair and balanced report on a case, they will report what they feel will get them the most readers, viewers or listeners and in the majority of cases we, the public will only be given small 'soundbites' of information, it is amazing how the human mind can then take this incomplete and minimal information and come to, what it thinks, is an informed and just conclusion. Emotions are more often than not far more powerful than evidence. I speak from experience having been on the jury of a very nasty rape case many years ago, after we had seen horrific photos and heard testimony from all sides we retired to the jury room. Emotions were running so high that at least 4 of the jurers would have happily hung him there and then without any regard to the facts at hand. Suffice to say he was convicted but we came to a guilty verdict based on the facts and not on the basis that quite a few of them were very highly strung!



Edited by Vipa
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I do however have no problem sharing my views on the death penalty. I am a staunch supporter of the death penalty and feel it should be re-introduced where it can be proved unequivocaly that the culprit is guilty of the crime and there were no extenuating circumstances. 'Beyond reasonable doubt' is not good enough as, the very nature of the term implies that there is some element of doubt, no matter how small. Whilst the jury can quite often be 99.9% certain of guilt, they can never be 100% sure unless the defendant confesses and pleads guilty to the crime, the problem here is that on doing so, history tells us that the death sentence will usually be commuted to a custodial sentence. therein lies the paradox, those whose guilt we are sure of with absolute certainty escape the death penalty and those where there is an element of doubt, small or not, are executed!






All what you say is true, a very lucid piece, however you have basically stated that capital punishment can never be fair.


Many people confess when they have not committed any crime, they just feel they have to.


There have been recent cases where DNA has proven the innocence of someone who earlier confessed.

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Jamie Bulger the facts.




Author:- Paul BRITTON


Page:- 290.


Thanks for that Greengrass. Ordered it from Amazon after I saw your post. It arrived this morning. Certainly couldn't read it twice, I've already lost 2 hours today crying!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Vipa
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That report is a testimony to right mindedness that very few on this thread have shown.


A pack of baying wolves.


VIGA Thanks very much.



It's not a report it's the opinion of Brian Masters.


Let's wait and see what he's been arrested for. There's already talk of it being something vile and sexual.


You make it sound as if he's dropped a dog end on the pavement.


I suspect there's a reason they're reluctant to disclose what it is, and that will probably be that it will show that their decision to release the creep was a massive error of judgement.

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I came to Liverpool to study at the time of this terrible crime.

I still work in Liverpool now.

My colleagues and I at work have talked of little else since this story broke.

In my opinion they should never have been released after such a short time and YES I do believe that there is a public right to know why he has been imprisoned again.

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It's not a report it's the opinion of Brian Masters.


Let's wait and see what he's been arrested for. There's already talk of it being something vile and sexual.


You make it sound as if he's dropped a dog end on the pavement.


I suspect there's a reason they're reluctant to disclose what it is, and that will probably be that it will show that their decision to release the creep was a massive error of judgement.


By report I meant something by a reporter.


I am concerned as much as any person to what he might have done.

I believe what he has "done" should be reported then if he is convicted of something bad he lose anonimity.

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