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Decisions Decisions....


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As above really, ive currently got a CZ452 - lovely rifle thats served me well and i'm sure will continue to.


I'm looking to upgrade to a more accurate, better built mid price range rifle that will perform equally in the field and club enviroment and have been thinking about one of the above, any thoughts or past experinces would be welcome.


Cheers Gray.

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the annie is superb the trigger and bolt are great. the bolts on the annie are abit clicky when cocking tho but nothing to worry about.


i have the 1417 and its lovely and accurate. but no more so then the cz style i had before it. if you really want the annie get it. but if it was me i would stick to the cz

if your only really bunny bashing and not bothered about getting the rifle knocked about

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Thanks for all your replies, i got offered £275 part ex on the CZ but still have another 2 x .22 slots open to me so will prob keep it (poss for a future dedicated night sight setup) aswell as the now 90% decided Anshulz.


I also looked at a Sako quad but didnt like the look of the synthetic stock or the feel of the rifle - it was nice dont get me wrong but just didnt fit me or feel comfortble if that makes sense. The Browning looked and felt a lot better, although after investigation i now appreciate that its as a couple of you have said not really an upgrade but an equal to the CZ. (for some reason i always thought Browning a was much better branding)


The one thing left to do as a decider is to have a play and proper look at the Anshulz, so far im only working off advice / reviews. Need to check the clicky bolt out - so far none of my local dealers have any to look at, all the reviews speak very highly of it as does my local gunsmith.


Cheers Gray

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I replied on your thread at the BBS that I thought the T-Bolt synthetic felt horrible, and actually you have reminded me that I felt the same way about the Quad Synthetic too.


Normally I love synthetic stocks, but those two were nasty. What I actually bought in the end was a Sako 85 in synthetic/stainless for my .243, and having spent that much I lowered my expectations and got a CZ 452 synthetic for the 17 HMR.

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Hi john, guys -


on sensible reflection and replies from a few peeps on other sites i reckon ive pretty much been talked into keeping the "devil i know" and just do up what ive got - possibly a better fitting stock etc although the annie and browning look really nice, for a lot less money i could get a nice better fitting stock etc and still have the same accuracy (75% shooter i know)


I thought both rifles would be a class above in terms of shootability and accuracy but it appears not, many thanks for all replies , ill just tighten up my positions lol - in fact despite the lousy weather i might head out to the fields and have a mooch about with both the HMR and .22.


cheers, Gray

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Sounds like a good plan. So far I have only used the CZ HMR in the field. I did take the .22 Annie out last week, but the ground is still so hard I am afraid of ricochet.


I am getting the hang of the HMR, but I reckon I will do the trigger kit sometime soon.

Edited by john_r
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If you havent seen it already....




That review is not that helpful! OK, it shows the mag pretty well, and shows you can shoot & reload really fast (like that matters so much), but nothing about accuracy nor trigger, and wastes time on the scope and mod.

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That review is not that helpful! OK, it shows the mag pretty well, and shows you can shoot & reload really fast (like that matters so much), but nothing about accuracy nor trigger, and wastes time on the scope and mod.



Whooooo easy tiger ,Chrispti only went to the trouble of searching for and posting a video that may have been of use to you or the thread starter. He didnt make the video ... If you have some issues with it probably best you have a chat with gunmart..Bit harsh to have a pop at him mate . At the end of the day the post starter asked for advice and chrispti was kind enough to take time to have a look around for him . !!! :cry1:

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It all depends on what you want......


I've had a couple of CZ, Krico, Annie, Sako etc.


What was the most accurate - the Sako Finfire (pre the Quad). If you can get hold of one then buy it quick as you will not get a better rifle. The trigger was excellent and the plastic magazines the best I have come across to snap in place when you are lamping at night etc.


What was the best to 'hold' and get onto target - an Annie with a thumb hole stock. I have one.


The Krico was very accurate too - I had the model with the full length Mannlicher stock, and it looked beautiful. Shouldn't have sold it.


Now I ain't knocking the accuracy of CZ, as I have shot hundreds of rabbits with them over the years. Currently I love the Annie as the stock is great and the trigger is fabulous. However, the magazine is fiddly to fit in a hurry.


You pays your money and takes your choice. If everyone had the same then it would be a boring world and nothing to argue about.



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Actually, I told the Gunmart girls what I thought when I saw them at the CLA Gamefair. They were handing out bags with a free copy of Gunmart and Shooting Sports, and I took one as I wanted to compare the price of a gun I had seen. She asked me if I would subscribe to which I said no. She then asked if I liked Shooting Sports to which I replied that I thought it was just Gunmart all over again. :/ She was somewhat defensive in her unhappy response... :

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Well i have the Tbolt and i will give my opinion(slightly biased),trigger is **** being a yank rifle,the lightest pull was near 7lb,no trigger kits when i bought mine so i settled for a trigger eez which reduced the pull to around 3.5lb.Bolt,fantastic im right handed but my eyes only work on side lights(lol)and shoot from my left eye,when i was looking at 22lr`s i found cycling other rifles with my left hand rather awkward and seemed to always be catching my thumb knuckle between bolt and comb.With the browning i just shoot then cycle a new round in with my right hand,and i must say its a smooth cycle.Magazine,no problems here even in the dark.Now the important bit accuracy,blloody briliant i can hit paper staples at around 50 mtr and put 10 rounds on top of each other give or take a few mil. slightly ammo fussy, with eley giving a tighter grouping.

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Why change (unless you want flash) CZ are IMO and those of many professionals I know among the most accurate, well built and long lasting guns you can buy and best value for money to boot!


I hardly ever re-zero mine and they are all bog standard out of the box rifles. They travel round with me in the truck and get used all the time and as a tool for the job I wouldn't bother with anything else.


Doesn't mean I don't appreciate a really nice well made hand made rifle but never had that sort of money!

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