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which ebay snipe tool


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..... and on Fleabay any bids received in the last minutes of the auction extends the time of the auction - just like a real auction as the bidding continues until everyone drops out.


When the Airtours Holiday Auction Site was operating I used to get some magnificent bargain holidays by timing my final bid down to the last couple of seconds - I always used to imagine scores of people sat there with their fingers on the send button hoping that they cut it just fine enough that they couldn't be overbid. Absolutely loved it. I went on an all inclusive to the Domincan Republic for around £100, a 2 week cruise for £400, Orlando for 2 weeks for a couple of hundred, plus a few others, and that was for the two of us.


A fantastic couple of years that was - as long as you were prepared to pack your bags and go in a day or two - almost a perminent holiday.

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..... and on Fleabay any bids received in the last minutes of the auction extends the time of the auction - just like a real auction as the bidding continues until everyone drops out.

I proxy my maximum bid for anything I really want in the last minute, and have never seen the time extended :good:

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Bidding time on E-Bay is not extended by last minute bids as in a real auction; that is why there is a finish time always shown for each item listed. If they extended the time limit because of last minute bidders, they would be breaking the terms and conditions that they have with each and every customer who uses them to either buy or sell goods - now even E-Bay aren't that stupid!


Pushkin. :good:

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