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best not carry an orange juice carton


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Sergeant Delroy Smellie was captured by one of the major TV news channels on a succession of CCTV cameras going from place to place just looking for [and getting involved] in a number of fights . He had also removed his identification tags and rank badges from his shoulder epaulettes [which I understand is totally contrary to police procedures].


Yes, just one incident is understandable and yes it is possible that an orange juice carton could contain unpleasant substances other than juice but this man is no more than an out of control thug , who is a disgrace to the Metropolitan Police Service. Sadly, there is a very small minority of police officers who think that wearing a police uniform is reason enough to beat people up - remember the anti hunting bill demonstration in Parliament Square. There are a few rotten apples from ex Commander Ali Dizaei [now in jail] downwards who think that they are above the law and Sergeant Smellie is in the same category.


It saddens me greatly that he was acquitted; we dont know why Nicola Fisher did not testify in Court - maybe she was scared and having seen images of Delroy Smellie both in action and at Court, I cannot blame her.


I do still respect and admire the police service,would be the first to defend them, and have many friends who are serving or retired police officers but incidents like this, where justice has not been done will do the police no favours at all.


well thought out response, :shoot: however the thump em first lads wont like it but it does at least show the use of grey matter, I doubt he will face disciplinary charges either?if this is the sort of result in the MET




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I do wonder if the chap they were remembering who actually DIED when attacked from behind by an outlaw copper got what he deserved? After all, he was just on his way home and found himself corralled in a kettling tactic.


As for the juice in the carton. If the liquid was meant to be used offensively it would have been in a squeezy sports bottle for direction control. As it happens the juice went everywhere, atomised, which to my mind is an indication of the violence of hero plod's attack. Her possession of the juice showed no malice aforethought, unlike hero plod who actively sought out a weaker victim.


Apparently, in all that body armour and being in one of the hardest squads in the Met, he was afraid of this tiny woman. She was engaging in lawful protest at a police killing on the streets.


For those who think hero plod was justified in such a violent attack, just remember next time you are lawfully on land shooting vermin and you are surrounded by similar hero plods who would just love to beat you to the ground and confiscate your weapon. There will be more of them than you and they will no doubt all feel threatened by you because they put themselves in your way.

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And you apply that to all the people from Countryside Alliance, BASC, NGO and the Hunting Organisations who got beaten up in Parliament Square by the Police when protesting against Labour's Hunting Bill?


Surely you can't believe that the only people on that march were members of countryside organisations who had a qenuine reason for being there. :shoot::good:

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Sergeant Delroy Smellie was captured by one of the major TV news channels on a succession of CCTV cameras going from place to place just looking for [and getting involved] in a number of fights . He had also removed his identification tags and rank badges from his shoulder epaulettes [which I understand is totally contrary to police procedures].


Yes, just one incident is understandable and yes it is possible that an orange juice carton could contain unpleasant substances other than juice but this man is no more than an out of control thug , who is a disgrace to the Metropolitan Police Service. Sadly, there is a very small minority of police officers who think that wearing a police uniform is reason enough to beat people up - remember the anti hunting bill demonstration in Parliament Square. There are a few rotten apples from ex Commander Ali Dizaei [now in jail] downwards who think that they are above the law and Sergeant Smellie is in the same category.


It saddens me greatly that he was acquitted; we dont know why Nicola Fisher did not testify in Court - maybe she was scared and having seen images of Delroy Smellie both in action and at Court, I cannot blame her.


I do still respect and admire the police service,would be the first to defend them, and have many friends who are serving or retired police officers but incidents like this, where justice has not been done will do the police no favours at all.


She proberbly did not turn up for court because she was holed up in some drug den somewhere smoking waccky baccky and didnt know what day it was .


Harnser .

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PLOD says move on, what do you do? you move on, he has the power and the authority to do so, consider herself lucky...


No he doesn't if it's a lawful demonstration and nothing is done wrong or no threats of violence are made a police officer can't forcefully move you without breaking a few laws themselves.


The woman was clearly provocateuring the police officer to hit her and she did get hit, but an out of control thug( can't use the term police officer) who is looking for fights with the general public shouldn't be in that job. They should also remember that they are NOT above the law and know who pays their salaries.

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No he doesn't if it's a lawful demonstration and nothing is done wrong or no threats of violence are made a police officer can't forcefully move you without breaking a few laws themselves.


