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New direction for anti fox hunting fraternity

old rooster

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I think I may be maturing, god I feel old, going to have a beer now and maybe a lie down.





Now that proves that you aren't getting old, you still talk of beer, when you say cocoa - that's when to worry! :)


Right I'm off for a nice Horlicks - Night all..



Laters geezer.






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It is all very well being tolerant when it suits but we are all guilty of intolerance otherwise mimic wouldn't have got banned would he? After all he was only expressing his opinion to which he is entitled..


(sorry to drag you into it ^mimic^ but you suit my case in this instance)



I do not think mimic was suspended because people disagreed with his opinion.

I seem to recall it was due to abusive posting.


You may wish to choose a better example to make your point.

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There is no link between halal slaughter and fox hunting. How many muslims did you see trying to sabotage fox hunts?


Let's quit trying to nit pick the different methods people have of killing animals. At the end of the day, an animal has to die. So you anaesthesize the animal and then killit. A great way for you to make yourself feel better but how the **** do you know it's painless? Have you ever anesthesized yourself and slit your throat? I thought not. That brings me to another point. Halal and non-halal slaughter bring about death to the animal in the same way i.e. by haemorrhage.

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There is no link between halal slaughter and fox hunting. How many muslims did you see trying to sabotage fox hunts?


Let's quit trying to nit pick the different methods people have of killing animals. At the end of the day, an animal has to die. So you anaesthesize the animal and then killit. A great way for you to make yourself feel better but how the **** do you know it's painless? Have you ever anesthesized yourself and slit your throat? I thought not. That brings me to another point. Halal and non-halal slaughter bring about death to the animal in the same way i.e. by haemorrhage.


I didn't say there was a direct link, merely that a traditional English pastime was banned out of hand while an alien form of ritual, unnecessarily cruel slaughter was carrying on.


It was merely to point out the totally unbalanced society we live in where we pander to nasty little groups of vociferous people while heavy handedly dealing with the grass roots members. My later posts expressed further widely agreed views on other areas of inequality where English people are treated less fairly than new immigrants. We've recently seen a case where asylum seekers cynically gunned down 2 police officers, killing one in a failed robbery.


We’ve recently seen race riots in Birmingham, not between coloured and white people but two different “ethnic minority groups”, total disruption in our country.


I'm not going to get into a slanging match with B.Liar supporters and general do gooders as it wasn't the original point.


Enoch Powell was right, it will all end in tears and we can fairly place the blame on successive governments who have been too lilly livered to face up to and deal with the problems.


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There is no link between halal slaughter and fox hunting.


I didn't say there was a direct link, merely that a traditional English pastime was banned out of hand while an alien form of ritual, unnecessarily cruel slaughter was carrying on.


Old Rooster


You are completley correct and it pains me that some folk have missed your point

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I'm not going to get into a slanging match with B.Liar supporters and general do gooders as it wasn't the original point.



Rooster I was glad that this hadn't decended into a slanging match as well. But please don't assume to know my politics because I object to you calling everyone in this country who is not white:

nasty little groups of vociferous people
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I totally agree with old rooster, I dont think he intended it to be a race issue he was just highlighting the fact that we as Englishmen are less able to follow our tradition and heritage yet are forced to accept things that are alien to our country for the sake of being politically correct. The old saying each to their own has started to seem very unfair in the case of the country sportsman.

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I do not think mimic was suspended because people disagreed with his opinion.

I seem to recall it was due to abusive posting.


You may wish to choose a better example to make your point.

Sorry to disagree but the point I am making is that in that instance mimic had a point of view which he freely stated, in an abusive manner maybe but then surely if you are talking about tolerance then that extends beyond reasonable thought.


Or is it that we are tolerant to the point which it suits us as individuals? That being the case then the whole issue is down to personal limits therefore there are a select few who can decide what is acceptable and what isn't - sounds like dictatorship to me...


