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Feral Pigeons


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Hi All,


I have been asked to deal with a feral pigeon problem, after clearing a few barns in the usual way :thumbs: with my Rapid.


The problem is that the roosting site is not shootable due to a busy road / footpath being right next to the building & residential properties in close proximity too.


Apart from the 50 foot rule, I would be too visible to passers by and there would be the risk of birds falling into the road / footpath or gardens. There is also the risk of pellets leaving the property area. Not good advertising for shooters !


So, although I can shoot the land 500+ yards away quite safely to make a real dent in the numbers I need to consider other options. There are between 40-50 birds to remove.


I am looking at possible trapping methods, has anyone had any luck with that ?


Netting & wires would be too costly and intrusive.




Edited by AndyCM
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As soon as my batteries recharge for my camera, I will show you my pigeon traps. Very easy to make, very easy to use, and very effective.


Be sure to keep food in them and water, a tin wired to the side is best for water, and if possible one live pigeon after you start catching.


Another hint... dont waste the birds if they are coming from an agriculture residance they make fine eating. They are also a valuable dog training aid.


Will get posts up in a while.



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go back at night a shoot them why they are roosting all you need is a lamp but do it on a dark night they will be in side the barns then  :lol:

i agree with rob go to the shed at night with a torch and an air rifle and shoot them no fuss no pigeons oops sorry ferrals :lol: :thumbs:

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Thanks for the tips Rob / Kirky.


I should have made my original post clearer - the barns were easy, I could have lamped them no problem, but I did not have to, they are sorted.


The new job is not a barn, it's the village church :lol: , and it has a pub opposite, so even though lamping is an option from 4:30pm onwards the regular drinkers might be a bit too interested.


I have also thought about 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, but can see my collar being felt pretty quick.


Another thought was to shoot inside the church, but they do not get in, instead fill the guttering with droppings so when it rains the gutters overflow with white water :thumbs:


I think trapping is the next thing to try but I am open to all suggestions.




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I am sure it is illegal to shoot birds with the aid of a lamp.This is from the wildlife act :thumbs:



Killing and Taking Birds

A number of methods of killing, injuring or taking birds are prohibited. These include gins, springs, traps leg pole traps), snares, nets, bird lime, electrical scaring devices and poisonous or stupefying substances; bows or crossbows, explosives (other than firearm ammunition), any gas or smoke, chemical wetting agent, artificial light, mirror or dazzling device, device for illuminating target or sighting device for night shooting, automatic or semi-automatic weapon (unless it is incapable of holding more than 2 rounds in the magazine), or shotgun with an internal diameter at muzzle more than 1 3/4 inches.


The use of sound recordings and decoys of live birds tethered, blinded or maimed is illegal. It is also an offence to cause or permit such methods to be used. Larsen traps (in which a magpie is kept in a cage) are legal so long as the captive magpie is properly looked after.


It is an offence to use any mechanically propelled vehicle - including boats - in immediate pursuit of a wild bird to kill or take it.


It is an offence for any person to organise or participate in any event where captive birds of any sort are liberated to be shot immediately after liberation, or for a landowner or occupier to permit use of land for such an event.

Edited by kip270
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this is quite interesting, I had a recent conversation with a friend just recently about the same thing. My thoughts were that it is not legal but my friend said the same thing regards pigeons.


I have just looked at the BASC website and the only thing I have found is this, however, I am sure I have read further info on the net suggesting the same as BASC.

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I had an almost identical situation quite a few years ago, with feral pigeons on a small watchtower, next to houses and with daily visitors.


As I could shoot on a nearby Farm and the outbuildings were only about 6-700 yards from the watchtower, I baited the pigeons with wheat grain into the farmyard and shot them with an air rifle.

Its surprising how far those birds will travel in the daytime looking for food.

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A simple but effective pigeon trap I used to make as a kid was to create a box from chicken mesh about 1m tall 1m wide and 1.5 m long . Cut a hole on the long sides at opposite ends with about a 24cm diameter make a two cones about 30 cm long going from 24cm diameter down to 15cm diameter wire the cones to the two holes you have cut place in the open with a small pile of grain in the middle with some grain lightly scaterd outside and a tricle going down the cones.


I used to regularly catch 3-5 in each trap per day. used to attract cats to the traps after a while though if that is not a problem for you then fine but it is worth thinking about.



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Same as DD but larger and to get a good kill do not use the cones to start with,as you need to attract all the birds for miles.

Set it up at the same time every day and feed it,the birds will quickly learn and draw their mates.Then add the cones and get ready to get a big bag!

I use the dipatching pliers as in the post in "for sale" and a dust mask too!

Best of luck matey.

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