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Thoughts on shooting warning signs


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I have some pigeon shooting on fields where the public footpath goes diagonally across the field so am considering making up some Warning signs. Do any of you use them regularly as I'm thinking of making a bunch.


Any comments/suggestions about this layout/wording?




I can add in a contact phone number and "BASC Insured" logo or leave it blank and the picture can denote different animals: Fox, Pigeon, Rabbit etc.

Edited by Colster
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I'd get rid of the pigeon graphic. It does nothing to add extra meaning to the sign and detracts from the Warning nature of the sign. Other than that it does what it's meant to.


EDIT: Meant to say, then shift the 'Shooting in Progress' up to takes its places and make that bolder.

Edited by Markio
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I reckon a sign of sorts could be useful. A few weeks back a lady came walking toward me with a Cocker waddling along by her side....I put the gun aside and stood up so she wouldn't be spooked as she'd obviously not noticed me or the hide, she started to apologise, I told her not to be so daft and waved her past. As she walked by she turned toward her dog and said 'yes, I know, strange isn't it....come along'?! :hmm: With a sign up she'd perhaps of gone 'tother way.

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I'd get rid of the pigeon graphic. It does nothing to add extra meaning to the sign and detracts from the Warning nature of the sign. Other than that it does what it's meant to.


EDIT: Meant to say, then shift the 'Shooting in Progress' up to takes its places and make that bolder.


I'm trying to avoid it screaming "WARNING" too loud, more cautionary. As the public will still have access to the footpath, it's just to avoid any panic when the users round the corner to be faced with camo and guns. To be fair, we set up where we have full view of the foot path so we will see them before they see us.


I'm intending it to state that the public are still free to walk along there but just to be aware.

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Good idea,but i'd leave your phone number off.Last thing you want is complete strangers with a means of contacting you incase they object to what you're doing and decide to ring you in the small hours when sleeping!



Fair point, I'm just trying different ideas out at the mo.

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it looks good, and gives walkers the correct infomation, prehaps use the wording "pest control, culling in progress" you can pick up free phone sims everywhere now days, so it would'ent be that hard to set up a phone and number purely for when using the signs, thus save giving out your own personnal number, and of course you then only need to switch it on, whilst shooting

although some may be weary of placing signs for fear of drawing attention to themselves, at the end of the day, as long as your following all the rules/permission etc, then the law is on your side, and having warning signs in place, ticks more boxes on your part, rather than an irate walker complaining to plod

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I shoot on some old redundant apple orchards (60 acres) that have a footpath run through it and possible staff wander in from the factory,to gain permission on this ground i had to do the following;

1,licence presented


3,first aid kit

4,clean up

5,book in every time and sign out

6,park in designated area

7,read shooting practices manual they had done

8,put out warning signs at entrances to orchard


The signs that they had made after they consulted solicitor say,'WARNING VERMIN CONTROL IN PROGRESS,PROCEED WITH CAUTION'.

I would avoid putting the words TO AVOID HARM,sounds bad and implies that you may shoot someone,good idea to put up signs but keep it simple warning with no numbers or pictures just straight to the point.

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Had to shrink the picture a bit but it says "..to avoid alarm"



I think it is a case of taking all reasonable precautions that suit you and the landowner.

My buddy and I were asked by a farmer to control a field riddled with Rabbits. People had become used to walking their dogs on the field and treated it like common land but there was no footpath. We put signs on the the gate that read "Private property, shooting in progress, no admittance".

So the dog walkers were hanging over the gate looking for us and, when one of them decided to walk round the field looking for us, we decided it was best to pack up.


We went and Ferreted it instead.

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Some people just ignore the signs anyway. We are always getting dog walkers walking across the land. They will say that they have done so for years along the tracks which are'nt public footpaths. We can be in the hide banging guns off into the sky at pigeon making enough noise to compete with an anti aircraft battery but that don't stop the Mutt walking brigade.

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