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Are we all two faced?


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I was just reading the thread about the squirrel pox and I have seen it in umpteen other threads before, where species that cannot be shot are given sympathy and support. However those species which can be killed are usually followed by "Good days shooting you had there :good: "


Obviously species are on the general licence becuase they are a pest. However, there will have been and may one day be a time when they aren't or weren't and will have been given the support and 'nice photo :yes: ' comments.


If it were to ever be the case that the red squirrel went on the general licence (for whatever pest reason) would those who support them so much and write words of sympathy that they're currently a struggling breed, be happy to post a thread "shot my first red squizzer today :P " ?


I'm not just saying it about this species; it could be anything. Rabbits could get hit by one almighty mixy outbreak and get put on the endangered species list. Would there be posts showing photos of the last few surviving ones - Followed by "great photo you've taken there. They're on the increase I've seen :rolleyes: "



Edited by harfordwmj
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My view is that two faced’ is probably a bit strong.


There are hundreds of thousands of shooters and several times as many different views on one or other aspect of shooting and related issues…welcome to the world of BASC!


Tolerance is the way forward among shooters…times change, quarry lists change, but let’s respect each other right to shoot or not to shoot what we choose.



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My view is that two faced’ is probably a bit strong.


There are hundreds of thousands of shooters and several times as many different views on one or other aspect of shooting and related issues…welcome to the world of BASC!


Tolerance is the way forward among shooters…times change, quarry lists change, but let’s respect each other right to shoot or not to shoot what we choose.




I can assure you I wasn't having a dig at anyone. It was really just a matter of interest. ;)

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Its why shooting and conservation go hand in hand, few shoot to exterminate a species more for sport and sport is better if the quarry species thrive. Personally I wouldn't shoot a red squirrel because of their status however if we were over run with them and they were causing a problem I could do.

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If I enjoy shooting squirrels (and I do) then it wouldn't really matter to me what colour they were. I don't shoot reds because it's illegal and I respect the reasons why it's illegal (not sure I could say the same about herring gulls but that's another story). However if the day came that they became a pest species then yes I'd shoot red squirrels. I don't see it as two-faced as my reasoning behind shooting reds then would be the same as the one for shooting greys now.


Things periodically come and go off the licences, I'm sure many shooters on here have legally shot starlings in the past.


If it were to ever be the case that the red squirrel went on the general licence (for whatever pest reason) would those who support them so much and write words of sympathy that they're currently a struggling breed, be happy to post a thread "shot my first red squizzer today " ?


Yes, because they wouldn't be struggling any more... and the first is always special ;)

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;) What the hell have you been smoking? :)


I wondered who'd ask that :yes:




Seriously, I'm not sure if everyone quite gets what I mean.


EE you did it in the red squirrel thread. It was actually your comment that got me thinking this, as I know you're a keen grey squirrel killer. So I wondered if you'd happily shoot a red if 12 hours following your post, if they'd be added to the general licence that evening... (hypothetically speaking)

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;) Its not a good choice to use really, they are an indiginous species that is under threat and even in the conservationists wildest dreams they will never again reach "problem" levels. Hyperthetically if they reached those dizzy proportions and were doing as much damage as the greys then of course.


I was shooting for a number of years before I killed a grey and that was only because i had had my eyes opened by the farmer that owns one of my permissions.


I am 43 and have never seen a red in the uk and so I was moved by those pictures ( I also hate to see dead moles), I have seen them in Germany and they are cool little animals.


I do have a bit of a conflict with some of the stuff I shoot tbh, there are pair of foxes living under the window in the unit i work in, the male is spectacular looking, the female a bit skinny so I suspect there are cubs in the den. I can appreciate thier beauty,and while they are doing no harm they are amusing to watch however, if pretty boy strays too far, like 2.5 miles down the road to my sheep farm and im there, he will get shot, zimples. There are at least 15 foxes living in the hospital grounds and they help to keep down the rats so are not discouraged.


I was out walking my new pup the other day when she came face to face with a huge fledgling blackback gull that didnt take off, he looked exhausted and couldnt fly...now i had the kids with me, one shoots and will kill game, the other shoots paper but wouldnt kill game.


Tyler said "put it out of its misery" Harlie said "Can we keep it"" Had I been there with a gun the outcome would have been very different......however he now resides in the local animal rescue centre and is doing well, he had bochalism!!! from eating too much rubbish from the tip, luckily the lady who runs the place loves seagulls....or giant white pigeons as they are known on one of my permissions!!


You can still have repect for your quarry, enjoy its antics and natural history even if you kill them. If one of my farmer decided that my permission rights depended on dead moles then id get over that one too. :)

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It comes down to having restraint. For instance for most of my life the population of rabbits around my area were struggling so I never shot that many; however, now they are thriving so I can go out and shoot half a dozen safe in the knowledge that the next day I go out I can bag a few for the pot. I think if it was legal and I ever shot a red squirrel I would do it justice and stuff it.

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