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Lawn mower help!


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OK. so a little late (about 4 month) I have finally had my house build project finished and moved in just over a week ago... only problem is, my garden is a tad bigger than the one I left behind in London, and after spending three eveings, two discs in my back and possibly one divorce on the lawn, I have finally realised that my little flymo is not cutting it (quite literally as it goes!) question is... what should I be using? My lawn is about 400 sq Mtrs. I like the look of the Hayter Harrier, but too many ££. even second hand they seem to hold their value better than a finely crafted german car!


Any advise gratefully received.




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I would spend a bit more money and buy something better quality, hayter are good, as are Toro and Honda.

You defintely want petrol engined anyway, they have got more power! :hmm:

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I would spend a bit more money and buy something better quality, hayter are good, as are Toro and Honda.

You defintely want petrol engined anyway, they have got more power! :hmm:


Thanks SSS. I know you're right about spending a bit more money. Just Hayter prices make my eyes water... that sort of money I would want to sit on it and have a built in beer holder and a couple of strippers if you know what I mean! Haven't looked at Honda or Toro yet so that's great info.. many thanks again. :hmm:

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Thanks SSS. I know you're right about spending a bit more money. Just Hayter prices make my eyes water... that sort of money I would want to sit on it and have a built in beer holder and a couple of strippers if you know what I mean! Haven't looked at Honda or Toro yet so that's great info.. many thanks again. :hmm:

Toro are a lot of money aswell, Brad isn't too wrong saying honda are good value for money.


The thing you have to think of is parts when the inevitably go wrong, and honda, Hayter and toro parts are easy to get hold of.

Good luck with whatever you choose :hmm:

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If you want to buy a good one then get a lawnflite. I have the 553HWS. It's really very good. Starts first time every time (Honda engine) and a really heavy duty deck that will last for years. We have an older version with the same deck that must be 20 years old and is still going strong. You wont get that with a pressed steel deck on a hayter. It also has a blade brake which means the engine will keep running when the blade is stopped. Most don't do this and the engine cuts out when you stop. That a real pain in the ****.



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If were talking walk along mowers you arn't gonna get much better than a honda for their price. I've got a 4.5 HP petrol one, lovely mower, does the lawn proper and was about £450 quid from Costco's a couple of years ago.


Brad.. the more I read about this the more I'm likeing the Honda option... thanks for your advise my friend... if you get the chance, can you let me know what model you went for ??


Many thanks,


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If you want to buy a good one then get a lawnflite. I have the 553HWS. It's really very good. Starts first time every time (Honda engine) and a really heavy duty deck that will last for years. We have an older version with the same deck that must be 20 years old and is still going strong. You wont get that with a pressed steel deck on a hayter. It also has a blade brake which means the engine will keep running when the blade is stopped. Most don't do this and the engine cuts out when you stop. That a real pain in the ****.




Thanks Harry. Just had a look at the Lawnflite website. only thing is, I was going to go for a rear roller type thing which they don't seem to do.... I know it's childish, but I really fancy a stripey lawn! One final thing. If I promise not to use it on this forum, can I nick your 'fish n chips' logo? Made me chuckle! :hmm:

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You want either a honda or a john deere,they have kawasaki engines. really good mowers do a good job and if you very rarely need parts they are easy to get. Mountfields are ****, they have no redeeming features end of :hmm:

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tbox. i've got a Honda izy 4.5HP. Very good little mowers, do a really nice job on the lawn and reliable as hell. Had mine about 5-6 years, hasn't had one mishap and havent checked the oil for god knows how long. Petrol wise they are very economica. My garden is probably 4-5 tennis courts in size and will only do 1/3 of a tank if that. Overall couldn't reccomend them enough. If you could get one in Cosco or Macros or some place like that, that would probably be your best betl

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They do a roller version but I went for a 4 wheel one because my lawn is a but undulating.

Here is the roller one..... http://www.lawnflite.co.uk/product.php/18/...ller_lawn_mower


They do a car badge of my avatar.




Gulp.. too rich for my blood my friend! I will however be investing in your car badge avatar! actually... might get two and stick one on the lawn mower I eventually buy! :hmm:

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I'd reckomend a honda engine at the least. Mine is some cheap shell, but with a 5.5hp honda bolted on top, motor starts first time every time, and it's 15 years old. My garden is about a half acre, and when I lived in a mobile for 2 years, it was used to cut the silage field that we were resident in :hmm:


The drives done, the shell's rusty, the basket is broken, several wheels have fallen off, I nearly lost a foot due to the blade coming off, but the motor runs sweet as a peach :hmm:



Honda all the way :hmm:

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You want either a honda or a john deere,they have kawasaki engines. really good mowers do a good job and if you very rarely need parts they are easy to get. Mountfields are ****, they have no redeeming features end of :hmm:


Yes. Looked at the mountfield and even the sales bloke in the shop warned me off it! Look good... right up to the point you use them!

