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bolt action and pump action shotguns

welsh warrior

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not in the slightest but I'll stick with they are **** for clays or vermin control when compared to a semi, may work fine on fridges but there are better guns out there. Cost isn't the big issue as I wouldn't advise an expensive semi, as said mine was pretty cheap and has been faultless, racking the action doesn't let you take the second or third shot anywhere near as fast and by your own admission it makes you pause which is fine if you need that distraction but personally I'd prefer to have another shot before the bird is out of range

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Personally I wouldn't bother and just get a decent semi auto, you'll shoot better with it and fire 3 shots an awful lot faster and more accurately than if you have to pump between shots. People buy them for kicks and fun then realise in the field they are ****



:angry: My wife always shoots with a pump action and says she doesn't know where you get that idea from but then a bad workman always blames his tools and she has been shooting with a Mossberg 500ATP for over ten years and she wouldn't look back.

When I bought it for her the guy in the shop said she would either get on with it or hate it as we part exchanged her side by side for it, her shooting within the first week improved tenfold with one nights shooting accounting for 21 Rabbits and one Fox at the end of the day it is down to personal choice and what you can work well with.


I also agree with Ozzy Fudd.


By the way Mossberg 835 ultimag's are 3.5inch chamberd

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Have I lost the plot or are we talking about the loading mechanism of a shotgun ? As with anything, some like,some do not. I personally like having the same as a semi auto that I do not have to climb walls to get empty cases and am assured that the next round will be chambered . I think there will be more on here who like them rather than not. Most on here will be average at least with a shotgun so to be so exacting with the technicalities is mis placed. They are just guns.

This is how rubbish pumps are for those rubbish American shooters:


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i will add me little bit to i guess ... i used to have a franchi 712 semi 3 shot and ill tell the truth it never miss fired jamed even on very light loads it did only once when i didnt clean it tho. but i know what he means by spray and pray. i could fire all 3 shots on two clays and some times i might even miss them both or just get the one with the first shot. and im a good shot and some of the others are to and they stlll find it hard to hit them when you get trigger happy.but my idea for a pump is becuase i have heard they are just so good in the feild just keeps doing it job all day in all weathers where i shoot is very rugged and i shoot alot in the winter so wet to so i want something that can take a beating but still give me that fast action eg a pump.. semis for me seam very picky if you clean them or not to me.also its not just the point that i have heard that they are a workmans gun i will be honest i like the way they look and work i mean who doesnt :good: right? and i will say it again i thought i was going to get abuse for even thinking pump but it seams that its got a fan base from my view. got to clam it down tho with the gun buying ive got 2 already another 2 coming back plus i want a pump and my fac has passed so might have to get another gun safe :drinks:

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  • 5 months later...

Can't believe I've not spotted this thread before now....I LOVE pumps! Have had several,and still have three. Mossi 500 in .410,Winchester Model 12 in 20 bore,and a synthetic 870 in 12 bore.Not as fast as a semi,but twice as much fun,and once you get proficient with one you'd be surprised how fast they can be,even on bolting bunnies!Handy in a hedge also as they tend not to chuck your empties into the next field!Go on,get one,you know you want to!Also....on a juvenile note,there's nothing quite like the sound of a pump being 'racked'! :yes: When you find one,try and stop yourself smiling the first time you rack it!

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i have owned both in .410 and 12 respectivley, a bolt is ok in .410 for bunnies and squirrels but slighlty awkward in a 12, a pump is ok but looked down upon on a more formal shoot and usually on clay grounds as you cant show they are safe, good if you shoot by yourself though as they are quite reliable knockabout guns.

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Hiya, I cant compare Bolt against Pump, BUT, I very recently bought a 12G Mossberg 500AT pump from a crackin member on here, cost very little,( got that and a Semi, as well as a .410 bolt for £200 ) and it shoots great, as said, it did take a wee bit getting used to,compared to my O/U at least, but once thats done, it's an easy gun to shoot..It's also a cheap Wildfowling, and Foxing gun,which is why it was bought, as it fires 3 in Magnums , no jams of any kind, and I'm liking it more and more... :good: I'd certainly recommend one to anyone wanting one for wildfowling or foxing....:)NOT that i'm any sort of expert BTW, But the gun does suit me.. :D

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welsh warrior bought a winchester 120 12 bore.. 110 quid 2nd hand but the guy never used it .. i took it on the clays got 39 out of 50 with it never going to both with semi autos again i dont think pumps i find are much more durable and i find better to shoot ..other than if i was going to use 3 inch mags 40 plus grms in it lol i might like the recoil spring lol

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Have I lost the plot or are we talking about the loading mechanism of a shotgun ? As with anything, some like,some do not. I personally like having the same as a semi auto that I do not have to climb walls to get empty cases and am assured that the next round will be chambered . I think there will be more on here who like them rather than not. Most on here will be average at least with a shotgun so to be so exacting with the technicalities is mis placed. They are just guns.

This is how rubbish pumps are for those rubbish American shooters:


He moves pretty quick, for a tub of lard :lol:

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He moves pretty quick, for a tub of lard :lol:


He also has very little regard for safety, at the end he points the muzzle of the gun uprange towards the cameraman as he butt strokes the target, if there was a live round in the gun the jolt from that impact can fire a shotgun of this type as there is only a trigger block safety & no firing pin or sear safety on the 870.


The guy can shoot but he's also clearly dangerous to be around :oops:



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