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Driven Days


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my high seat was damaged by maschine gun bullets. It was standing at the border of the shooting range.

Looks they were using it for target practice Hurbetus. :):)


I've just scrolled through your thread and I must say how much I've enjoyed looking at the Photos and reading the desciptions attached . :(


Is all the shooting done from High Seats on these driven days ............Probably a stupid question when you consider the safety aspect with so many guns including novices around but I was just wondering.



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Looks they were using it for target practice Hurbetus. :):)


I've just scrolled through your thread and I must say how much I've enjoyed looking at the Photos and reading the desciptions attached . :(


Is all the shooting done from High Seats on these driven days ............Probably a stupid question when you consider the safety aspect with so many guns including novices around but I was just wondering.



No as targets on that range were some burned out russian tanks and some other vehicles where they shoot at. The high seat is just on the border of the range so sometimes in the firing line.


No its not usuall that you shoot from a high seat on a driven day. It depends. Sometimes you have a high seat or a low seat and sometimes you are just standing on the ground (3 hours is a drive on these hunt and only one drive per day).


Im happy that you enjoyed the little diary. I will keep on to post some pics of driven days and their results.



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and next hunt was the next day (23th of november). It was a good bag. I think to remember 27 red deer, 25 boar, some roe and one fox. It was a very nice day. The dogs worked very well. The younger dog caught together with 3 other dogs a wounded male boar (3 years and 67 kilo) and the older one brought quite a lot of game to us (red and boar). My girlfriend sticked the wounded boar.

So really a perfect day with some really brilliant work from the dogs.


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sorry to be ignorant but could you tell me how these days work. ie how they are driven ect ?? also what do you shoot them with ?? last of all what is sticking ?


ive never really seen this before and was just wondering.

they will be driven only by dogs. on these hunts there are no beaters. There is only one drive per day and the drive takes 3 hours. The size of the drive is between 400 and 1500 hektar. The guns are spread all over the drive in different groups. Most time you dont see your neighbour.


You only shoot with the rifle. I use a Mauser M (19)96 in caliber .308 Win. Many people use a 9,3x62.


Sticking means if the dogs have caught a boar and you must kill it with the knife. I dont know the right english expression. Its too dangerous to shoot in such a situation because the dog(s) cover the boar.



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Hi Rob,


they work on their own. That means there is no one walking with them. The dogmen are standing at different points as shooter. They are allowed to help the dogs if the boar wont move or if they have caught a wounded boar. They walk then very loudly to the dog(s) and boar.



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normally you pay per day. Included is all young and female game. Males (throphys) must be paid extra. The price depends on the forestry commission and the bag that is expected.


My girlfriend and me are invited because of our dogs and we dont have to pay (otherwise i couldnt do so many driven days, its quite expensive).


Last hunts for us this season are from monday to friday next week.


Will continue soon to post some more pics from the season.


Best wishes, Alex

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Guest konings

yes hubertus they are very nice your pictures,i enjoy it and looks to the next you wil send,and if you dont no what to do with your trofy's i wil some one for hanging in my huntingroom :thumbs: :wacko: :wacko: from here in Holland i will give you al the best and have many drivehuntings,so that we have more pictures to see....



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