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any tips for magpies


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I would take Snakebites advice and leave them alone for the time being - at this time of year, they're not causing any harm.


Put your Larsen trap out again at the end of March, with a live call bird in it, (not before 'cos it's too cold), and you WILL catch them.



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Get rid of them Lidlor they are evil things. I've seen them trying to peck the eyes out of new born lambs, they always do it to dead ones. The ewe had twin lambs sometime in the night, when i checked them first thing i could see 2 maggies pecking a 1 lamb so i thought it must be dead, when i got to i was only just still alive. It was a poor lamb and wouldn't of made it anyway, so i knocked on the head.


The old crow isnt as bad as them.


Just shows they may be doing no harm but give them half a chance they will !!

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I would agree with The Beater and disagree with Snake and HH, just because they are not doing any harm at the moment doesn't mean they won't as soon as they get a chance. They should be dealt with whenever a safe opertunity presents itself, you will be doing the songbird population a favour at the very least. Where I live we are overrun with them and Jays at the moment, I would relish the opertunity to get on some.

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There are too many maggies all over .The fact that we don't see many photos of several dead uns is a testement to their cunning and skill .


Given the opportunity I would shoot loads at what ever opportunity........but as most of my shooting is at night I don't get the Chance .



Roll on the Summer :D




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I think most people have missed the point here - if they can't be shot, and won't go in a Larsen, the only thing to do is leave them alone for a while until they will go in a Larsen with a live call bird in it.


Everybody seems to be saying "Kill 'em", but nobody has given poor sleepless Lidlor any advice on how to do it, apart from me.


I'm not a Magpie lover - I trapped 63 in one season in my back garden, from March through to July.



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Pop out some bread or frozen chips, lie in wait with airifle, nailed two maggies at my grandparents last weekend doing this, also got a grey squirrel. When you nail your first maggie put another pellet in fast, I had magpies jumping down and absolutely screaming at their comrade, unfortunately only one sat still long enough.


The previous tip is also a good one, you can use it to catch your first maggie in the larsen also, for killer edge, put clingfilm under and crack one of the eggs, visible yolk is an absolute magnet.

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Some good advice there, I zapped a right & left at Magpies from the Pigeon hide the other week, one folded and came down stone dead, the other did the same, but much to my surprise, literally BOUNCED off the ground and then flew away...!!


I reloaded of course, and did a Rob Reynolds UK, by giving him another dose of 32g 6's at extreme range, but to no avail, the sod kept on going..!!



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i have got four maggies that sit out side my window every day cant shoot them .... i have used larsen trap they set the traps of smart birds any help

have you considered getting a Cat :lol:


If you have another area you can shoot (a garden perhaps) , you maybe able to bait them to it.

Edited by ^mimic^
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I think that the tips people have given are excellent and I have taken notes!

BUT...... none of them are going to help lidlor!


One idea I have had and it might not be ideal but please feel free to adapt and contribute to it is...... a catapult.

Silent, legal and no need for a massive back stop, just a safe one.

If they keep getting popped at they might clear off. Not ideal as I have said but maybe worth a go? :lol:

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I have a Black Widow catapult made by Barnett ( £5.99) and despite it being massively powerfull you wouldn't kill a Magpie unless you hit it bang on in the head which is difficult even using the supplied steel shot. If that is the route you go down then get lots of practice first. Ray Mears recomends in a survival situation loading your catapult with small pebbles and firing at birds but I think this is just to give a better chance of keeping them grounded until you get to them and wouldn't kill them cleanly like a shotgun unless they went loads faster. If you did this then you would have to finish them off. By the way plinking at cans with a handfulll of pebbles loaded is good fun provided you use gloves as they can sometimes wing off into your hand. I speak wih experience. :lol: :lol: :lol:


FM :)

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That's a very novel and imaginative idea - but how does Lidlor achieve it..:lol:



by being a damn sight more cunning than the mag...he hasn't said why he can't just shoot them, air gun would do it, larsen is good but only at the right time of year. Not tried the nest eggs thingy but like the idea, certainly worked when they used to poison them :lol: How about a rat trap baited with an egg only on second thoughts probably a bit indiscriminate. What about a good moggy...only you'd have to dispose of that afterwards b******* are as bad as the mags :lol:

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