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Good afternoon all, just a little note to say hi to everyone and a bit about myself

I have been shooting on and off for many years, mostly shotguns, but for the last few years have had a couple of rimfires, and far too many air rifles.

I have a variation in at present for a .223 and a .308, with a view to doing DSC 1 and a bit of deer stalking and foxing.

I'm off work sick at present having had a triple heart bypass in December, the recovery is a bit slow for some reason with the ribcage still tender, I'll probably be back at work in a month or so.

S**s law when I spoke to my FEO last week he was just going on holiday for 3 weeks to the Dominican Republic, so I'll be waiting for a while before I get my cert back.

I have lined up and put a deposit on a second hand Sauer 202 .308 but am still keeping an eye out for a nice .223 and a couple of scopes to suit them, if you have anything I may be interested in let me know.

I am trading in my A 302 semi and my Cynergy Black Ice Titanium for a new Beretta A400 which should be here by June. I like the idea of minimum recoil what with the state of my chest etc.

Anyway, that's the most I have typed in a long while so I'll stop there and leave it at that.

Regards Mike

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