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shocking problem with car.


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OK, the wife wanted a new car a couple of years ago, so i bought her a brand new (07 at the time) Peugeot 107. Its a tiny horrid yellow thing.



(yes :blush: , i know)


For the past few months she has been having problems with the keys getting stuck in the locks, and sometimes it wont even open/close. We took it back to the dealership (still under 3 year warranty) and they said it had muck in the locks! :hmm: We took it back for the THIRD time last week, inly to be told that the lock mechs would need replacing, at a cost of...wait for it......£177.00 EACH. It turns out Peugeot have changes their service requirements, and that all their cars now have to include lubrication of and cleaning of the lock mechs. Talk about ,moving the goal posts. Ive been having it out with them for the past two days, and the dealership has now closed the case, and refuses to talk about it. Ive just finished on the phone to Peugeot directly, and explained all this to the nice lady on the phone. She will pass this on to head office, as its a new one on her. She only agreed to do this, after i said that tis might stop me spending 16k on my new people carrier that i was going to buy from them. Cant believe the cheek of it.

Rant Over. :oops:

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i once had a 405 only three years old when i got it. things started going wrong after about 6 months


1-electric window motor

1-fuel managment system mother board thing

1-circuit board or somthing for the alarm emob

1-electric mirror

1-central locking


i think it cost me about £2000 in the space of about 18 months..


never again will i buy a pug..

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sounds like you need Mungler to write you a letter, think i'd be stopping talking now and putting it all in writing. If pug expect to replace locks on a 3 year old car they clearly aren't fit for purpose so you would win in the small claims court

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Pffftt !


Doggy truffle time is it ?! :blush::oops::hmm::lol: :yp:


I would call the MD of the dealership and tell him that if they dont do anything that you'll go to the local papers, Watchdog and come down on a Saturday screaming the place down and telling all of their customers what they have done to you.


But really you should put it all in writing to the MD of the dealership and the head of customer / dealership relations at Peugeot UK.

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Has the car always been serviced by Peugoet? If it has then they can change their policies as many times as they like. It is down to them. Al4x is absolutely correct if the locks require changing after less than 3 years they weren't good enough to start with. If it has a 3 year warrenty them it is down to them.


I had a similar argument with a local Vauxhall dealer over a water pump that they fitted to a vectra I had. It failed after 6 months causing overheating and damage to the head gasket.


After complaining to the dealer they said it was because of the mileage my car had done. I explained that the car had only done 2000 miles since THEY fitted the water pump and surely it should last longer than that especially as the original one on the engine did nearly 120,000.


Anyway the managers face was a picture when I turned up one saturday morning when the place was full of customers. I had to take the dealers to the small claims court but it ended up costing them a hell of a lot more.


Had I have been on Pigeonwatch at the time I would have called in the doggy truffles.





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My youngest daughter bought one of these brand new on an 08 plate, from my local Peugeot dealer.

She has had a couple of minnor hiccups with it, the garage took it straight in fixed em straight away, she said they where really helpfull.

They have to fix your car mate its under full warrenty, dont let em tell you any different, stick to your guns.

Finally just like to say the car and model are not not my cup of tea.


Hope everything goes ok for you Martin. Recovering well from the op, had a drive round in the 4x4 today and was ok, the pub is next ha ha.


Cheers Dave.

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Has the car always been serviced by Peugoet? If it has then they can change their policies as many times as they like. It is down to them. Al4x is absolutely correct if the locks require changing after less than 3 years they weren't good enough to start with. If it has a 3 year warrenty them it is down to them.


I had a similar argument with a local Vauxhall dealer over a water pump that they fitted to a vectra I had. It failed after 6 months causing overheating and damage to the head gasket.


After complaining to the dealer they said it was because of the mileage my car had done. I explained that the car had only done 2000 miles since THEY fitted the water pump and surely it should last longer than that especially as the original one on the engine did nearly 120,000.


Anyway the managers face was a picture when I turned up one saturday morning when the place was full of customers. I had to take the dealers to the small claims court but it ended up costing them a hell of a lot more.


Had I have been on Pigeonwatch at the time I would have called in the doggy truffles.






yea mart, much to my annoyance. it has only done 13k, and she has had it serviced 4 time at about £130.00 a trip.



on a different tack have you tried a good dose of WD40 in the locks?



hi have tried that mate, but it wont make the bits of metal stick back together. they seem forever broke. :hmm:


spoke to head office, and they are going to re-open the case and pass it upstairs. should hear back before tuesday. if not, they will be getting, a letter from Mung, a press release from ME and a bag of dog-logs from MC :oops: Should be fixed quickly then :blush:

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ill wait and see what they do first. they might be getting some 'soft' packages through the post :lol:


Ive never been lucky with cars. i bought a ford c-max from a dealership (again brand new) and in the 12 months i had it, it spent 9 of them in the shop being fixed. got to the point where i nearly did something silly. i drive past this ford one most days now, and he has gone out of business :blush:


i love the PW spirit, everone sticks together when issues like this arise.................BCtrailerpark0309.gif thats what it fels like. :oops::hmm:

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First of all they have not got an argument. If they say they should clean and lubricate the lacks then why haven't they? What else HAVEN'T they done? Secondly you need to threaten them with Watchdog and Rogue Traders.


