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Big thumbs down for CIS car insurance


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What can only be described as my most vulnerable times to drive a car after passing my test - the first day, week, month and year... I was shocked to realise that I was not actually insured on my car, even though I had a policy certificate posted to me a few days after supposedly taking out the insurance. I found this out today, 3 weeks after taking the policy out ;)


It all came about after no payment was issued. A quick call to the insurer (CIS) and they were kind enough to say that the car's not insured!!!


So if you take out a new policy, do check, as it's apparent this can happen, even with a certificate posted to you :)


God forbid I'd actually had an accident.

Edited by harfordwmj
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What do you mean "After no payment was issued"?


If you hadn't paid then how on earth could you expect to be insured? Policy documents or not.


It wasn't CIS who ALLOWED you to drive uninsured, it was you who went out on the road without insurance. And yes god forbid if you had an accident, the other person would have been stuffed after being hit by an uninsured driver.


Noone to blame but yourself I am afraid.

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It all came about after no payment was issued


most insurers give you 7 days to pay the premium (unless other arrangements are made), if its not paid then youre off cover, though they usually do send you a letter advising your insurance has been cancelled.


yes, its annoying when it happens but maybe a bit of a wakeup call - what would happen if you'd had an accident? or what if youd forgott o send the forms in for the renewal of your gun licence?? ;)

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Just to re word what I said. No payment was taken from my account.


When I got the car the insurance was all done over the phone and I was informed over the phone that I was covered. A day or two later, the policy dropped through the letterbox.


It was only that the insurance company hadn't taken out any money when they said they would that then raised suspicions...


I can hardly be to blame when I'm told by a man who works for the insurer "thank you Mr Harford, you are now covered on this vehicle"

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Just to re word what I said. No payment was taken from my account.


When I got the car the insurance was all done over the phone and I was informed over the phone that I was covered. A day or two later, the policy dropped through the letterbox.


It was only that the insurance company hadn't taken out any money when they said they would that then raised suspicions...


I can hardly be to blame when I'm told by a man who works for the insurer "thank you Mr Harford, you are now covered on this vehicle"



The lad does have a point! :blink:


At least he was bright enough to chase them up! I doubt I'd have noticed until my bank statement came through because you'd assume it would either have gone through or you would have been informed? That's bad customer services IMO!

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Just to re word what I said. No payment was taken from my account.


When I got the car the insurance was all done over the phone and I was informed over the phone that I was covered. A day or two later, the policy dropped through the letterbox.


It was only that the insurance company hadn't taken out any money when they said they would that then raised suspicions...


I can hardly be to blame when I'm told by a man who works for the insurer "thank you Mr Harford, you are now covered on this vehicle"



Well in that case I take back what I said,


You are right CIS are ******* ***** :blink: :lol: :lol:

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They took my bank account and sort code. So it wasn't a case of me not giving the right info...!



How could they bill you over the phone from your bank account and sort code ? If that was possible then anyone could charge anything to peoples accounts...

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yup over the phone would need to be credit card details, possibly they filled in the DD and sent to you to sign and return.


The problem is a lot of egits pay the first installmant so they have the ticket and then bounce the rest forgetting about ANPR. They are meant to write to you though

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if you gave them the payment details why was it not taken - did CIS not try to take it or did your bank refuse to pay it? whichever one it was someone should get an earful over it if thats the case. :blink:


ps sometimes companies take the bank details (acc no+sort code) to set up your direct debits, but request the first payment be paid by card/cash/cheque, though they would have advised you of this. also alot of companies still need a signed ddm (direct debit mandate) from you :lol:

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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CIS as a large company would use a system called Auddis and Addacs , which after certification from the banks would allow them to set up direct debits over the phone using on your bank account and sort code. This is a normal process done every day by thousands of companies.

This would appear to CIS fault and you should register a complaint with them under the direct debit guarantee scheme which should protect you from this sort of problem.

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so did they have your bank or card details as usually this happens when thye don't get authorised to remove the payment

Or when there isn't enough money in the account to remove the payment, he has just bought a landrover which will be at least a million pounds to insure!!


Mind you, there maybe discounts for public school boys :blink:

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