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i've never heard of any restrictions - surely they'd be listed on your license if that were the case


he has only put in for it and not got it back yet.

so he does not know if their is any restrictions on it.

i have rabbit and occasional fox on my 222.. is that a restriction. :yes:



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Steve ,I have a condition for Fox on my 270 and advised them at the time I would be lamping with it,no problem with that,after all if the ground is cleared for centre fire of that calibre does it matter if its day or night,dusk or dawn!

If you get it you need to get some Norma 110 grain ballistic tips as they are the buisness and not too dear,I did have a post showing the damage they do but it was removed as too graphic,if you think the 223 and 243 make a mess you aint seen nothing yet.

Obviosly you need to be aware that you are firing a heavier round than the others at nearly the same speed so caution has to be paramount at night and familiarity of your ground,but its a lovely flat shooting round as yet thogh I havent had the chance to push it beyond 200 yards on a fox but have no doubts when the need arises.



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Ther are no lamping calibre restrictions in England or the rest of the uk to the best of my knowledge!



Yes but if you have the condition on your license that says " and for shooting foxes whilst out stalking" then you obviously can't claim to be stalking after dark. Like has been said earlier, it wil have to depend on what conditions the license comes back with

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Yes but if you have the condition on your license that says " and for shooting foxes whilst out stalking" then you obviously can't claim to be stalking after dark. Like has been said earlier, it wil have to depend on what conditions the license comes back with


I take your point and potentially true, but also strange wording which I suspect will be changed on the next variation/renewal to the new ACPO guideline wording!



•stalk: a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush

•stalk: the act of following prey stealthily


Interesting, and debateable, as the definition is poor on the FAC, there is nothing in the world to stop you walking around all night with your rifle "stalking" and simply waiting for one hour before sunrise before you pull the trigger...so what then if you see a fox at "night"? :lol::lol:


Frankly I suspect that wording is another ill conceived B***s up by yet another region attempting to flex mussles they don't have!


Just my opinion of course! :welcomeani::hmm:

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I spoke to my FEO before sending in my renewal for my FAC. I asked him would there be a problem if I asked for a .270 for Fox AND Deer. He said no, but at the end of the day, it's not really down to him. If I'm not allowed a .270 for fox ( on ground where there are no deer) I will contact BASC, and they can sort it out for me.

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