Thirdly go in there 10 minutes before they close, get a coffee out the machine and sit down and put your feet up. Refuse to move until they sort it out. I did this once in a guys office who was refusing to pay me. It is suprising what difference being there is person makes. Just keep calm and state your points clearly. It is easy to refuse to speak to someone on the phone or hang up. It isn't so easy when you are there is person.

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First of all they have not got an argument. If they say they should clean and lubricate the lacks then why haven't they? What else HAVEN'T they done? Secondly you need to threaten them with Watchdog and Rogue Traders.


Thirdly go in there 10 minutes before they close, get a coffee out the machine and sit down and put your feet up. Refuse to move until they sort it out. I did this once in a guys office who was refusing to pay me. It is suprising what difference being there is person makes. Just keep calm and state your points clearly. It is easy to refuse to speak to someone on the phone or hang up. It isn't so easy when you are there is person.


i have a done this a few times to people and its amazing how quick things get sorted..... :blush:

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First of all they have not got an argument. If they say they should clean and lubricate the lacks then why haven't they? What else HAVEN'T they done? Secondly you need to threaten them with Watchdog and Rogue Traders.


Thirdly go in there 10 minutes before they close, get a coffee out the machine and sit down and put your feet up. Refuse to move until they sort it out. I did this once in a guys office who was refusing to pay me. It is suprising what difference being there is person makes. Just keep calm and state your points clearly. It is easy to refuse to speak to someone on the phone or hang up. It isn't so easy when you are there is person.



wish i could mate, but im having trouble even going the toilet :blush:

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If that picture is of your car, I'd take it off right away (or blur out the licence plate).



Someone could easily clone it and shove it on another Yellow 107. You'd suddenly start finding a bunch of congestion charges and parking fines coming through your door.


(also, 5,555 posts MM!)

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If that picture is of your car, I'd take it off right away (or blur out the licence plate).



Someone could easily clone it and shove it on another Yellow 107. You'd suddenly start finding a bunch of congestion charges and parking fines coming through your door.


(also, 5,555 posts MM!)



:oops::hmm: How many yellow 107's do you reckon there are ? :blush: No self respecting criminal would drive that thing and it's not exactly the idea getaway motor !

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sounds like you need Mungler to write you a letter, think i'd be stopping talking now and putting it all in writing. If pug expect to replace locks on a 3 year old car they clearly aren't fit for purpose so you would win in the small claims court

Definatelly get it all in writting and comunicate that way from now on. Contact citizens bureau advise and which online. By the way, my wife had a 306, seven or eight years ago which went up in flames in a hospital car park due to the dodgy electrical system :blush: . It was a write off (and it also damaged another two cars.). No more french cars for us. :oops:

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I work in the service department for a Peugeot dealer, kicking and screaming and shouting at the General manager will NOT get you anywhere as the dealer

doesnt make the cars, we just repair them when they go wrong!! We have to stick to the guide lines set by the manufacture. Peugeot warranties are, compared to other manufactures pretty rubbish. Best thing to do is stick to your guns and speak to Peugeot customer services. Tell them you have always had Peugeots ect and love them up a bit. Just keep pestering them. Being off hand with the dealer is wrong, only because i see customers frustrations

week in week out. Hope this helps, bud

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I work in the service department for a Peugeot dealer, kicking and screaming and shouting at the General manager will NOT get you anywhere as the dealer

doesnt make the cars, we just repair them when they go wrong!! We have to stick to the guide lines set by the manufacture. Peugeot warranties are, compared to other manufactures pretty rubbish. Best thing to do is stick to your guns and speak to Peugeot customer services. Tell them you have always had Peugeots ect and love them up a bit. Just keep pestering them. Being off hand with the dealer is wrong, only because i see customers frustrations

week in week out. Hope this helps, bud



cheers mate. i dont flip out often, and ive done well on this one so far. ill see what the head shed say, and only then will i throw a tantrum :good:

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I work in the service department for a Peugeot dealer, kicking and screaming and shouting at the General manager will NOT get you anywhere as the dealer

doesnt make the cars, we just repair them when they go wrong!! We have to stick to the guide lines set by the manufacture. Peugeot warranties are, compared to other manufactures pretty rubbish. Best thing to do is stick to your guns and speak to Peugeot customer services. Tell them you have always had Peugeots ect and love them up a bit. Just keep pestering them. Being off hand with the dealer is wrong, only because i see customers frustrations

week in week out. Hope this helps, bud



That is the biggest cop out ever written. The peugeot dealers may not make the cars however they are the frontline if you want to buy one, they are also quite happy to take the profit from selling one and also the cost of servicing which they haven't done correctly. Why should you have to keep phoning a customer service department who are not interested in your complaint and jsut pay you lip service.


I was in a Ford Dealers at the weekend and there was a couple in there who had a complaint with a 3 week old Ford and it had been in for repair for 2 of those weeks. They were getting absolutely nowhere. What really ****** me off is the whole attitude of the motor trade that seems to be that it is never their fault and it is always something to do with the age, mileage, colour, of your car.


It stinks and they should sort it out.

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