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After listening to radio 2 about just gone 12pm today,hearing the BASC defending shooters on national radio re yesterday very sad and painful incident :hmm: in the north west, i have now made up my mind they are the one for me, so far i havnt heard any other groups defending shooters, maybe they have, but i cannot hear them

HAVE YOU :good:

Edited by discreet hunter
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Guest topshot_2k

Been a member for nearly 15 years and its times like this when it reminds just how little £60 a year is for a voice to defend shooting.

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Not heard of any other groups defending our rights, maybe they are, but they dont seem to be speaking up!



Arggghhhh this is realy pigging me off!!! how do I get the BASC logo in my sig as it is on yours?.... can't for the life of me work out how to do it!!!

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Joined on Thursday, member pack just hit the mat. Only problem is they included a little pamphlet of merchandise you can buy... Do they not know how susceptible I am to this kind of thing... Hmm a hat, or maybe two, oh look spend a tenner and it's free postage right so two hats then maybe a game seasons fridge magnet and you get a free wallet. :blush:

Edited by Colster
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The BASC has come in for a lot of flak because of their stance on raised laying cages, (aligning with the League Against Cruel Sports, and sponsoring parliamentary early day motions on same), and lately for conceding that the end is in sight for lead shot. So much so that the highly regarded John Humphries and some of his Shooting Times colleagues have publicly quit the organsation.


The BASC IS the Voice of Shooting, even if it still has a wildfowlers bent, so it is good to see the BASC speaking up for commonsense and speaking up for shooting and shooters, because without them there would be nothing to counter the Ministry of Hysteria AKA the BBC and the rest of the ignorant "meeja".


The fact is that this recent atrocity is a one off. An otherwise and outwardly sane man suffered a bout of temporary insanity and decided to do for those he knew who had slighted him in a state of high paranoia. Also taking pot shots apparently at others who happened to get in his way or who might have reported him while he was sitill intent on his crazy mission. He could have done this with an illegal hand gun, a knife, a baseball bat or even his car.


Also in the headlines but overshadowed was the killing of a woman and daughter, shot by a man known to them.


We have 5 guns per 100 people in this country and some of the toughest gun laws in the world. The number in Germany is 30 per hundred and in France, 32 per hundred. There is no greater inicidence of maniacal atrocities in Germany or France.


It is a one off and in testament to this, the Cumbrian outrage has not sparked off a series of copy-cat killing sprees. By and large shooters are as sane and reliable as the next person, except that this has to be vouched for very five years or so in the case of shooters.


More people are killed by random or orchestrated acts of violence by people on ASBO's. How can that be permitted?


What we have is a solid sensible Conservative government and we are not going to get a knee jerk reaction legislating for stricter restrictions, although we might get more regular checks and even random visits from the Police.


Shooters out vermin shooting will be subjected to more harassment (even persecution) by the Police, and antis and other members of the public will over react to the sight of guns in fields and hedgerows. Right to Roam has given the public access to areas where they now come into eyeshot of shooters more often and drama queens armed with mobile phones will get up to mischief, triggering ARU siezing guns out in the field.


We now need BASC more than ever before. Ten years of determined education of the public and the media has been undone in a flash. It will be a difficult and anxious time but I think we have the right party in government. A united front by shooters and all shooting organisations is paramount.

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Joined on Thursday, member pack just hit the mat. Only problem is they included a little pamphlet of merchandise you can buy... Do they not know how susceptible I am to this kind of thing... Hmm a hat, or maybe two, oh look spend a tenner and it's free postage right so two hats then maybe a game seasons fridge magnet and you get a free wallet. :blush:



welcome to the gang :oops:



Les :hmm:

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After listening to radio 2 about just gone 12pm today,hearing the BASC defending shooters on national radio re yesterday very sad and painful incident :hmm: in the north west, i have now made up my mind they are the one for me, so far i havnt heard any other groups defending shooters, maybe they have, but i cannot hear them

HAVE YOU :oops:



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I would like to add that if you actually link your words "proud member" to BASC's website, not only does the website benefit greatly from backlinks which push its rankings up on Google, but the anchor text words show up as 'Proud Member' :good:


My Site's anchor text shows up as different things, dependant on what people write.



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Just to back up what I said. Here's a snippet of the thousands of backlinks that help BASC related pages show up in Google searches.


It's the website that mentioned it and the anchor text that was used to write in place of the long URL



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the usual BASC knockers are staying quiet :good::yes:


Right this BASC knocking thing is seriously getting boring now stop crying about it if you dont agree with them dont answer to them. And like people dont do the same to SAC CA or the NGO. Alot of you's seem to give but dont like taking.

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