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My most favourite rifle I have owned .


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I sat musing tonight ,like one does and thought to my self of all the rifles I have owned over the years what one was my favourite .


With out a doubt my BSA CF2 with the set trigger in .270 was undoubtly my most favourite rifle . It was incredibly accurate with 130 grain bullets and used to hit very hard . When you shot a deer with it you would hear the bullet strike and it sounded like some body beating a carpet . You could see dust coming off the beast or a great cloud of moisture if the deer was wet .


I enterd a sporting rifle compertiton many years ago at bisley . Only genuine sporting rifles were allowed to take part with no target rifles or specked up tactical things that some people like to shoot . The comp was over 600 yards and was free style ,I choose to shoot my rifle off a single point sling and wearing a proper prone shooting jacket and mitt . I used a 10 magnification scope and home loaded ammo . I managed to shoot a very credible 98 .6 which gave me second place and was only beaten by 2 v bulls . The accuracy I was achieving that day with the rifle would have been good enough to kill roe deer at 600 yards .


Yes I did love that old rifle I wished I had never sold it , but a pro ,stalker that I used to help out with clients and culling crazed me sell it to him and like a fool I let it go . Any how ,whats your all time favourite rifle you have owned .?


Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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:drinks: thats just bad!


now tell Harnser you didn't give it the chop or he'll be forever worrying





held it by the barrel and bent it round the gate post is what I heard :yes:



...after using it to knock in the aforementioned gatepost.

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I can't really speak with the same time proven experience that you have Harnser, but I think my favourite rifle was my BRNO 602 .375H&H Mag. It was powerful, quite pleasant to shoot and accurate. More to the point it was a scruffy old dog but it did its job well.



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I sat musing tonight ,like one does and thought to my self of all the rifles I have owned over the years what one was my favourite .


With out a doubt my BSA CF2 with the set trigger in .270 was undoubtly my most favourite rifle . It was incredibly accurate with 130 grain bullets and used to hit very hard . When you shot a deer with it you would hear the bullet strike and it sounded like some body beating a carpet . You could see dust coming off the beast or a great cloud of moisture if the deer was wet .


I enterd a sporting rifle compertiton many years ago at bisley . Only genuine sporting rifles were allowed to take part with no target rifles or specked up tactical things that some people like to shoot . The comp was over 600 yards and was free style ,I choose to shoot my rifle off a single point sling and wearing a proper prone shooting jacket and mitt . I used a 10 magnification scope and home loaded ammo . I managed to shoot a very credible 98 .6 which gave me second place and was only beaten by 2 v bulls . The accuracy I was achieving that day with the rifle would have been good enough to kill roe deer at 600 yards .


Yes I did love that old rifle I wished I had never sold it , but a pro ,stalker that I used to help out with clients and culling crazed me sell it to him and like a fool I let it go . Any how ,whats your all time favourite rifle you have owned .?


Harnser .



Well..it's been a love hate relationship as it cost me a fortune and about 2 years of cuts, scopes, mounts, mods, and then lead in the stock to get it right...but I guess my T3 Lite Stainless .223 wins the prize. No special work at all, just a pain of a job to get some balance, but it works now.....


600 yards at Bisley 2 weeks ago, and rifle loaned to another member of this site to try his own home brew ammo, compliments to the ammo, BUT, it was my rifle..... just 10 shots fired, 8 V Bulls and 2 Bulls, witnessed by me and the rest of the club, my grin got bigger and bigger as the Orange kept coming up! :good:

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I was very fond of a BSA CF2 .270 I had a while ago, Bought it off a stalker down in norfolk but decided it grouped like a shotgun so I ran a hacksaw through it.... :good:


Now I know you are are joshing me ,I sold the rifle before you were born .


Harnser .

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Now I know you are are joshing me ,I sold the rifle before you were born .


Harnser .


I am Harsner....and you most likely did....was only funning and didn't mean any bad :good:


My favorite rifle is my current weatherby, I have made a few mods and we did go through a bad patch with each other but now we seem to be in harmony and everything is just right.....


Laying prone in long grass the other night in the rain I watched a buck for a good 35 mins at about 120 yards, then took a shot and it was where I wanted it, it was one of those times you pat the rifle and say....well done....





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I have not owned many rifles (Unless you include air rifles) but out of those that I have owned my favourite without a doubt is my CZ452 Varmint in 17HMR. I say this not only because it gets used almost every day and is extremely accurate and versatile for me dealing with all types of "vermin" with ease and efficiency (See Photo) but this rifle means so much to me because it was the first rifle that I managed to pay for out of the money I was saving from quitting smoking!

The quitting smoking was such a challenge for me and such an achievement that this rifle always reminds me of how much I was abusing my body and how much I was spending on that abuse! I very much doubt if I will ever part with my "Hummer" no matter what the circumstances!


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not had many rifles, but my favourite so far is my 10/22. took me a while to get it running perfectly, and even longer fiddling about with the stock, etc, to get it set up the way i want, but now its perfect - its so well balanced it feels like an extension of me, its accurate, cycles faultlessly, and most importantly it does everything i ask of it.


but ask me in a year or so when ive got my hmr broke in and it may be a different story :good:

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