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My first shotgun - advice please


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Ive recently got my SGC and im looking for my first shotgun - i looking for an allrounder that will do a bit of everything.


Ive been offered two and would just like your opinions.


New Lanber sporting deluxe, hard case, gun slip and a slab of cartridges for £800




Marocchi finn classic 512s nearly new £600 but immaculate.



I gather the Lanber is a better known gun and also comes with a 5 year warranty so im erring towards that plus the Marocchi when broken felt a little loose.



whats your thought folks




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I'm with Zapp on this. Guns are not like cars - they last a whole lot better. Let someone else take the first price hit. A good secondhand gun will be fine.


I have owned in excess of 50 guns - with probably about ten new ones in there. After I shot them once, they were secondhand and worth a lot less.

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I spent three months looking at different shotguns before I bought.


I thought I would buy a "cheap all rounder" but by reading magazines, talking to shooting friends realised the best way was to "Buy right and buy once."


I then spent a long time looking at guns on guntrader and talking to dealers finally finding a three month old gun that looked like brand new and saving a great deal of cash in the bargain.


As has been said here many times the most important thing is the fit of the gun, then it is the fit of the gun followed by the fit of the gun.


If it fits right it feels right as well.


I may buy another gun or two but I know that my Browning will outlast me and will never need replacing.


When you have bought your gun then find a shooting instructor who can start you off shooting correctly with your gun rather than changing your gun because you can't shoot well with it. Its far better to start with good shooting habits than have to correct bad habits later on.


The Lanber was up there on my list of guns and comes highly recommend so it looks like your gun has found you, now find the best deal and don't be shy of second hand

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theres a fair few lads that use them down at my local clay ground , never seen anyone have any problems with one as of yet and they look pretty tidy too... but with this knowledge and ownership of a berettas and brownings , i now have a mint B525 it suits me in fit and shoots flat the way i like it and will last a lifetime (its weird when you pick the right gun up as you just know its right from the get go), having picked lanbers up and had a play with a few im not 100% convinced there built to last aswell as the brownings and miroku's .... but at the price you can pick them up for there an exceptional bit of kit ... id of owned one if the browning didnt suit me aswell as it did ... the lanber felt quiet neutral imo...nothing bad about it .....

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