(this isn't a rant at the admins on this site by the way, you chaps have a job to do and perform it well, it is just that there is a direct comparison between "life" and the forum community.)



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I totally agree with old rooster, I dont think he intended it to be a race issue he was just highlighting the fact that we as Englishmen are less able to follow our tradition and heritage yet are forced to accept things that are alien to our country for the sake of being politically correct.



This is the whole point is it not

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Rooster I was glad that this hadn't decended into a slanging match as well. But please don't assume to know my politics because I object to you calling everyone in this country who is not white:
nasty little groups of vociferous people

I didn't mention colour did I ?, it isn't about colour old chap, more to do with attitude, the thieving ******* ****** are in there with all the other disruptive, antisocial elements who get away with murder.


I've no problem with gays getting married, even went as far as getting my old boy scout suit down to the cleaners when I heard Elton was going for it just in case I got an invite :)

Edited by old rooster
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I didn't mention colour did I ?, it isn't about colour old chap, more to do with attitude, the thieving ******* ****** are in there with all the other disruptive, antisocial elements who get away with murder.


I've no problem with gays getting married, even went as far as getting my old boy scout suit down to the cleaners when I heard Elton was going for it just in case I got an invite :)

Ok then I have misread what you are saying. No hard feelings?

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None at all, everybody is entitled to their opinion, well at least for the time being and anyone expressing them publicly must be prepared for others to voice contrary views. It's another fundamental freedom of our society but even that is getting twisted to allow some to make blatant religion based threats of violence while those threatened risk charges of racism if they respond.


IMHO opinions should really be based on looking closely at the actual facts rather than accepting the bol*lox we get dished out by the liars in government.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how things are going. Be honest, it's come to a pretty poor old state when councils in parts of our country are considering not openly celebrating Chrimbo for fear of offending ethnic minorities innit ?


It is still (currently) a Christian country after all.

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IMHO opinions should really be based on looking closely at the actual facts rather than accepting the bol*lox we get dished out by the liars in government.


Out of interest rooster, do you think anyone of, or in the political parties has an agenda that reflects our rights and that of our sport’s needs in a positive manner, my view is all of them will switch to popular opinion or are forced to adopt by minorities who shout if it wins them favour rather than risk offending


it wont be long before we are a non shooting, non hunting, non fishing, veggie muslin state,

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I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture.

Since the terrorist attacks on London, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Brits. However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled and the "politically correct" crowd begin complaining about the possibility that our patriotism is offending others.


I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some

born here, need to understand. This idea of London being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.


This culture has been developed over centuries of wars, struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic,Chinese,Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, LEARN THE LANGUAGE!


"In God We Trust" is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles,founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture. If the St. George's Cross offends you, or you

don't like " A Fair Go", then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.


We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY,OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE". If you aren't happy here then f#@k off! We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.


Pretty easy really, when you think about it.



I couldn’t agree more…very well put. Now I’m willing to bet that a (large) majority of ‘true brits’ would agree but as usual no one’s listening however why not send a copy to #10. If you visit www.number10.gov.uk you can write, fax or e-mail Mr B liar direct. The site also lists a number of high-ranking staff at #10 who might also like to see a copy. If enough people sent this in someone, somewhere might just take some notice. At least it might make the daily news! Do the chain mail thingy and send this to 10 people you know with the request that they send it to 10 people they know etc etc and pretty soon someone, somewhere is gonna have to take notice!


If this takes off we could form our own political party…the PWF the Pigeon Watchers Front :lol: Up the revolution!


Merry Christmas (or should that just be Merry Holiday)

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I couldn’t agree more…very well put. Now I’m willing to bet that a (large) majority of ‘true brits’ would agree but as usual no one’s listening however why not send a copy to #10. If you visit www.number10.gov.uk you can write, fax or e-mail Mr B liar direct. The site also lists a number of high-ranking staff at #10 who might also like to see a copy. If enough people sent this in someone, somewhere might just take some notice. At least it might make the daily news! Do the chain mail thingy and send this to 10 people you know with the request that they send it to 10 people they know etc etc and pretty soon someone, somewhere is gonna have to take notice!


