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Looks like Browns hanging on by his finger nails we need some one to stamp on his hands, the thing is Cleg will end up as Browns lap dog looks like we are stuck with labour then we will have to pay the price, yours full of doom and gloom Popgun.

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Yeah well done to all the numpties who voted "off piste"; you just spilt the vote and got us a hung parliament.


Bloody hell you and your tripe again!

My party got 850000 votes, 4th biggest in the UK, however the banana republic that is the UK and the shambolic voting system ensures the Greens getting a seat with just 198000 seats.

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Its quite an interesting situation.

If the majority of the people in the UK voted Conservative, then they should be given the first chance to form a Government.


For Labour , with less votes, but a cobbled together alliance with Lib Dems, Scottish and Welsh Nationalists, to even suggest that they should form the Government, just confirms what a morally bankrupt outfit they are.

I would imagine that such a decision would spark some incredible reactions.

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Get over it, we`ve had this system how long ?


Never realised you supported an african type banan voting system. Can I suggest you move to Africa where if your mate is a politician you can vote as many times as you like, discount basic mathematics and statistics and murder your opponents.

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Yeah well done to all the numpties who voted "off piste"; you just spilt the vote and got us a hung parliament.


The "off piste" parties have got nowhere and any vote cast that wasn't for Tory, has just helped Brown & Co. The irony is that if Brown does a deal with the Lib Dems, then it's another term of Brown and Co. I am sure that sits well with the "off piste" voters amongst us :good:


I'm with Mung 100%



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If Brown stays in power I will never be voting in an election again. Huh and to think I had the arrogance to think I could change something. :good:



Pick your toys up will you?


So your party got 850000 votes, it obviously wasn't enough and that is how democracy works. A hung parliament is possibly the worst thing that could happen to this country (Apart from Liebour winning) and you have contributed to that. It is your choice I know but well done all the same.

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perhaps in the future when there is another election, the voting public should have to take some kind of intelligence test before they're allowed to vote, you know, something along the lines of '1 elephant add another elephant, makes how many elephants?' . If we already had this in place, i'm sure we'd of had a tory landslide victory!

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Pick your toys up will you?


So your party got 850000 votes, it obviously wasn't enough and that is how democracy works. A hung parliament is possibly the worst thing that could happen to this country (Apart from Liebour winning) and you have contributed to that. It is your choice I know but well done all the same.


OK so how do you explain a party with 198k votes getting one seat but one with 850k getting no seats? This is basic maths even a child could get his head around it. I am not complaining that UKIP didn't get in I knew they wouldn't but for nearly a million people in the UK to be effectively disenfranchised (no MPS) is not on. :good:


This has nothing to do with Conservaties getting in, I don't want Conservatives in anyway.

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OK so how do you explain a party with 198k votes getting one seat but one with 850k getting no seats? This is basic maths even a child could get his head around it. I am not complaining that UKIP didn't get in I knew they wouldn't but for nearly a million people in the UK to be effectively disenfranchised (no MPS) is not on. :good:


This has nothing to do with Conservaties getting in, I don't want Conservatives in anyway.



Quite possibly that in the seats where your party got 850000 votes they were beaten by other parties and where the green party got their votes they beat the others.


It is how a democracy works, funnily enough the candidate with the most votes wins the seat. Strange but true.

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perhaps in the future when there is another election, the voting public should have to take some kind of intelligence test before they're allowed to vote, you know, something along the lines of '1 elephant add another elephant, makes how many elephants?' . If we already had this in place, i'm sure we'd of had a tory landslide victory!




You must be psychic.


I was just thinking how absurd it is that the wellbeing of the country is in the hands of people who can't string two words together and are incapable of coherent thought.


Something wrong somewhere :good:

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Quite possibly that in the seats where your party got 850000 votes they were beaten by other parties and where the green party got their votes they beat the others.


It is how a democracy works, funnily enough the candidate with the most votes wins the seat. Strange but true.


Yeah however I do think we should get rid of First pass the Post system and have proportional representation.

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Yeah however I do think we should get rid of First pass the Post system and have proportional representation.



Oh yes absolutely, a proportional representation instead of the candidate who has the most votes winning. Maybe we could decide the winner of an F1 race by the driver who uses the least ammount of fuel as well.


If it was a first past the post system we wouldn't be looking at a hung parliament now. DC would be in at No.10 where he should be.

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what is astounding is the turnout compared to most elections and that was why they had problems.


What really boils my **** though is we pay to set up a Scottish and welsh parliment and yet they can swing the election one way or another, I mean look at this map how exactly can the English parliment not be decided.



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what is astounding is the turnout compared to most elections and that was why they had problems.


What really boils my **** though is we pay to set up a Scottish and welsh parliment and yet they can swing the election one way or another, I mean look at this map how exactly can the English parliment not be decided.




Easily explain. What you're looking at is a map of the UK with the elction boundaries coloured in the winning party colours. If you looked at it (as they showed on TV this morning) as equal sized hexagons for the seats won then it would show as being fairly even.


I'm extremely disappointed UKIP didn't get more support as most people probably "flipped" their vote at the last moment. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen a government made up of a UKIP & tory alliance. Still, someone pass me the vaseline. May as well get greased up for the EU rogering that's coming our way and let's face, it's gonna smart somewhat.


Suzy, not a bad idea to have an egg & spoon race with one eye shut. Only problem with that is that Gordo has an unfair advantage. Still one would hope he'd close the good eye :good:

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Easily explain. What you're looking at is a map of the UK with the elction boundaries coloured in the winning party colours. If you looked at it (as they showed on TV this morning) as equal sized hexagons for the seats won then it would show as being fairly even.


I'm extremely disappointed UKIP didn't get more support as most people probably "flipped" their vote at the last moment. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen a government made up of a UKIP & tory alliance. Still, someone pass me the vaseline. May as well get greased up for the EU rogering that's coming our way and let's face, it's gonna smart somewhat.


Suzy, not a bad idea to have an egg & spoon race with one eye shut. Only problem with that is that Gordo has an unfair advantage. Still one would hope he'd close the good eye :good:



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the sad thing for UKIP voters are that they probably had enough clout to kick Gordon out but by their protest vote they helped him possibly stay in No 10, they were predicted to go a lot higher so looks like about 2% of their voters saw sense. Seems an odd thing to want

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Chard, it's nothing less than I've come to expect of you. I think we all know you good gloat. Enjoy :good: (couldn't find a smiley that sticks 2 fingers up :lol: )


You can borrow this one if you like, Doc finger.gif



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In true English style I'm gonna kick the mrs out, refuse to pay for the kids and spread my seed. The mrs and kids will be better off on benefits and I can keep my wages every month.


And whilst we're reaping the benefits we'll be keeping all those working for needless local authority quangos in gainful employment while they too work out how to shaft those who pay their way.


Sorted :good:

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He won't stay in. If anything, Cameron will get it by the merest smidgeon of skin of his teeth.



he could do if he forms an alliance with the Lib Dems, one things for sure its certainly shafted the country, the pound is falling fast stockmarket doing the same we could well go the same way as Greece if this can't be sorted quickly

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