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Last Gasp Vixen.................

Evil Elvis

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:lol: Fatcatsplat and i decided to go for a lamp on one of our permissions last night, the temp was plummeting and there was drizzle in the air, as we walked around we spotted a fox that could be taklen as it was an unsafe shot and one squeek and it was off like a rocket. I had the .222 and Fcs had the hummer for rabbits which were conspicuous by thier absence!!!! we walked over 600 acres without seeing another ting!!! We did come to a couple of bunnies just before we left the shoot, one which FCS hit but we couldnt find it in the wheat and the other, well FCS wanted to see what the .222 did to a bunny so i shot one at 140 yards and the only reply i got was "eeeerrrggghhh".


We calle dit a night was was just leaving when about 120 yeards from me was a very low set of eyes and very very bright, at first i thought fox cub, then no defo cat, so i took the red filter off to have a look and it was an adult fox slinking along the ground!!! wierd.


I squeeked and it immediately sat up and looked at us.......wham, one boiler room shot later off FCS shoulder and she was very dead!



My apologies for the **** picture, i left my camera at home and this was off FCS blackberry.

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Honestly, It didnt matter how hard Fatcatsplat sucked them or how long he tugged on them,....no milk came out. :good:



You are a very sick man EE, I've tried everything on the net but can't find anything or anyone that can help you!!

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