If this takes off we could form our own political party…the PWF the Pigeon Watchers Front ;) Up the revolution!


Merry Christmas (or should that just be Merry Holiday)

Coincidentally I put up a post recently giving the link to Mr. B.Liars email address, I've sent him several but alas I've yet to receive a reply. I've no doubt that he's had his work cut out dealing with the spontaneous combustion of his underpants of late, given his track record he must have scorch marks right up his spineless back. :):lol:


On another note I read in todays Daily Mail that a dark person granted asylum is currently in court for masterminding a £20million postal fraud. Call me old fashioned but I consider that a very cynical abuse of the sanctuary we've offered to him. Still it keeps the plod in work I guess, his gang is estimated to number over 200 !!!


I wonder if he will be repatriated once he's served a paltry prison sentence, probably not, just let out to do the same again like that nice young man recently released early who stabbed an innocent father to death in front of his family while trying to rob him.


Time to get real methinks, drastic measures required to turn things around and return to a sane society.

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I do not think mimic was suspended because people disagreed with his opinion.

I seem to recall it was due to abusive posting.


You may wish to choose a better example to make your point.

Sorry to disagree but the point I am making is that in that instance mimic had a point of view which he freely stated, in an abusive manner maybe but then surely if you are talking about tolerance then that extends beyond reasonable thought.


Or is it that we are tolerant to the point which it suits us as individuals? That being the case then the whole issue is down to personal limits therefore there are a select few who can decide what is acceptable and what isn't - sounds like dictatorship to me...


(this isn't a rant at the admins on this site by the way, you chaps have a job to do and perform it well, it is just that there is a direct comparison between "life" and the forum community.)



Your comparison is still incorrect, in my opinion.


We all have different levels of tolerance to abusive language and behaviour, but on this site, Admin has to make the decisions on behalf of all people viewing (and the Owner and the Server), as to what is acceptable.


Every attempt is made to be fair and give people the chance to express themselves.


If I though this site was a "dictatorship", in the sense of selective censorship as you are suggesting, I would not post here.

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Sorry big C we are coming at this from different places.


I'm not saying that this site is run as a dictatorship, if you read the bit in brackets I think that you guys have a tough job and do it well.


I am only saying that in my opinion tolerance is based on the nature of the individual, one extreme of this is dictatorship.


As mods you guys need to apply rules and act against perpertrators of those rules but it is still up to you to excersice discipline as you see fit, this being the case you are subject to either showing tolerance or not.


In the case of Muslims carrying out Halal butchery the government chooses to turn a blind eye, in the case of fox hunting they haven't.


Whoever banned mimic looked at his posts and made their mind up that he was acting in an unsatisfactory manner and that he needed dealing with, had they been more tolerant then they may have given him more warnings or banned him for a few days.


It's only my opinion and not losing friends over, anyway I love this site so I wouldn't stir up trouble for my self :)



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I've gotta join in on this...amazing how a thread can go off on one...no idea who mimic was/is BUT sounds like he was banned for abusive language not simple abuse (which we all seem to hand out on here at different levels). I think we all have a sense of what is and what isn't acceptable (or we should have) and bad **** ing language isn't, certainly not on a public forum. In any event it never gets a point across in a way that will be accepted. Reasoned arguement...just like you here every day on Today in Parliament :)

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If I can add, I would like to think that we dont seem to suffer as much as other forums. Infact I think most of us here, are here because we are fed up with the nonsense that happens elsewhere. Perhaps this is due to the fact that misfits and misbehavour are not tolerated on here. I rather like the site the way it is and the way it is run. :)

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Don't worry BH, i'm sure I speak for myself and others, its not meant personally. I guess thats why threads so often go 'off topic' as it can be, at times, very easy to mis-interprut the way a statement is made and meant. Expression is also hard to show in words and smileys. :)

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