The woman was clearly provocateuring the police officer to hit her and she did get hit, but an out of control thug( can't use the term police officer) who is looking for fights with the general public shouldn't be in that job. They should also remember that they are NOT above the law and know who pays their salaries.


Where should I start - Common law - Criminal law act - CJPO - Public order Act - Crime & disorder act - Commisioners regulations - etc etc

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Surely you can't believe that the only people on that march were members of countryside organisations who had a qenuine reason for being there. :shoot::good:



I just saw the people being interviewed afterwards - many with blood pouring from their heads after being whacked with police batons - Decent ordinary countrysports loving people like me and - I am sure - you and most definitely not the usual subjects from "rent a mob".


I never heard of unwashed activists jumping onto this particular band wagon - cant imagine that a protest against the Hunting Bill would entice them out -against their "principles" if they have any!


However your comment HAS reminded me of one thing thank you!] - there are similarities between this demonstration and the G20 demonstration and the aftermath demonstration in which Sergeant Smellie got nasty. Both were a huge embarassment to the Government and opinion at the time was that the Police were ordered to get tough with any demonstrations. I cannot remember but was the Governments pet policeman, Sir Ian Blair still Commissioner and in charge of the Met at the time?

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I remember idiots who thought it would be clever and proper to bring a pack of hounds into central london that ran amok in Whitehall/several horses riding along, one that the rider lost control and ended up knocking over an ambulance woman/up their own **** protestors who thought they had the right to violently demonstate on the streets of london because they came from the countryside and therefore had the right to get ******, urinate where ever they liked. Many were just as violent as the average soapy dole waller.

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Where should I start - Common law - Criminal law act - CJPO - Public order Act - Crime & disorder act - Commisioners regulations - etc etc


I think you lost me at Common Law. The Acts you speak of actually reference Maritime Law and not Common law that si why when police say: That is illegal, they are actually refering to Maritime Law and legalese and not to Common Law. When they say: that is unlawful, that is refering to common law.

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Im always of the opinion that if a copper gives you an instruction, you follow it? Ok, maybe he was a bit over the top but at the end of the day she gave him a reason to slap her (they say it's an accepted method?) and then when she didn't back off he stepped it up a bit.


There's a simple rule to stick to in these situations... Respect the person in authority. If she'd have done as she was told she wouldn't have been whacked, end of story!

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I wondered how long it would take KW to crawl out for a snipe.


Suprised it took you so long but if it brings a little cheer to you-please carry on.




I will :good: plod on



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Hit first,and then again and again,never give in,never stop,thats what i have learnt from 30 yrs martial arts,get in my face there gonna be no hesitation


Thats funny. The thing I learned from martial art training was to avoid a fight if you could, though should you be unable to avoid the fight then yes, get in there first, and be harder and faster than your attacker. Also only stop when you know you can get away from the situation with out them coming after you.

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Really shocked by some of the responses and didn't excpect it from this forum. There isn't a whole lot in the article, but it would seem that a man used uneccissary force against a woman partaking in a peaceful protest. One of the 'downfalls' of a democracy is there will be protests you don't agree with and they will be legal, and you can't just beat people into submission. The back-hand? Fair enough. The baton - to far.

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I know, scary to think that some of these guys have got weapons.


Ah the classic shooting malapropism, I don't think there is a single person on this forum who owns a 'weapon';



- any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, or cannon.


What is more scary is you think its acceptable to scream obscenities in a police officers face (or anyone for that matter) and him/her just have to take it. :yes: You may have personal issues with the Police but come on!


The OP was about this SINGLE incident, not what he may or may not have done else where in the riot, sorry protest. He's possibly been heavy handed but i'd love to know what you would do if you'd been him in that situation :) What scares me the most is that we have a visual representation about the problem with the *** of a law called 'reasonable' force'. We've seen the video and opinion is split, what chance would he have with them two just standing next to each other in the dock?! :huh: (Again, referring to this SINGLE incident)


I'm not defending the bloke, if what else has been written about him is true then yes he sounds like a thug and he should be dealt with in the correct manner, but what you think is reasonable sitting behind a computer safe and sound, and what he thought was reasonable faced with a few thousand people and some screaming banshee is his face, possibly with a carton full of ammonia, are two completely different things.



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