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I shopped around and got it from a friend of a friend who owns a garden machinery company and paid £750. RRP was £1100ish.

My lawn is 40x20 meters and we have some other bits to cut around the farm. I wanted something with a big cutting deck, reliable engine and that will last for years.

After my shopping around I was told to steer clear of mountfield and anything from the likes of B&Q. One place showed me their workshop full of them waiting to be fixed.

Buy well, spend the money on Honda or Honda powered and get the best you can or you will regret it.


Don't forget you are not a real man unless you own a petrol mower, chainsaw and an axe.



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I shopped around and got it from a friend of a friend who owns a garden machinery company and paid £750. RRP was £1100ish.

My lawn is 40x20 meters and we have some other bits to cut around the farm. I wanted something with a big cutting deck, reliable engine and that will last for years.

After my shopping around I was told to steer clear of mountfield and anything from the likes of B&Q. One place showed me their workshop full of them waiting to be fixed.

Buy well, spend the money on Honda or Honda powered and get the best you can or you will regret it.


Don't forget you are not a real man unless you own a petrol mower, chainsaw and an axe.





Sound advise.. and by the measure put here, I'm just the petrol mower away from being a real man!

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Brad93, ShotShot and others have got me convinced that Honda engines are the way to go on this one... Is there any problem that Pigeon Watch can't answer!?!


Many thanks to all.... :hmm::hmm:

Why have I got crabs :hmm:

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Why have I got crabs :hmm:


SSS. I'm not sure. If it's all a bit itchy then maybe... yes. Don't worry, a quick trim with either a Honda or a Hayter should see the little ******* side-stepping their way back to the beach! But seriously thanks for your advise mate. I hope you know it was/will be well taken.

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Shooting buddy of mine bought a second hand Hayter from fleebay, loads on there and excellent machines; His one has the metal roller and is self propelled. His is an older model and he paid for about £170 I think, I saw a late 2009 model on there bloke had the receipt still under warranty, he paid £1000 for it and wanted £450. I rekon for about £250 - £300 you can get a very decent machine.


These machines are bullit proof so don't discount a second hand one.

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mountfield are good machines but don't buy one from B&Q and the likes, they are built to a price. go to a proper dealer where they will have different machines. you can get mountfields with ali decks and honda engines ( well you could when i last worked for a dealer ) and they are a bit cheaper than hayter. hayters are bloody good machines but you pay the price. someone said earlier about honda izzy ( however you spell it ) they are great for the money but have a steel deck so you must clean it down and look after it if you want the deck to last. its the same as anything you pay for what you get. the only thing i would say is never buy a mower from B&Q or homebase or argos or any of those type of shops go to a proper dealership. i know they will give you all the sales talk but you will get a better machine and a backup service. when i work in the workshop we used to get all of B&Qs come backs for warrenty repair.


anyhow i htink i've gone on enough.




forgot to say that with the way things are in the current economical climate i bet you could get a good deal from dealer at the mo. mybe get a free service with a bit of discount if you know what i mean.. :hmm:

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If you want a pro stripe go for an Atco Balmoral, you can pick them up for a few hundred quid secondhand (used on football grounds), they will cut your lawn right down to the soil as well (excellent for a cricket pitch :hmm: )


I've also got a Hayter with a Honda engine, my only gripe is that the Honda engines don't like fuel more than a month or two old. Last year I was away for 3 months, came back and the bu***r wouldn't start, took the fuel tank off, emptied, rinsed, refueled with fresh and away it went.

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tbox. i've got a Honda izy 4.5HP. Very good little mowers, do a really nice job on the lawn and reliable as hell. Had mine about 5-6 years, hasn't had one mishap and havent checked the oil for god knows how long. Petrol wise they are very economica. My garden is probably 4-5 tennis courts in size and will only do 1/3 of a tank if that. Overall couldn't reccomend them enough. If you could get one in Cosco or Macros or some place like that, that would probably be your best betl



Honda all the way for me, cost me around 400 quid. The problem is with the cheaper ones is they are restricted due to noise issues, so you cant open up the throttle on them so you can give a bit more stick on the first cut of the season and such like.





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