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seriously.....whats it got to do with you?? alot younger than you im guessing


haha calm down mate, if thats what makes you sick you should watch the news,prepare yourself though youll be horrified, im just voicing an opinion, and i couldnt care less how i make you feel to be honest but i think sick is a bit extreme, chill boss


hows that any business of yours?


A very mature and well reasoned argument you have there :yes:

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It's very rare that I put a post on this or any other forum that is meant to put someone down but in this case I am going to make an exception!

I have very little money to play about with and use for my "hobby" so to pay for my shooting I have to save up the money I would have normally spent on tobacco and booze or I would not be able to afford to continue. It's what I call making sacrifices for the little luxuries that you want in life, which I have to do and am happy to do. Sure, I would love to be able to afford "nice expensive scopes and brand new rifles" but I can't and that's all there is to it! I make do with what I have (which is not much compared to some others) but I am more than delighted with what I do have! Do you hear me (Or any other members of this forum come to that) getting jelous or putting stupid or rude remarks up about those that can afford better things than they have - NO? As for the comments and questions about "Donating to Jacks Fund", how do we know that KP (Or anyone else come to that) hasn't already donated to this or any other good cause or charity - Some might like to know if you have yet being as you are rude enough to question others about it Toolazydecoy. Some people like to give "without broadcasting what they have done to all and sundry" and what business is it of anyone elses if KP or anyone else has or hasn't doneted to Jacks or anyone elses fund or charity anyway? (Before you have the impertinence to ask me Toolazydecoy "YES I have done what I can for Jacks Fund and for several other charities that I support")

Some of us just get on with life and make the most of the hand we have been dealt with no matter how poor it might seem, I suggest that you try to do the same as well Toolazydecoy. Instead of spending your time trying to find fault with others for the way that they conduct their lives and they way that they spend their money you might be better spending your time trying to work out a way of bettering your life and then you too might be able to buy the nice things that you abviously lust over but begrudge others from having! If you continue to go through life making comments about others like you have done on this thread I suspect that you will have a very lonely life with very few friends because at the moment you don't seem to be winning any on here!


By the way PK - That's a cracking scope you have there KP, I hope it does you proud - and yes, I am as jelous as hell but what the heck, enjoy it mate!

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im not sticking up for toolazydecoy here, because he did totally go over the top over something minor which wasnt his business :hmm: the one thing i will say is that he has been doing alot of work for the charity mentioned - he's painting alot of members stocks at the moment and not taking payment for it, he's just asked that donations are made to the charity instead, and i know of a few other things that he's got planned. weve all over reacted to something on here thats got on our nerves a bit or we feel strongly about, so dont judge the lad too harshly :yes:


ps nice scope, im jealous now :yes::no:

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seriously.....whats it got to do with you?? alot younger than you im guessing




haha calm down mate, if thats what makes you sick you should watch the news,prepare yourself though youll be horrified, im just voicing an opinion, and i couldnt care less how i make you feel to be honest but i think sick is a bit extreme, chill boss




hows that any business of yours?


Firstly i would like to be quote in a bit more context in future. Secondly I am clearly not your 'mate' although i don't mind being called boss :hmm: . Thirdly maybe you should make yourself more open to a bit of sarcasm and over exaggeration (although people like you do really get on my tits :yes: ) Finally, referring to the last person you replied to questioning how much you have donated if anything at all what on earth did you expect? going on mouthing off about how he should have donated the money to the charity instead of buying a scope he had been working towards for over a year?



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Toolazydecoy. Boy you live up to your name either tool or to lazy, take your pick. You are I am sure a young chap who would be better off working rather than coming on here with such pathetic comments. I have met some scroats in my life but would guess you would be right up there.

What anybody spends their money on is their own business, and not yours. It’s nobody else’s fault if you are incapable of earning a living. but out and let the guy enjoy a great scope. people like you make me very angry. a right little young *****.


well done on the scope mate, you couldn’t have bought a better optic, it will truly make your shooting that bit more enjoyable, have years of fun with it and forget about the pathetic specimen who put these ridiculous posts up. not part of the shooting community I know.



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