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out of my mind with rats!!


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1) Poison but a type that requires them to drink as long as there is no water souce in building,

2) or traps and stick boards at all times the shop is closesd,

3) gassing is good

4) and the smell from trapped dead rats will subside fairy quickly



1) Myth no such poison is used in the UK.

2) Sticky boards have legal implications and should not be used at this stage.

3) Gassing is good, but you need to be qualified. Phostoxin is deadly stuff and will not only ingress from rat burrows in to cattle sheads but also homes, with lethal results.

4) Dead rat odour can take 4 weeks to six months to fully dissipate.





1) I can't dispute this off the top of my head, but there most certainly were liquid options, perhaps Europe has been at work again, I'll have to check! :)

2) Just what is the issue with Glue Boards, place them in the runs "out of hours", he is hardly going to leave Pro Victors or any sort of live trap in too much public view during opening times anyway..is he?? :lol:

3) Gassing is for the qualified and experienced only! :unsure:

4) Not in my experience, much quicker, and there are plenty of very effective deoderisers available today anyway!



Edited by Dekers
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Jesus, what ever happend to having a half dozen pints with the lads, :unsure: borrowing a couple of terriers, some big sticks a smoker and letting all hell break loose?




'cos it dosn't get rid of the problem - only gives you some entertainment for an hour of two, when your gone, the rats come out to play again. :)

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firstly he needs to rat proof the building, then trap those inside. After that make sure he has poison baiting stations outside and keep them topped up. He will get shut down and fined heavily having rats on a premesis that sells food if he is caught

Edited by al4x
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This sounds like quite a big job, but Pro Victors in AF Boxes with a bit of chocolate will very likely work...after they get used to them being about. Glue Boards I always find effective, but I know Europe has been looking at their continued use for several years now! And of course the good old Difenacoum, Bromadiolone, etc. Gas sounds like an unlikely option in this environment! Live traps potentially?, It goes on, there are other possibilities! Cats and Terriers "may" also form part of the cure/ongoing control!


Just the same, I suspect this will be a time consuming job which will require tackling on several different fronts, and will need ongoing control measures.


Impossible to say of course without seeing the site!


It does indeed sound like a professional controller is required rather than a "bit of sport"!

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Snap traps, not the wooden ones but the plastc ones.

Bait with peanut butter or chocolate spread.

You need to put down dozens of them.

Anticoagulent poisons will take at least two weeks to work


That needs qualifying better, most commonly used anticoagulants work within hours if enough is injested, which it usually will be as ratty gorges on the whole when he finds food. Simple fact is that ratty is neophobic and it may take a couple of weeks for him to enter a bait station and take the bait. ;)

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Guest cookoff013

ballance dustbin traps.


a dustbin (must be tall), and a taped ballance beam (with bait) over the bin. (must also self re-set)

when the rat goes for the bait. he falls in the bin.


i say a guy once walking with a bin full rats. i was really amazed how effective it is.

(and how he got rid of them !)

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Poison but a type that requires them to drink as long as there is no water souce in building, or traps and stick boards at all times the shop is closesd, gassing is good and the smell from trapped dead rats will subside fairy quickly



1) Myth no such poison is used in the UK.

2) Sticky boards have legal implications and should not be used at this stage.

3) Gassing is good, but you need to be qualified. Phostoxin is deadly stuff and will not only ingress from rat burrows in to cattle sheads but also homes, with lethal results.

4) Dead rat odour can take 4 weeks to six months to fully dissipate.




you can get poison that makes them look for water because we had some it makes them dopey and dum then just smak them wid a spade

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Snap traps, not the wooden ones but the plastc ones.

Bait with peanut butter or chocolate spread.

You need to put down dozens of them.

Anticoagulent poisons will take at least two weeks to work

That needs qualifying better, most commonly used anticoagulants work within hours if enough is injested, which it usually will be as ratty gorges on the whole when he finds food. Simple fact is that ratty is neophobic and it may take a couple of weeks for him to enter a bait station and take the bait. :lol:


Best answer I`ve seen in a while, well done :hmm:

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I had a lot around my pond (a big one) and duck shed. They are in an old stone wall and burrows along the side of the pond. You can see when they are busy because of the holes into the duck shed. They are after the eggs and food.

I got 6 of the plastic traps and 3 of the black box bait stations. This combined with a bit of shooting has meant I have not seen a rat for about 2 months now. Downside with baiting so much is one rat came into the house and decomposed over christmas :good: Could smell if for a month but could not get to it.

The bait used in the boxes seem more effective than baited wheat poshed down their holes. I started off only catching the little ones but by the end I was catching the biggies.



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if in doubt call a professional in as the eho will take no prisoners if they get wind of an infestation in the mean time seal up any access points, my dad had problems with rats getting through into our yard where food stuffs were kept so he used sand and cement to block the access points laced with ground glass and this soon deterred the little blighters from knawing back through the holes


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ballance dustbin traps.


a dustbin (must be tall), and a taped ballance beam (with bait) over the bin. (must also self re-set)

when the rat goes for the bait. he falls in the bin.


i say a guy once walking with a bin full rats. i was really amazed how effective it is.

(and how he got rid of them !)


That sounds great - have you made these? I could do with installing a couple at my parents-in-laws farm. Can't find any pictures or directions for making them though...

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As already said; the continuation of business is unlawful and immoral. The bulding and store needs to be made rat proof otherwise all the eradication simply creates vacancies for other rats.


Poisons:- mix with Vasoline or grease and daub it round their holes and runs. They have to lick themselves clean. Alternatives include mixing bait with plaster of Paris. This gives them fatal consitpation.


If you can't get them with an air rifle try a 9mm garden gun and number 9 shot.

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That sounds great - have you made these? I could do with installing a couple at my parents-in-laws farm. Can't find any pictures or directions for making them though...


It it literally just a see-saw with the near end weighted to that a rat will tip it up as it gets to the other end. All you need to remember is to make the see-saw slippy so they can't grip and climb back. Aluminium guttering is OK, or a length of plastic drainpipe.

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As already said; the continuation of business is unlawful and immoral. The bulding and store needs to be made rat proof otherwise all the eradication simply creates vacancies for other rats.


Poisons:- mix with Vasoline or grease and daub it round their holes and runs. They have to lick themselves clean. Alternatives include mixing bait with plaster of Paris. This gives them fatal consitpation.


If you can't get them with an air rifle try a 9mm garden gun and number 9 shot.



There are strict laws relating to the demise of rodents and methods that can be employed, strange as it may seem some of those listed above are not included!



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ballance dustbin traps.


a dustbin (must be tall), and a taped ballance beam (with bait) over the bin. (must also self re-set)

when the rat goes for the bait. he falls in the bin.


i say a guy once walking with a bin full rats. i was really amazed how effective it is.

(and how he got rid of them !)

Forget the balance beam and use some viscreen over the open barrel top, fold it down the side and tape up to secure, then cut a slit in the viscreen about half the barrel diameter but central and smother with bait, use a board smeared with baity scent to bridge from the rat runs to the barrel top, rats follow scent up board start to explore viscreen lid then fall through slit :blush: even better if a bait is hung over the lid :look:

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  • 2 weeks later...

it could be a simple case like grain stores have they try and keep the rodents down but once the door is open they scurry in and out but either continue to shoot them with you air rifle get a few farm cats would be a good idea i dunno how effective this is but i've heard of people ratting with ferrets however terriers are great but also there are rodent deterance things you plug in the wall around the property which makes a noise they dont like and scares them and other pests away again dont know how effecrive these are .



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